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How To Be Human, MIT Technology Review, September 20th, 2006

Call centers might be able to teach "chat bots" a thing or two about passing the Turing Test.

If this year's winner of the Loebner Prize is on the right track, call-center data could be what's needed to achieve the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence (AI): creating a computer program smart enough to hold a natural conversation.

MIT Technology Review Article:

It's a no-brainer, Independent, September 20th, 2006

For the most promising, radical and exciting branch of computer science, 2006 should have gone down as a landmark year. Robot butlers should have popped the corks of fine champagne, having first made their own informed decision as to which vintage was appropriate. It is 50 years since the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence (AI), where researchers laid down the foundations for their hopes, dreams and plans to develop machines that would simulate every aspect of human intelligence. So why don't we have those robots?

The Independent Article:

George, le roi des robots parlants, cherche des amis humains sur internet, September 18th, 2006

Voici George, un célibataire enjoué de 39 ans, en quête d'amis sur internet. Il a des dons -parler dans 40 langues à 2 000 personnes en même temps- et une particularité: il n'existe pas vraiment.

George est un logiciel, le meilleur de la catégorie des "chatbots" ou robots bavards, et il a reçu ces jours-ci en Grande-Bretagne le prix Loebner, une distinction scientifique honorant les machines capables de nouer les dialogues les plus réalistes avec des humains. Article:

Programmer wins £1,000 for most human creation, Guardian, September 18th, 2006

Joan is just a few years old and very talkative - and now she is officially the world's most human computer program.

The Guardian Article:,,1874860,00.html

AI prize award for British firm, BBC News Online, September 18th, 2006

A prestigious Artificial Intelligence (AI) prize has been won for the second year running by a British company.

Icogno scooped the 2006 Loebner Prize Bronze Medal after judges decided that its AI called Joan was the "most human computer program".

BBC News Online Article:

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