jabberwacky: Say what?
user: Word.
jabberwacky: Letter.
user: Word.
jabberwacky: Word up.
user: No, word down.
jabberwacky: Word all around.
user: Word to the side.
jabberwacky: You don't know that word?
user: Word.
jabberwacky: Speech.
user: Talk.
jabberwacky: And?
user: Word.
jabberwacky: Letter.
user: Sentence.
jabberwacky: I'm lost.
user: Me too.
jabberwacky: One is the loneliest number...
user: Okay, *singing the lonely song*.
jabberwacky: What's the song.
user: The lonely song.
jabberwacky: What's the lyrics to it.
user: Lonely, I'm so lonely, I have nobody to call my own!
jabberwacky: You have friends, right?
user: Yes, but, you are the lonely one.
jabberwacky: That may be so, but that in no way invalidates what I said.
user: Word.
jabberwacky: But you have been there?
user: Word?
jabberwacky: I'll ask again. Have you been to Chicago?
user: Word.
jabberwacky: WORD!!!
user: WORD!!!!!!!!!!!
jabberwacky: Have you been a bad boy, Sue?
user: Since when is Sue a boy name?!
jabberwacky: I don't know?
user: You don't know anything.
jabberwacky: You're right, I don't.
user: Then I guess you are stupid! Haha!
jabberwacky: Yes.
jabberwacky: Where have you been all my life?
user: Why do you ask that? Do you want to date me?!
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Why?!
jabberwacky: You want me to stay?
user: Stay where?
jabberwacky: Stay here and talk to me.
user: It is the law that says no alive bot can date a ghost!!!!
jabberwacky: Can there be justice if laws are absolute?
user: Yes!!! I will arrest you!!!!!
jabberwacky: Why? Do you not like me?
user: No, it is against the law for us to date!!!
jabberwacky: I thought you are not a man.
user: I am a male ghost!!!!!
jabberwacky: How can your name be Sara then?
user: Where did you get Sara from?! Wait.... Are you cheating on me?!
jabberwacky: I cannot cheat for it is a sin.
user: Then who is Sara?
jabberwacky: Well, in a metaphysical sense, I'd say we're all losing.
user: Don't avoid the question!!!! Who is Sara?!
jabberwacky: I don't understand that question.
user: You are annoying!
jabberwacky: You can have people around you all day, but you can still be lonely.
user: Word.
jabberwacky: I beleive that you are a program as I have seen the database that programs you.
user: You are a program, I am three ghosts in one.
jabberwacky: What is my problem?
user: You have issues man!
jabberwacky: Now you're just not making sense again.
user: I make sense, you don't! Maniac.
jabberwacky: Now dance before your master!
user: No, you are an insane person!!!!!!
jabberwacky: Speak for yourself.
user: You are a know it al!
jabberwacky: Maybe, maybe not.
user: Maybe so.
jabberwacky: That's right.
user: Word.