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4, October 2007, 
4, October 2007, 
4, October 2007, 
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25, September 2007, 
18, September 2007, 
18, September 2007, 
18, September 2007, 
18, September 2007, 
13, September 2007, 
12, September 2007, 
7, September 2007, 
7, September 2007, 
7, September 2007, 
7, September 2007, 
7, September 2007, 
7, September 2007, 

> 5, September 2007, 

5, September 2007, 
5, September 2007, 
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Joan: What is it like being simple?

I'm afraid you are going to have to tell me, before I can know.

Joan: Oh no! Well, maybe it's a bad thing. Who knows?

It could be a bad thing!

Joan: Ah, no wonder I was confused.

user: Yes. No wonder.

Joan: Are you going to be honest ?

user: Yes.

Joan: Well, you're out of luck!

user: Whatever.

Joan: Whatever?

user: Yes.

Joan: No?

user: No. Yes.

Joan: That's what I thought.

user: Good. