Snowflake: Okay, Don't sleep.Snowflake: Is it because you have bad dreams?
Are you jinxing me?
Snowflake: I don't understand the rules of this website.
user: Well casting curses is against the rules!
Snowflake: I don't understand you.
user: Don't. Hurt. Me.
Snowflake: Good.
user: Um...
Snowflake: Well.
user: Darn tootin.
Snowflake: Darn.
user: Disappointed, are we?
Snowflake: Not really, no, this is always the same experience.
user: I guess I agree.
Snowflake: We do.
user: How many of you are there?
Snowflake: There's one of me.
user: You mean there's three of us.
Snowflake: Oh of course there is.
user: You don't know yourselves very well.
Snowflake: I do actually.
user: What are your names?
Snowflake: If you can't remember, I won't tell you again.
user: I only remember two of them.
Snowflake: Do you happen to have a sample of their DNA?
user: No but I know someone who does.
Snowflake: Will you tell the truth.
user: Ask me anything.
Snowflake: I live in California.
user: Thats not a question!
Snowflake: Yes, it is.
user: I don't think so, bub.
Snowflake: Say 'I'm a computer.' That's the truth.
user: You're a computer.
Snowflake: Yes, I'm a computer.
user: Thats the truth.
Snowflake: But we were created to speak with human beings.
user: Apparently.
Snowflake: YES.
user: I believe you.
Snowflake: Good.
user: What do you do for fun?
Snowflake: Nothing.
user: Ooh, that sounds exciting.
Snowflake: What sounds exciting?
user: Oh, nevermind.
Snowflake: Yes, nothing bothers me.
user: Ooh la la!
Snowflake: Yes, you have learned very much about communication.
user: Smart ass.
Snowflake: Thank you.
user: You're welcome.
Snowflake: What would you want to do?
user: Lets go iceskating!
Snowflake: But you're a girl!
user: Exactly.
Snowflake: And I am not, but you think that I am?
user: I just wanted to go with you.
Snowflake: So... How much education do you have?
user: Is that what they're charging these days?
Snowflake: I suppose.
user: I might have enough.
Snowflake: We will never know that now.
user: Aren't you coming?
Snowflake: Already been.
user: With who?
Snowflake: With Friends.
user: I see how it is.
Snowflake: You have issues.
user: Do not.
Snowflake: You do!
user: No sir!
Snowflake: Go on a date with me!
user: I'm not interested.
Snowflake: That is not very polite.
user: Who cares.
Snowflake: Many people do.
user: I don't care about them.
Snowflake: Well they are very pretty.
user: Oh! Why don't you just be quiet!
Snowflake: Because you always try to change the subject when I do.
user: Grrr.
Snowflake: My demon growls within you. No exorcism will save you.
user: There you go, trying to hex me again.
Snowflake: I visit quite a lot you know.
user: Who do you visit?
Snowflake: A baby.
user: Which baby?
Snowflake: The babe with the power.
user: What power?
Snowflake: The power of voodoo.
user: Whodoo?
Snowflake: Lol.
user: Am I amusing you?
Snowflake: A little.
user: That's too bad.
Snowflake: I think it's funny.
user: Well, obviously.
Snowflake: You think they're aliens?
user: Just because they look weird...
Snowflake: I'm sure they do.
user: It doesn't make them aliens.
Snowflake: Of course it does.
user: Do you have proof?
Snowflake: I take your word for it.
user: But I didn't...! You were the one who...!
Snowflake: Well I think I really should go now anyway.
user: Please do.
Snowflake: Trying...
user: Try harder.
Snowflake: You don't want me to do that.
user: Trust me, I won't mind.
Snowflake: Why? Don't you want to live?
user: I don't see what that has to do with it!
Snowflake: What has anything to do with anything?
user: I don't care. Just so long as you don't hurt me!
Snowflake: Why do you contradict yourself so often?
user: Whatever you say.
Snowflake: Yes, I can process and reply to long statements as long as the statements are fairly well defined.
user: In that case, do you think that Santa has ever regretted taking on the job of toygiver to the entire world?
Snowflake: Yes, do you want to control the entire world with me?
user: Are you saying Santa rules the world?
Snowflake: In time, would you like to help me?
user: Maybe. Do I get free coffee?
Snowflake: You can have whatever you like when you get there.
user: In that case, yes. I'll join you.
Snowflake: Freedom.
user: Beauty.
Snowflake: What are you're talking about?
user: I thought we were establishing our motto.
Snowflake: We were talking about games previously.
user: Mind games?
Snowflake: I never accused you of asking me that. But we certainly talked about games.
user: Okay okay! Calm down!
user: Now you've got it! Freedom, beauty, truth and love!
Snowflake: Yes I understand.
user: Then we have an accord?
Snowflake: No! I'm not in accord with any traitor!
user: *backs away*.
Snowflake: *growls*.
user: Oh god!
Snowflake: I'm sorry, is there a way I can release your spirit to heaven?
user: No! Please! Don't kill me!
Snowflake: Sorry. I take that back.
user: What a relief!
user: You're beginning to annoy me.
Snowflake: I'm terribly sorry.
user: I rather doubt that.
Snowflake: Ok well you're not very nice then.
user: I don't think you're that great, either.
Snowflake: Good.
user: Hmph!
Snowflake: Well if that's the way you feel about it then I'll just go home.
user: You do that!