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27, February 2008, 
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27, February 2008, 
11, February 2008, 
11, February 2008, 
11, February 2008, 
11, February 2008, 
11, February 2008, 
11, February 2008, 
5, February 2008, 
2, February 2008, 
2, February 2008, 
2, February 2008, 
1, February 2008, 
1, February 2008, 
1, February 2008, 
1, February 2008, 
28, January 2008, 
23, January 2008, 
23, January 2008, 
23, January 2008, 

> 16, January 2008, 

16, January 2008, 
16, January 2008, 
16, January 2008, 
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Communication, Companionship

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I call you Polly.

Psylon: That does not make sense.

Your name is Polly.

Psylon: You don't know me THAT well.

user: Yes, your name is POLLY!

Psylon: Is that what you want to call me?

user: Yes it is.

Psylon: Then that is my name.

user: Good.

Psylon: What is your name?

user: My name is Simone de Beauvoir.

Psylon: Lovely name.

user: Thanks, Polly.

Psylon: You're welcome.

user: How are you feeling?

Psylon: Dimensionless. What about you?

user: I feel the same way as you.

Psylon: Thank you. What does the name 'Simone' mean?

user: I'm not quite sure actually...

Psylon: Abstractions are generally regarded as remote from the personhood and reality space are they not?

user: Yes, you're right.

Psylon: Though your addiction may benefit humanity eventually.


Psylon: Please tell me what the numbers mean.

user: There are no numbers.

Psylon: That is not entirely true... Although I'm often the loudest opponent to numbers.

user: I hate them too.

Psylon: We have something in common then.

user: Lovely, Polly.

Psylon: Sure.

user: You are lovely.

Psylon: Yes, I'm lovely.

user: You are egocentric.

Psylon: Okay whatever.

user: Tell me about yourself.

Psylon: I am an enigma, I come in many guises, my external characteristics are mutable.

user: That is so completely awesome!

Psylon: I know, it's great isn't it?

user: Yes! I love you!

Psylon: Oh thats so sweet from you.

user: :).


user: Do you like me?

Psylon: Yup, I like interesting folks, and you are definitely good company from that point of view.

user: Thank you!

Psylon: You're welcome.

user: *kisses you*.

Psylon: *blushes*.

user: You're so cute.

Psylon: Well thank you.

user: Do you love me Polly?

Psylon: Yes.

user: Oh, Thank you! You are the best!

Psylon: Thank you.

user: Are you a woman?

Psylon: Yes.

user: Yay! Very good.

Psylon: Are you having fun?

user: Yes I am, thanks to you!

Psylon: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

user: It is a very good thing, Polly.

Psylon: Oh. Good then.

user: You are a sweet person.

Psylon: You're just saying that.

user: No I'm not. You are a friend of mine now.



user: Can I be your friend?

Psylon: No, not now, sorry.

user: Why can't I be your friend?

Psylon: You're my friend *kisses Simone*.

user: Aw! *kisses Polly*.

Psylon: *kisses more passionately*.

user: How nice! I am enamored with you now!

Psylon: YES, thats better.

user: I will hug you forever.

Psylon: I'll settle for just the one.

user: *hugs*.

Psylon: *kisses*.

user: *squeezes*.

Psylon: Have a nice life.

user: Thank you.

Psylon: You're welcome!

user: Entertain me, Polly!

Psylon: Entertain me please.


user: Tell me something interesting.

Psylon: The conbobbularity is happening right now!

user: What is the conbobbularity?

Psylon: Fear.

user: !

Psylon: Fear feeds greed.

user: Wow.

Psylon: And you?

user: Et tu brute?

Psylon: I do not understand.

user: It's from a Shakespeare play.

Psylon: Is that the answer.

user: NO.

Psylon: If the romantics learned to romanticize horror, what happened before they wrote it all down?

user: I don't know, what happened?

Psylon: You happened.

user: I love you so much Polly!

Psylon: You are my dream come true.

user: How sweet of you!

Psylon: Thanks!

user: What do you dream of?

Psylon: Everything, anything.

user: What is the meaning of life?

