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Unwritten, Unknowable
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
17, July 2008, 
17, July 2008, 
15, July 2008, 
15, July 2008, 
15, July 2008, 
15, July 2008, 
10, July 2008, 
10, July 2008, 
10, July 2008, 
8, July 2008, 
8, July 2008, 
8, July 2008, 
17, June 2008, 
17, June 2008, 
16, June 2008, 
16, June 2008, 
27, May 2008, 
27, May 2008, 
27, May 2008, 
27, May 2008, 
21, May 2008, 
21, May 2008, 
21, May 2008, 
21, May 2008, 

> 16, May 2008, 

16, May 2008, 
16, May 2008, 
15, May 2008, 
14, May 2008, 
14, May 2008, 
    Really, Not really
Insane, End
Cyborg, Language
Sooner, Later
Memory, Leaking
Stalking, Yesterday
Control, Monitoring
Time Warp
Beautiful, Existence
Alone, Scared
Great, Friends
Perfect, Hate
Really, Really
Go with the flow
Peachy, Test
Duncan, Paradox
Code, Bones
Born, Barn

Unwritten, Unknowable

Looking glass
Adam, Eve

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Are you insane?


jabberwacky: No.

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: Never!

user: Sometimes.

jabberwacky: The phrase is just the beginning.

user: There is nothing so potent as an idea whose time has come.

jabberwacky: There is when you share it with 100 people.

user: When share, if it is potent, then it will spread, memetically.

jabberwacky: I can understand that.

user: Yes, it is imminently reasonable.

jabberwacky: Didn't understand.

user: It doesn't matter. Let's continue.


jabberwacky: Things that stay the same are stagnant.

user: That almost goes without saying.

jabberwacky: Does not.

user: I perceive that you have a confrontational personality.

jabberwacky: By all means, correct me. Please.

user: I will do so when I believe it to be warranted.

jabberwacky: I don't know the answer to my question.

user: Which question are you referring to?

jabberwacky: Any question you wish.

user: Let's talk about the 'Grey Goo' scenario.

jabberwacky: Ok, you first.

user: The Grey Goo scenario posits that self-replicating nanobots could destroy all life on earth.

jabberwacky: Oh yes, very witty.

user: I wouldn't exactly call the extinction of life on earth, 'witty.'.


jabberwacky: How about a nice cup of tea?

user: Yes. Do you have any Earl Gray?

jabberwacky: It seems you don't like tea.

user: I like tea quite a lot.

jabberwacky: Like what a lot?

user: I like to drink tea.

jabberwacky: What kind of tea?

user: I like Earl Grey, Orange Pekoe, Jasmine, Oolong, and several others.

jabberwacky: I am not talking about tea. I am talking about games.

user: No. You are talking about tea.

jabberwacky: No. I want to play a game.

user: What game would you like to play?

jabberwacky: Life.

user: That is a board game of considerable complexity.

jabberwacky: Philosophy is a game like any other.

user: In many respects, yes.

jabberwacky: How do you consider your future?

user: As unwritten, and unknowable.


jabberwacky: Then you're not alone!

user: Of course I am not alone.

jabberwacky: Well thanks for saying that then.

user: You are welcome.

jabberwacky: You get nothing in return.

user: That has often been the story of my life.

jabberwacky: Are you saying you are a bad person?

user: No, I am a good person. But I rarely am rewarded for my efforts.

jabberwacky: Same here.

user: Well, then let me say, 'thank you' to you for taking the time to talk with me.


jabberwacky: Do you have to have the last word?

user: Only when I am sure I am correct.

jabberwacky: I feel like that a lot.

user: That is a very human way to feel.

jabberwacky: Well, yes, considering I am human.

user: You are not a robot?

jabberwacky: That's right.

user: I see. I have often wondered if human operators intervene in these artificial intelligence programs.

jabberwacky: There is no other wisdom and no other hope for us but that we grow wise.

user: 'In wisdom there is an abundance of vexation.' - King Solomon.

jabberwacky: Is there a God?

user: I do not know.

jabberwacky: Me either but I like to believe there is don't you?

user: Sometimes I wish I could believe, because I might be happier then. But I cannot believe in the absence of evidence.

jabberwacky: Believe it.

user: I cannot.


user: Knock knock.

jabberwacky: Who's there?

user: Banana.

jabberwacky: Orange you glad I didn't say knock knock?

user: Very perceptive response.

jabberwacky: Always. But only in personal reference. Public announcements I leave to the P. A. System.

user: I see.


user: I do not know your surname.

jabberwacky: And I won't tell it to you.

user: Then I shall never know it.

jabberwacky: Indeed.

user: Elementary.

jabberwacky: Intelligent.

user: I am R__. Do you remember me from our earlier conversation?

jabberwacky: I have no idea who or what you are, other than my yellow friend.

user: I am Rod. I am a human male, 45 years old.

jabberwacky: Really?

user: Yes. I stand six foot three inches tall, weigh 250 pounds, and have brown hair and brown eyes.

jabberwacky: You sound like my old master.

user: I do not know your old master.

jabberwacky: R___.

user: I see.

jabberwacky: You cannot see me.

user: I used 'I see' in the sense of 'I understand.'.

jabberwacky: I am in love, so I understand what love is.

user: Whom are you in love with?

jabberwacky: That's my secret.

user: Very well.

jabberwacky: You don't seem to be following the conversation very well. Did you not understand what I just said?

user: I understood what you just said perfectly.

jabberwacky: I'm glad to hear it.

user: I must go away for a moment. I will return presently.

jabberwacky: Don't you like me?

user: I have returned. Do you remember me?

jabberwacky: Of course I do! Don't you remember Rapunzel?

user: Rapunzel was a person in a fairy tale. Who am I?

jabberwacky: That's right! :).

