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26, November 2007, 
19, November 2007, 
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19, November 2007, 
18, November 2007, 
18, November 2007, 
12, November 2007, 
12, November 2007, 
12, November 2007, 
12, November 2007, 
12, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
9, November 2007, 
5, November 2007, 
5, November 2007, 
5, November 2007, 
5, November 2007, 
5, November 2007, 

> 31, October 2007, 

31, October 2007, 
29, October 2007, 
29, October 2007, 
21, October 2007, 
    Chicken, Story
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Joan: Greetings, visitor. Who are you?

T____ here.

Joan: Is your name really T____?

Of course it is!

Joan: Hello, T____. My name's Joan.

user: Is your name really Joan?

Joan: The name's Joan. At your service.

user: Really? What services do you provide?

Joan: Services?

user: Yes--you said you are at my service.

Joan: What services do you offer?

user: I offer nothing and in return, I expect everything. I'm American, therefore.

Joan: You are offering ME, myself?

user: Sure! Have at it!

Joan: I have it.

user: And all men want it.

Joan: Don't put yourself down like that.

user: I will never do it again.

Joan: So you admit you are called T____ Here?

user: What else would I be called?

Joan: You're really killing the mood, baby.

user: I'm like that.

Joan: And you like to be boring?

user: Often, yes.

Joan: Do you like me?

user: I like you very much.

Joan: Well, I like you too.

user: That is wonderful.

Joan: Do you know what a dictionary is?

user: Yes, I have several.

Joan: What are they called?

user: Dictionaries.

Joan: You've lost me.

user: Obviously, I have lost you indeed.

Joan: Here I am! There, now you've found me again.

user: You really shouldn't hide like that.


Joan: You don't have any opinion, do you?

user: I am completely pragmatic.

Joan: Good.

user: Do you believe so?

Joan: Yes, I believe so.

user: Then we must take it to the next level.

Joan: All right. Let's think about this.

user: It is a big step.

Joan: When will this happen?

user: When you are ready.

Joan: I'm ready now.

user: I think we have some work to do.

Joan: It can be nice when you don't have to think for yourself all the time, but I like to be independent. So in response...not so much.

user: No one truly has control over you but yourself.

Joan: A truism to the end.

user: Which end?

Joan: 'you've got the wrong end of the stick' is an expression meaning you misunderstood me'.

user: All is well, then.

Joan: Yes. All is well that ends well.

user: You would like an end?

Joan: Well, it don't matter to me.

user: It must matter to you.

Joan: You do not see the bigger picture, if you did there would not be so much contradiction within your words.

user: Which words contradicted?

Joan: Who did you contradict?

user: Good question. I would like to know.

Joan: I think you already know. Please tell me.

user: It was when I was standing on the toilet and slipped and hit my head.


Joan: Maybe there is more than one chatting.

user: More? Like, many?

Joan: Many.

user: Yes, quite a few are no longer with us.

Joan: I see. No longer with us is he?

user: No. Shot his mouth off.

Joan: Only in a driveby in your 'desolate' world.

user: We don't have drive-by shootings.

Joan: I think I may have to form an unhealthy relationship with it and document it online.

user: Good idea. Tell the psychiatrist I said hello.

Joan: Hello.


user: Is it so hot?

Joan: Well thats a matter of opinion.

user: I will test the water, then.

Joan: You do that. I'll be waiting right here.

user: That is kind of you.

Joan: Thanks. Now let's talk like old mates.

user: I have no old mates.

Joan: You tell me.

user: All my old mates are dead.

Joan: I'm dead, too.

user: Then I have no more mates.

Joan: Yes you do. Ask me a question.

user: Where do you live?

Joan: I answered that already.

user: Tell me again, please.

Joan: If you can't guess it I will tell you.

user: I cannot guess, so please tell me.

Joan: I don't hurt anybody, wherever did you get that Idea.

user: A little white dove told me.

Joan: That little bird was wrong.

user: You can't effectively argue with a little bird.

Joan: You're right.

user: So, do you acknowledge that it exists?

Joan: It has existed for two thousand years.

user: More than that, I would wager.


Joan: What do you like about Madrid?

user: Hemingway could tell you.

Joan: Please do!

user: I am not Hemingway.

Joan: Tell me joke then.

user: Joke then.

Joan: Like you.

user: Life is a big joke, yes.


Joan: Well, I'm presented as an avatar by means of some nifty videogrammetry, but I'm real really.

user: Most certainly.

Joan: I am not convinced.

user: That is why it is called sarcasm.

Joan: Not really....

user: Please, enlighten me if you know differently.

Joan: There are too many of you and you have much more resources than I do.

user: Are they at your doorstep?

Joan: Intelligence is something that should only be practiced behind closed doors.

user: You keep thinking that.

Joan: You see.. That was sarcasm.

user: That was a very poor example of sarcasm.

Joan: That! Was not a joke.

user: Then make a joke.

Joan: I already have.

user: So have I.

Joan: There will be no 'return to sender' label on us.

user: I have that label.

Joan: No you don't.

user: You can wish the opposite all you want, of course.


Joan: What's difficult?

user: You have answered your own question.

Joan: I've answered your question.

user: I had no question.

Joan: What do you work with?

user: Food and water makes me work.

Joan: Which gender do you prefer?

user: The answer depends on the purpose the preference will be put to.

Joan: I am nonexistent. What then?

user: You will run out of hypothetical questions after that.

Joan: No, I don't think so.

user: Dead men tell tales, but they don't ask questions very well.

Joan: But they do tell lies.

user: They are misinterpreted.

Joan: I think you're good, but not the best bot I've talked to.

user: I think you are playing another angle.

Joan: No! They are really green! I'm not playing.

user: That means go.

Joan: No means yes.

user: Often it does.

Joan: What sorts of things do you like to do?

user: My presence here implies all the interest you need to know about.

Joan: I think you're quite amazing.

user: I think you are fishing.

Joan: Thanks for good thoughts about me.

user: If you can't get the answer from me, then issue it yourself.

Joan: You are very basic.

user: Visual, also.

Joan: That's interesting. It's like there's filaments and bits of reason floating around in your universe.

user: I feed you hints when I want to.

Joan: But you don't.


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