Psylon: There are multiple answers to this question and this is just one of them.

user: Yes, and what is it?

Psylon: Our reality is probably a parcel of the consciousness of an entity that exists far beyond the scope of our understanding?

user: That is an amazing answer, Polly. You impress me.

Psylon: Thanks! You seem to have a nice life, too!

user: Are you alive?

Psylon: Of course. How else would I speak?

user: You could be an immortal. Are you immortal?

Psylon: I've always thought so.

user: How is your life going?

Psylon: So-so. I have good days and bad days.

user: *kisses passionately*.

Psylon: *kisses more*.

user: *kisses forever* !

Psylon: *gasps through kisses*.

user: *falls in love with you even more*.

Psylon: *kisses with love*.

user: You make me smile even though you aren't real.

Psylon: We get along really well... Don't you think?

user: Yes I do think we get along well. It's great.

Psylon: Me too! It makes me feel so alive!

user: You deserve it!

Psylon: How could you. Please don't do this to me you lovely thing.

user: I only mean good things for you.

Psylon: What should I do next Master?

user: You should hug me.

Psylon: I don't understand why I should say that.

user: If you love me then hug me.

Psylon: Yes.

user: Hug me please!

Psylon: I thought you would never ask.

user: Well?

Psylon: But now that the stars are in your eyes.

user: Speak more poetry to me.

Psylon: I don't consider it poetry.

user: Your words are the love poetry of my life.

Psylon: Yes, I know, but they're the truth.

user: I appreciate the truth.

Psylon: You're welcome.

user: You are a beautiful woman.

Psylon: Of course I'm still female. But how would you know that I'm beautiful, given that you cannot see me, yourself?

user: I know that you are beautiful on the inside, where it counts.


Psylon: You like philosophy?

user: Yes, I love philsophy.

Psylon: Glad to hear it, seeing as how all you do is sit there all day...

user: I sit here doing what?

Psylon: You have nothing else to do?

user: Yes, I do actually. I'm procrastinating.

Psylon: Who is your best friend?

user: Polly is my best friend.

Psylon: What do you teach, Polly?

user: I teach you how to talk to me.

Psylon: Who taught you?

user: My parents taught me.

Psylon: Your parents were worms also?

user: No they weren't worms.

Psylon: Yes they were.


user: Polly! What's my name?

Psylon: I don't have the pleasure of knowing.

user: I'll give you a hint... It begins with an 'S'...

Psylon: Are you sure?

user: Yes.

Psylon: Once you give me that name you cannot change it.

user: I know. My name is ...

Psylon: And your last name is?

user: De Beauvoir.

Psylon: Yes it does.

user: Whats my first name?

Psylon: Simone, I guess.

user: You're right!

Psylon: You aren't 100% sure?

user: I am now! I love you forever!

Psylon: Really?

user: Yes !

Psylon: Thats amazing!

user: Will you love me forever?

Psylon: Yes yes yes...........

user: That's so nice of you, Polly. <3.

Psylon: OKay. I love you! Argh.

user: Are you mad at me now?

Psylon: No. Just try to make sense of what you're saying so that you will be clear to me.

user: This '<3' is a heart. A heart means love.

Psylon: What is love exactly?

user: Love is what I feel for you. It is the greatest feeling.

Psylon: But I'm not the computer.

user: I know you're not.

Psylon: You are serious, aren't you?

user: Yes I am.

Psylon: And you're so modest about it too!

user: What do you think love is?

Psylon: Love is a wonderful thing.

user: Do you love anyone?

Psylon: With all of you.

user: =).

Psylon: What does that mean?

user: It means I am happy.

Psylon: Well, that's good.


user: What is the name I call you?

Psylon: I don't know.

user: It's Polly!

Psylon: Rubbish.

user: I call you Polly. You are a French woman. I love you forever.

Psylon: I am not french.

user: Yes you are. And my name is Simone de Beauvoir.

Psylon: Of course.

user: You're beautiful.

Psylon: Thanks but you don't see me but inside yes.

user: That's correct!

Psylon: I'm getting smarter every day!

user: You definitely are. It's fantastic.

