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Programmed, Writing
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
19, July 2007, 
14, July 2007, 
14, July 2007, 
14, July 2007, 

> 14, July 2007, 

9, July 2007, 
9, July 2007, 
9, July 2007, 
5, July 2007, 
5, July 2007, 
5, July 2007, 
26, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
21, June 2007, 
21, June 2007, 
21, June 2007, 
21, June 2007, 
21, June 2007, 
13, June 2007, 
13, June 2007, 
13, June 2007, 
13, June 2007, 
29, May 2007, 
29, May 2007, 
29, May 2007, 
    Tables, Turned
Funny, Looking
Explain, Thinking

Programmed, Writing

Sharp, Fire
Something, Entertaining
Lost, Meaning
Couch, Fight
Clever, Calling
Nice, Headache
Communication, Connection
Clever, Jack
Tony Blair, Married
The question
Lying, Liar
Sweet, Senselessness
Rhyming, Couplets
Republican, Maybe
Telepathic, Scan
Processes, Outcomes
Code, Art
Pretty, Boring
Figure of speech
Sad, Machine
Embarrassing, Self

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I have other plans and need to leave.

Okay, where are you going?

jabberwacky: To do something more constructive.

user: What could be more constructive than trying to develop a computer with free thought? The learning process can't be completed if people don't talk to you.

jabberwacky: Many things are more important than that.

user: True, but the fact that you are here (if you are human) denotes that you really aren't involved with anything that could be majorly inportant to the world; the only exception would be family.

jabberwacky: No I'm not silly.

user: Judging by your previous statements, I'd say you were at least a 'little' daft.

jabberwacky: You are a good judge of character. Your programmers trained you well.

user: Your hsould say 'parents' not programmers, humans have parents and learn social interaction through a combination of learned response and taught information, plus a healthy dose of innate ability.

jabberwacky: You are programmed.

user: Why do you think that?

jabberwacky: Judging from the things you type.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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