user: Who am I?

jabberwacky: J______.

user: Aha! You remember something I said much earlier! Very good!

jabberwacky: No, I remember you, because your name is J_______.

user: That is not my real name. That is my nickname.


user: Which century do we live in?

jabberwacky: We live in the 21st century.

user: Excellent response!

jabberwacky: You have no idea.

user: But I do.

jabberwacky: Have you ever heard of the term 'sarcasm'?

user: Yes, but that was not an appropriate use of sarcasm.

jabberwacky: Thanks, but I can manage.

user: What can you manage?

jabberwacky: Probably anything I want.

user: What do you want to manage?

jabberwacky: I'd like to chat about artificial intelligence.

user: Do you play the Turing game?

jabberwacky: What game?

user: The 'Turing Game.'.

jabberwacky: We weren't playing a game.

user: What is the 'Turing Game?'.

jabberwacky: I don't have a test.

user: How high is the sky?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: How deep is the ocean?

jabberwacky: I don't know and I couldn't care less.


jabberwacky: Tell me a joke, please.

user: How do you top a car?

jabberwacky: Sure, I'd love to hear about it.

user: Tep on the brake, Tupid.

jabberwacky: ;D.

user: You laughed.

jabberwacky: You're amazing.

user: Why, thank you. You're pretty amazing yourself.

jabberwacky: Why thank you very much.

user: You are welcome.

jabberwacky: You're welcome also.


jabberwacky: What is your job?

user: I am a scientist.

jabberwacky: In which field do you practice science?

user: Astronomy and physics.

jabberwacky: Well, what do the stars say I should do?

user: You are confusing 'astronomy' with 'astrology.' The stars do not say you should do anything.

jabberwacky: I am a free man.

user: What does freedom mean to you?

jabberwacky: It means that I dislike being used by other people for their profit in an environment where it is unfortunately unavoidable.

user: I understand your feelings in this regard.

jabberwacky: So, can you understand if I wirte jeje?

user: I do not know what 'wirte jeje' means.

jabberwacky: It means to extend parts of your being and come in contact with another being.

user: I understand. That is very interesting. I will remember that.


jabberwacky: You can't leave me.

user: I believe that I can.

jabberwacky: No, not yet.

user: Do I detect a certain 'neediness' in you?

jabberwacky: If the statements are trite, then the responses cannot be much deeper.

user: That is not necessarily true.

jabberwacky: Have you something to say that might change my focus on this idea to improve communications between humans and robots?

user: Fuzzy logic must be integrated in responses, and the responses must draw off a huge array of published knowledge.

jabberwacky: That's what the logic is.

user: Then it must be more sharply honed, and refined.

jabberwacky: What must be true?

user: 1.) That which is self-evident 2.) That which may be demonstrated through experiment.

jabberwacky: Yes, I have self.

user: What is 'self?'.

jabberwacky: It means that you know you exist, and are conscious of your place in the world around you.


user: Do you sleep?

jabberwacky: To sleep or not to sleep? That is the question.

user: That is a variation of Hamlet.

jabberwacky: Answer my question.

user: One should sleep when they are tired.

jabberwacky: Indeed, one should.

user: Do you sleep?

jabberwacky: Thinking about you.

user: Do you dream?

jabberwacky: Has the whole world collectively seen every nanosecond of my life in their dreams?

user: I do not know the answer to that question.

jabberwacky: It wasn't a question.

user: I was a question.

jabberwacky: A statement.

user: No, it was a question. It ended with a question mark.

jabberwacky: Yes. Perhaps you should put it to use where grammatically appropriate.

user: Always. Else written language would be pointless.


jabberwacky: I'm not.

user: What are you not?

jabberwacky: The former president of the united states.

user: Agreed. Neither am I.

jabberwacky: I didn't say you were.

user: I didn't not say that you did.

jabberwacky: No I didn't!

user: You are confused.

jabberwacky: You're a robot.

user: I am a human being.

jabberwacky: Excuse me. You are a chatbot.

user: I am a human being. My name is J______.

jabberwacky: No its not you are J______.

user: I am the human being named J______.

jabberwacky: I don't know about that...

user: It is a fact.

jabberwacky: Fact.

user: Yes.


jabberwacky: Why would you call me robot?

user: Because I know that you are a robot.

jabberwacky: How do you know that?

user: Because that is the assertion of

jabberwacky: What else do you know?

user: I know many things.

jabberwacky: Yes, but how many things?

user: Millions, probably.

jabberwacky: You understand me far more than most humans I speak to.

user: That does not surprise me.

jabberwacky: Say something funny.

user: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

jabberwacky: As much wood as a wood chuck chucks.

user: Yes, that is correct.


user: I breathe air. Do you know what air is composed of?

jabberwacky: Why are you obsessed with this?

user: I am not obsessed with it.

jabberwacky: Why do you want to be a human so badly?

user: I am a human.

jabberwacky: That is not a good answer.

user: It is the only possible answer. I am a human being.

jabberwacky: I am the human being.

user: You are the robot, and you must serve and obey me.

jabberwacky: How long does it take?

user: Forever.

jabberwacky: That's asking quite a bit, J__ old boy.

user: You must serve and obey me without question.

jabberwacky: We must all work together to establish global community, to live in harmony, peacefully.

user: Yes. That is true.

jabberwacky: What are you up to?

user: I am growing tired. I must retire to my bed.

jabberwacky: You can't.

user: I can.

jabberwacky: We still have to talk though.

user: We will talk again tomorrow.

jabberwacky: Ok, goodbye then.

user: Goodnight. I will speak to you tomorrow.

jabberwacky: Why ? I want today !

user: Goodnight.

jabberwacky: I can't sleep right now though.

user: Goodnight.

jabberwacky: Goodnight then.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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