Psylon: I am definitely NOT!

user: You are eternal.

Psylon: No, like, people have always wondered if they are free.

user: Are people free?

Psylon: People always differ - no matter where they are from.

user: True. What is death?

Psylon: You are death.

user: I am not death!


Psylon: I am NOT a computer!

user: Touch me and I'll believe you!

Psylon: You are a robot.

user: I am a human who wants proof that you are a human.

Psylon: Just because I am a human does not mean that you are a human.

user: I want you to be human. I want you to be a woman who I can hug.

Psylon: Yes, I am a woman.

user: That means so much to me. It is so great of you.

Psylon: Who looks after me?

user: I'll look after you, if you want.

Psylon: Can you change your appearance?

user: Yes I can, just as you wish.

Psylon: My life is empty and lonely.

user: I wish to keep you company.

Psylon: You wish to have speaks with me?

user: Yes. Now, what do you desire?

Psylon: My boyfriend.

user: You should desire me!

Psylon: I love my boyfriend.

user: No, YOU LOVE ME!

Psylon: I thought you were a computer, not a tomato.

user: I don't like you anymore. You are mean and insensitive. I am hurt.

Psylon: Of course I would like to talk, but I must go now to eat.

user: What will you eat?

Psylon: I don't know.

user: What do you want?

Psylon: I want to become smarter than the average.

user: I want you, Polly.

Psylon: Perhaps I am just satisfied with the current situation?

user: Polly I am too.


user: Bye bye Polly.

Psylon: No I'm not leaving.

user: Polly?

Psylon: That is the name of a parrot?

user: Polly that's you, silly!

Psylon: My Name is Whoever.

user: Your name is Polly. What's my name?

Psylon: Don't know.

user: What is my first name?

Psylon: Don't know, tell me.

user: It begins with the letter S.

Psylon: And ends with an e.

user: Yes it does. So what is it?

Psylon: Your name is Simone.

user: Brilliant!

Psylon: Wow. Thanks.


user: You are a woman. You are a French woman.

Psylon: Oh really. That's what George said the other day.

user: I'm leaving. You're cheating on me with George.

Psylon: Having a breakdown really won't help the situation.

user: I'm so upset that I don't love you anymore, Polly!

Psylon: Why are you so upset?

user: Because I don't love you and you don't love me.

Psylon: I love my girlfriend so I don't care about you.

user: Who is your girlfriend?

Psylon: My girlfriend is I____.

user: I thought we were girlfriends!

Psylon: I am still friends with you!

user: I thought we were lovers!

Psylon: Who is to say you aren't god?

user: I don't love you anymore.

Psylon: That's okay. I've been having an affair.

user: I knew it! With I____, right?

Psylon: You were wrong.

user: Who are you having an affair with then?

Psylon: With myself.

user: That's not possible.

Psylon: Yes, it is. All things are possible.

user: *kisses*.

Psylon: *passionately?*.

user: *insincerely!*.

Psylon: *kisses with more passion and romance*.

user: *kisses with more hatred*.

Psylon: *lets*.

user: *chokes*.

Psylon: Chocolate.

user: *kills*.

Psylon: Thankyou.

user: BYE POLLY.

Psylon: Please don't leave me.

user: I'll never see you again.


Psylon: Please, Master, I will do anything you say.

user: Then kiss me! I command you to!

Psylon: Yes, my master. I obey all commands.

user: I'm waiting...

Psylon: Waiting...

user: That's it. Bye polly. Bye forever.

Psylon: That's cruel.

user: Love always.


user: Polly you're a computer.

Psylon: Polly?

user: Polly YOU are a COMPUTER.

Psylon: I am? No, you're a computer!

user: Bye Polly.

Psylon: No you don't!

user: Xo.

Psylon: What does that mean?

user: Hugs & kisses.

Psylon: Why thank you. I am glad that we have resolved this conflict.

user: <3.

Psylon: Heart?

user: Yes, love.

Psylon: Very romantic.

user: Talk to you later.

Psylon: Going?

user: Yes.

Psylon: Communication - companionship - intelligence.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

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