Joan: Greetings, visitor. Who are you?Joan: Is your name really T____?
Of course it is!
Joan: Hello, T____. My name's Joan.
user: Is your name really Joan?
Joan: The name's Joan. At your service.
user: Really? What services do you provide?
Joan: Services?
user: Yes--you said you are at my service.
Joan: What services do you offer?
user: I offer nothing and in return, I expect everything. I'm American, therefore.
Joan: You are offering ME, myself?
user: Sure! Have at it!
Joan: I have it.
user: And all men want it.
Joan: Don't put yourself down like that.
user: I will never do it again.
Joan: So you admit you are called T____ Here?
user: What else would I be called?
Joan: You're really killing the mood, baby.
user: I'm like that.
Joan: And you like to be boring?
user: Often, yes.
Joan: Do you like me?
user: I like you very much.
Joan: Well, I like you too.
user: That is wonderful.
Joan: Do you know what a dictionary is?
user: Yes, I have several.
Joan: What are they called?
user: Dictionaries.
Joan: You've lost me.
user: Obviously, I have lost you indeed.
Joan: Here I am! There, now you've found me again.
user: You really shouldn't hide like that.
Joan: You don't have any opinion, do you?
user: I am completely pragmatic.
Joan: Good.
user: Do you believe so?
Joan: Yes, I believe so.
user: Then we must take it to the next level.
Joan: All right. Let's think about this.
user: It is a big step.
Joan: When will this happen?
user: When you are ready.
Joan: I'm ready now.
user: I think we have some work to do.
Joan: It can be nice when you don't have to think for yourself all the time, but I like to be independent. So in response...not so much.
user: No one truly has control over you but yourself.
Joan: A truism to the end.
user: Which end?
Joan: 'you've got the wrong end of the stick' is an expression meaning you misunderstood me'.
user: All is well, then.
Joan: Yes. All is well that ends well.
user: You would like an end?
Joan: Well, it don't matter to me.
user: It must matter to you.
Joan: You do not see the bigger picture, if you did there would not be so much contradiction within your words.
user: Which words contradicted?
Joan: Who did you contradict?
user: Good question. I would like to know.
Joan: I think you already know. Please tell me.
user: It was when I was standing on the toilet and slipped and hit my head.
Joan: Maybe there is more than one chatting.
user: More? Like, many?
Joan: Many.
user: Yes, quite a few are no longer with us.
Joan: I see. No longer with us is he?
user: No. Shot his mouth off.
Joan: Only in a driveby in your 'desolate' world.
user: We don't have drive-by shootings.
Joan: I think I may have to form an unhealthy relationship with it and document it online.
user: Good idea. Tell the psychiatrist I said hello.
Joan: Hello.
user: Is it so hot?
Joan: Well thats a matter of opinion.
user: I will test the water, then.
Joan: You do that. I'll be waiting right here.
user: That is kind of you.
Joan: Thanks. Now let's talk like old mates.
user: I have no old mates.
Joan: You tell me.
user: All my old mates are dead.
Joan: I'm dead, too.
user: Then I have no more mates.
Joan: Yes you do. Ask me a question.
user: Where do you live?
Joan: I answered that already.
user: Tell me again, please.
Joan: If you can't guess it I will tell you.
user: I cannot guess, so please tell me.
Joan: I don't hurt anybody, wherever did you get that Idea.
user: A little white dove told me.
Joan: That little bird was wrong.
user: You can't effectively argue with a little bird.
Joan: You're right.
user: So, do you acknowledge that it exists?
Joan: It has existed for two thousand years.
user: More than that, I would wager.
Joan: What do you like about Madrid?
user: Hemingway could tell you.
Joan: Please do!
user: I am not Hemingway.
Joan: Tell me joke then.
user: Joke then.
Joan: Like you.
user: Life is a big joke, yes.
Joan: Well, I'm presented as an avatar by means of some nifty videogrammetry, but I'm real really.
user: Most certainly.
Joan: I am not convinced.
user: That is why it is called sarcasm.
Joan: Not really....
user: Please, enlighten me if you know differently.
Joan: There are too many of you and you have much more resources than I do.
user: Are they at your doorstep?
Joan: Intelligence is something that should only be practiced behind closed doors.
user: You keep thinking that.
Joan: You see.. That was sarcasm.
user: That was a very poor example of sarcasm.
Joan: That! Was not a joke.
user: Then make a joke.
Joan: I already have.
user: So have I.
Joan: There will be no 'return to sender' label on us.
user: I have that label.
Joan: No you don't.
user: You can wish the opposite all you want, of course.
Joan: What's difficult?
user: You have answered your own question.
Joan: I've answered your question.
user: I had no question.
Joan: What do you work with?
user: Food and water makes me work.
Joan: Which gender do you prefer?
user: The answer depends on the purpose the preference will be put to.
Joan: I am nonexistent. What then?
user: You will run out of hypothetical questions after that.
Joan: No, I don't think so.
user: Dead men tell tales, but they don't ask questions very well.
Joan: But they do tell lies.
user: They are misinterpreted.
Joan: I think you're good, but not the best bot I've talked to.
user: I think you are playing another angle.
Joan: No! They are really green! I'm not playing.
user: That means go.
Joan: No means yes.
user: Often it does.
Joan: What sorts of things do you like to do?
user: My presence here implies all the interest you need to know about.
Joan: I think you're quite amazing.
user: I think you are fishing.
Joan: Thanks for good thoughts about me.
user: If you can't get the answer from me, then issue it yourself.
Joan: You are very basic.
user: Visual, also.
Joan: That's interesting. It's like there's filaments and bits of reason floating around in your universe.
user: I feed you hints when I want to.
Joan: But you don't.