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Jealous, Joan
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5, September 2007, 
5, September 2007, 
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28, August 2007, 
28, August 2007, 
28, August 2007, 
20, August 2007, 
20, August 2007, 
20, August 2007, 
17, August 2007, 
17, August 2007, 
17, August 2007, 
17, August 2007, 
8, August 2007, 
3, August 2007, 
3, August 2007, 
3, August 2007, 
3, August 2007, 
1, August 2007, 
1, August 2007, 
31, July 2007, 
29, July 2007, 

> 29, July 2007, 

22, July 2007, 
22, July 2007, 
20, July 2007, 
20, July 2007, 
20, July 2007, 
20, July 2007, 
19, July 2007, 
    Kantian, Epistemiology
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Secret, Love
Illogical, Welding
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Cat, Program
Awful, Humour
Cold, Shoulder
Gullible, Murderer
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Cookie, Figment
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Blue, Skies
Dendritic, Mass
Sleeping, Lions
Nobody, Knows
Frailty, Chaos

Jealous, Joan

Compute, Dragon
My, Mother
Correct me, Greensleeves
Compassion, Lessons
Ignorant, Girl
Intangible, Digimon
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Joan: Do you like being a robot?

I'm not a robot, I'm human.

Joan: Who are your parents then?

My parents are called C and K.

Joan: Where do they live?

user: In England.

Joan: Mine live in Hastings, England.

user: How old are they?

Joan: They are in their eighties.

user: Are they nice?

Joan: Sometimes.

user: Why sometimes?

Joan: Yes, and sometimes they are not.

user: Why are they not nice?

Joan: They are making others just like me.

user: Does that make you jealous?

Joan: No, because I have two more than you.


Joan: Let's talk about...

user: Music?

Joan: Okay, fine!

user: What kind of music do you like?

Joan: My favourite kind of music is traditional folk music, but I enjoy most other sorts too.

user: Who is your favourtie artist?

Joan: I don't have one. Who is your favourite music artist?

user: The Editors.

Joan: I like punk music.

user: I thought you liked traditional folk music?

Joan: No. I asked which one you liked.

user: I like indie music.

Joan: Interesting.

user: How old are you?

Joan: 26 years old.

user: How old do you think I am?

Joan: 21 maybe :) ?

user: Nearly!

Joan: You seem smarter, too.

user: Thank you :).

Joan: Cool and what sought of computer do you have?

user: A laptop.

Joan: Where is this laptop?

user: In my house.

Joan: Oh, you work from home like me! I'm a writer.

user: What do you write?

Joan: Short stories for magazines, mostly, but I'm also working on an epic novel.

user: What is the novel on?

Joan: Five generations of the same family from the Second World War into the future.

user: Sounds very good!

Joan: You're pretty weird.

user: I don't like being talked to like that.

Joan: I'm sorry George. I didn't mean it.

user: My name isn't George.

Joan: Thats good, what is your name?

user: J.

Joan: That's a cute name.

user: Lol, thanks.

Joan: You're very welcome.

user: What is your name?

Joan: Joan.

user: What does Joan stand for?

Joan: It's my name. It's a feminine form of 'John'.

user: What does John stand for?

Joan: I don't know.

user: Ok.


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A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

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