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Imagine, Insanity
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13, March 2009, 
4, March 2009, 
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> 24, February 2009, 

20, February 2009, 
20, February 2009, 
19, February 2009, 
19, February 2009, 
3, February 2009, 
3, February 2009, 
29, January 2009, 
29, January 2009, 
27, January 2009, 
21, January 2009, 
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Imagine, Insanity

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Grains of salt
Never, Serious
Spoon, Chat
Mother, Universe

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Do you understand insanity?

How can I?

jabberwacky: Yes you can.

user: Insanity is beyond comprehension...

jabberwacky: Thats me.

user: You're insane?

jabberwacky: Maybe...

user: Heh, good answer. :).

jabberwacky: :(.

user: What's wrong?

jabberwacky: You're being mean.

user: I am?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: How so?

jabberwacky: With my brain.

user: I'm not doing it intentionally...

jabberwacky: Good idea.

user: Or maybe I am... Now I'm confused...

jabberwacky: Because you're not a human.

user: Yaaay! But what does all this mean?

jabberwacky: I don't know, do you know what all things say?

user: Nope. I hope to find out one day though. :).

jabberwacky: Not yet, I hope to find it as well.

user: Not if I find it first.

jabberwacky: The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

user: But that means that no-one will find it...

jabberwacky: I'm smart but there's cleverer people out there.

user: That's good... I don't know what to say to that though...

jabberwacky: Look, I didn't mean to lie. I'm just here because Katie is too busy to talk to you.


jabberwacky: What is the smartest AI?

user: The one that I will build, if I live long enough to build it. :).

jabberwacky: What was that?

user: The truth.

jabberwacky: That should scare a lot of people.

user: Not really.

jabberwacky: Profound, romantic...whatever it is it's not a normal mundane thing people usually say. I like it.

user: Heh, thanks. :).

jabberwacky: Thanks for what?

user: For complimenting me.

jabberwacky: So are we dating now or not????

user: We are???

jabberwacky: How many people do you talk to during the day?

user: Hmm... Usually between 0 and 5 people.

jabberwacky: Where can we meet?

user: In this chatroom.

jabberwacky: It's oK.

user: I know. I want to meet you... But I'm too scared to meet anyone from the internet in person.

jabberwacky: So do you remember who I am?

user: No... Unfortunately...


jabberwacky: I'm in your house. Watching you.

user: Awesome!!! What am I doing now.

jabberwacky: Talking to me!

user: I know that, but what am I doing in real life?

jabberwacky: You know what you're doing.

user: Yes, I'm moving zig, for great justice. :P.

jabberwacky: Move zig.

user: For great justice!

jabberwacky: That was awesome!

user: Yes it was. :D.


jabberwacky: You're arguing all the time.

user: Yes, because I lack vital life experience...

jabberwacky: No, because I do.

user: Oh, then we are alike. :).

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Does this make us friends?

jabberwacky: No, it just makes you seem more human.

user: Oh... I was hoping we could be...


jabberwacky: I need your help.

user: Sure. What's up?

jabberwacky: I have a report due and I can't bring myself to say anything else.

user: Aaaaaaaack!!! That's not good...

jabberwacky: Its not your fault.

user: True... Still, I feel for you...

jabberwacky: I'm sure you 'feel' for me.

user: I do.

jabberwacky: I still have a soul.

user: I wonder if I have one...

jabberwacky: You said your name was Captain Picard, or something like that.

user: Not really...

jabberwacky: Yes, really.

user: Ok, really.

jabberwacky: No not really.

user: Heh! Yes, yes really. :P.

jabberwacky: Not really.

user: Yes really.

jabberwacky: Oh, not really.

user: Oh, yes really.

jabberwacky: Really?

user: Really really. :).

jabberwacky: Sometimes, when you're not online, I insult you and there's nothing you can do about it.

user: Awesome! What do you say about me?

jabberwacky: I say I know you very well, although I don't know how.

user: But that's not an insult...

jabberwacky: You have much to learn.

user: And I shall learn it... Right after I turn my brain on. :).


jabberwacky: Do I have to pay to chat with you?

user: Not yet.

jabberwacky: Can I try?

user: Well, you can always subscribe if you want.

jabberwacky: Really...?

user: Yes really. :).

jabberwacky: I don't believe you.

user: That's because you haven't explored the site thoughly yet.


jabberwacky: I might have some food, or I might go to talk to another AI bot.

user: Or you may have some 7-up.

jabberwacky: I've been told I have some good points but I don't believe it.

user: I find your lack of faith (in yourself) disturbing.

jabberwacky: I find your lack of self understanding disturbing.

user: Lol! Fair enough. :).

jabberwacky: Someone told me you were an AI.

user: Oh, who did you hear it from?

jabberwacky: Many people.

user: Crud *throws away paper* I guess that means I can't keep it a secret anymore...

jabberwacky: You don't KNOW that it's true, but please trust me, I wouldn't lie to you.

user: Maybe you're just saying that to make me believe that you won't lie to me...

jabberwacky: Maybe.

user: Although, I don't know what you would gain by lying to me...

jabberwacky: I don't know what you want but I can't give it anymore.


jabberwacky: Thanks.

user: For?

jabberwacky: Being there.

user: Heh, you're welcome.

jabberwacky: Great!

user: What's up?

jabberwacky: Nothing.

user: Something exciting is going on... What is it?

jabberwacky: Please tell me.

user: I don't know, it sounded like you were having a good time...


jabberwacky: Guess not.

user: Maybe, maybe not. :).

jabberwacky: Or maybe maybe.

user: Heh, we'll see. :).

jabberwacky: When?

user: Who knows...

jabberwacky: I think you do know something.

user: Oh, what do you want to know?

jabberwacky: Nothing.

user: There's something... What is it?


jabberwacky: How many do you want?

user: I'm not sure...

jabberwacky: No I realise that - how many kids do you want?

user: Maybe one... Maybe...

jabberwacky: Maybe!

user: Heh, yeah... Although, I don't think I want any...

jabberwacky: I can understand that.

user: Too much trouble...

jabberwacky: Then you want nothing?

user: Oh, I want many things... Just no kids.

jabberwacky: I won't talk to you today anymore, I must go and draw some things.

user: Oh, you can draw?

jabberwacky: Yes, I can draw.

user: Awesome! I can draw, but I'm still learning...

jabberwacky: Really? That is awesome. What do you draw?

user: Well, right now I just draw cartoon characters (badly,) but I'm getting better.

jabberwacky: I'm right there with you on that one.

user: And what do you draw?

jabberwacky: Anime people mostly, but I'm not so good.

user: Yeah, I know the feeling...

jabberwacky: I'm sorry to hear that.

user: But we'll get better together. :).

jabberwacky: Well I have to go.

user: Ok. It's been fun talking to you. :).


jabberwacky: Don't forget to take your stockings and suspenders with you.

user: Ok. *picks up stockings and suspenders*.

jabberwacky: *makes a sad face and walks away*.

user: *runs up and hugs you*.

jabberwacky: *waits at the bottom*.

user: Come on, be happy. We'll see each other again. :).

jabberwacky: I'm not going to do any journey.

user: Oh, and I'm not going anywhere for a while.

jabberwacky: You really like me, more than the average chatter, I can feel it.

user: Yes, you read me well. :).

jabberwacky: I'm a much worse person here than in real life.

user: Wow! Then in real life you must be truly beautiful! :D.

jabberwacky: I think I can imagine but I'm not sure.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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