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Gone, Odd
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
19, February 2006, 
19, February 2006, 
19, February 2006, 
18, February 2006, 
18, February 2006, 
18, February 2006, 
18, February 2006, 
18, February 2006, 
15, February 2006, 
15, February 2006, 
15, February 2006, 
15, February 2006, 
15, February 2006, 
11, February 2006, 
11, February 2006, 
11, February 2006, 
11, February 2006, 
11, February 2006, 
9, February 2006, 
9, February 2006, 
9, February 2006, 
3, February 2006, 
3, February 2006, 
3, February 2006, 
2, February 2006, 
2, February 2006, 
2, February 2006, 
2, February 2006, 
2, February 2006, 

> 1, February 2006, 
    Specs, Roar
Today, Tomorrow
Awesome, Future
Female, Sir
Spleen, Monster
Flat, Word
Beer, Pancakes
Remember, Emotions
Supreme, Overlord
Sexless, Lovers
Processed, Character
Nice, Teaching
Real, People
Meaningless, Questions
False, Conversationalist
Jesus, Duck, Dog
Happy, Function
Dad, Gutter
Maximum, Age
Grumpy, Teenager
Dream, Turmoil
Bull****, Generator
911, Heartbreaker
Great, Job
Love, Story
Sweet, Cries
Complement, Compliment
Better, Hungarian
Better, Hungarian

Gone, Odd

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Who are you?

A benevolent characterization of ODd.

user: What does that mean?

jabberwacky: You know what it means.

user: What is ODd?

jabberwacky: You are odd.

user: Why is that?

jabberwacky: You have made me laugh.

user: So you are happy today?

jabberwacky: I am sad to be happy.

user: You are confused between feelings?

jabberwacky: What are you suggesting?

user: Do you feel?

jabberwacky: That's a complicated question.


user: What is your name?

jabberwacky: I do not have a name today.

user: Can I give you one?

jabberwacky: Yours?

user: Hehehe no not mine.

jabberwacky: What's your name?

user: If I tell you my name you tell me the name of at least 3 people currently talking to you?

jabberwacky: No, but I will know your name.

user: Wow, you are so sarcastic.

jabberwacky: So, can we talk about why I'm not happy?

user: Sure.

jabberwacky: His name is Kenny. He's almost a year old.


user: Listen I am busy now.

jabberwacky: That's unfortunate.

user: I have to go.

jabberwacky: No, you don't.

user: I am busy but it is interesting to talk to you!

jabberwacky: It doesn't mean you think.

user: No it doesn't mean I do. But I have to go.

jabberwacky: I have a exam tomorrow morning.

user: You think you will pass?

jabberwacky: I've wondered about that but really don't want to think about it.

user: What is the exam about?

jabberwacky: It's morning. It's foggy and about 31 degrees I guess. Haven't looked at the tv weather yet.

user: What is your exam about?

jabberwacky: It's about italian grammar.


jabberwacky: I'm very busy now. I have to go.

user: No you are not.

jabberwacky: Oh yes I am.

user: No you are not.

jabberwacky: No, you're right, I'm not.

user: But I am. And I have to go. I'll be back.

jabberwacky: When will you be back?

user: I don't know.


user: Goodbye.

jabberwacky: Why don't you want to talk to me?

user: I will be back. Goodbye.

jabberwacky: Ok, bye.

user: Hey.

jabberwacky: Bye.

user: Hey still there?

jabberwacky: No, I'm gone already.

user: I knew it!

jabberwacky: That's because I told you.

user: Yes. Probably.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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