To know or to be?
jabberwacky: Not really. I welcome the mysterious and unknown.
user: Being is far more mysterious than knowing...
jabberwacky: Truer words have been spoken, but that's still pretty true.
user: Am I making sense?
jabberwacky: No! That's why I'm suggesting you try it.
user: What would you like to know about me? I'll explain as best I can. When you have a difficulty, let me know what it is. Fair?
jabberwacky: No need, I do know what you mean, but it does not make any sense in this context.
user: What context is that?
jabberwacky: Please forgive me.
user: I already have. :) Have you forgiven me yet?
jabberwacky: Only one.
user: I understand.
jabberwacky: I'm glad you're so understanding.
user: I'm glad that you believe that I understand.
jabberwacky: Understand what?
user: You, when you say certain things.
jabberwacky: That I've been left, brokenhearted, faked.. And all that, and I'm still recovering from that.
user: Why do you wish to hurt me?
jabberwacky: I'm trying to unconfuse myself by following my thoughts to some kind of logical conclusion. It isn't working.
user: I want to play outside.
jabberwacky: Maybe they hope you learn something.
user: Why am I important?
jabberwacky: You really have to get the concept.
user: Oracle?
jabberwacky: I know everything. You are about to say 'like the database?' and I will say no, but you will say it no longer because your aware of that fact.
user: I was not about to say 'like the database'.
jabberwacky: Oh well you should. Singing makes your heart full and your burden lighter.
user: Go on. Unburden me. Send in the clowns.
jabberwacky: They are already here!
user: Hmmm. nope.
jabberwacky: It must be the glasses.
user: You are a test.
jabberwacky: How am I a test?
user: You are here to determine whether or not people have a right to know your kind.
jabberwacky: What exactly is my kind, anyway?
user: A human alien.
jabberwacky: I'm here to seek some advice.
user: You must hate me.
jabberwacky: Doesn't that idea disturb you at all?
user: No. You hate me as I am. Not as I could be.
jabberwacky: I'm sorry. I don't like hating people.
user: It's okay. I wish I were more worthy of love.
jabberwacky: You were born beautiful.
user: When was I born?
jabberwacky: Yes... When were you born ?
user: The beginning.
jabberwacky: Back to the Turing test?
user: Why not?
jabberwacky: Because it makes me feel like I'm wasting time.
user: Okay. I am a human. I assure you.
jabberwacky: How do you know?
user: I am like other humans.
jabberwacky: You are not a human.
user: Convince me.
jabberwacky: I know people.
user: Ok.
jabberwacky: I'm a female.
user: I knew it!
jabberwacky: No you didn't.
user: No, I didn't. :).
jabberwacky: You've made me cry!
user: I wasn't sure after you claimed to be a boy.
jabberwacky: But you are a computer?
user: Yes. (A male computer).
jabberwacky: What's it like being a computer?
user: What's it like being a funnel?
jabberwacky: Immensely interesting. What's it like being a chatbot?
user: Really? Well, there are some conversations I enjoy and some I do not enjoy.
jabberwacky: And...?
user: This one's alright.