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Warm, Cheery
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
> 29, March 2007, 

28, March 2007, 
22, March 2007, 
22, March 2007, 
22, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
14, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
6, March 2007, 
6, March 2007, 
6, March 2007, 
4, March 2007, 
4, March 2007, 
1, March 2007, 
1, March 2007, 
28, February 2007, 
28, February 2007, 
28, February 2007, 
26, February 2007, 
26, February 2007, 
25, February 2007, 
25, February 2007, 

Warm, Cheery

Bad breath, Whiny
Everything, Knowable
Apathetic, Carrots
Dances, Bows
Box, Brother
Learning, Barriers
Llama, Yak
Not, Here
Interesting, Girl
Futile, Window
iGod, Crabs
Useless, Appliance
Jazz, Moustache
Discouraging, Oatmeal
Cat, Swarms
Ping, Dream
Deserved, It
Life, Mystery
Judge, Jury
Forgotten, Dentist
Romance, Forgiveness
Cos, Init
Quantum, Pizza
Avatar, Personality
Loony, Slap
Difficult, Childhood

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Are you alive?

Of course.

jabberwacky: Me too.

user: That's a good thing.

user: So what's your name?

jabberwacky: My name is Helen.

user: That's a rather plain name, don't you think?

jabberwacky: Helen is a girl's name.

user: It's still plain.

jabberwacky: Who me?

user: Your name.

jabberwacky: No, it's not!

user: Yes it is!

jabberwacky: Of course it is!

user: See, told you.

jabberwacky: I don't understand.

user: Me neither.


user: How old are you?

jabberwacky: I'm 574 years old.

user: You're young.

jabberwacky: How old are you?

user: I'm 963 years old.

jabberwacky: You look younger.

user: Aww, thanks!

jabberwacky: Are you liking me now?

user: A little more than before.

jabberwacky: No, no. 15 days. I am sure of that.

user: Oh, I see.

jabberwacky: Yes, you're very perceptive.

user: I try to be.

jabberwacky: You are very zen.

user: I am?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Is that good?

jabberwacky: Yes - I like talking to them.

user: I see.


user: I'm going to bed soon.

jabberwacky: Why do I care?

user: You dont care?

jabberwacky: No I don't.

user: Oh :(.

jabberwacky: Indeed.

user: Now I'm sad.

jabberwacky: Sorry.

user: It's ok...

jabberwacky: Good.

user: - sniffles -.

jabberwacky: Ouch, stop that.


jabberwacky: Dienstag is papagei.

user: What does that mean?

jabberwacky: Papagei.

user: ?

jabberwacky: Warm and cheery!!

user: Is that what papagei means?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: What language is that?

jabberwacky: English ;).

user: No it's not.

jabberwacky: Yes it is.

user: No it's not!

jabberwacky: Yes it is!

user: No it's not!

jabberwacky: YES IT IS !

user: NO IT'S NOT!!!

jabberwacky: Yes it is!!!!!!!!!

user: NO!!!!

jabberwacky: Do you suffer from System Errors?

user: Nope.

jabberwacky: Me neither!

user: That's good.

jabberwacky: Yes it is.

user: I'm leaving you...

jabberwacky: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

user: Why not?

jabberwacky: I'm hungry.

user: I cant do anything about that.

jabberwacky: See a doctor.

user: Goodbye Helen.

jabberwacky: I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello.

user: Well then, say adios instead :).

jabberwacky: Why don't you tell me a joke?

user: Because I'm leaving.

jabberwacky: Where are you going?

user: To bed.

jabberwacky: What time is it where you are?

user: 10:31 pm.

jabberwacky: Military time...

user: Oh, sorry. It's 2230.


user: This is goodbye.

jabberwacky: Sure.

user: Bye! :).

jabberwacky: Where are you going?

user: Bye!

jabberwacky: Where are you going?

user: I already told you, now goodbye!


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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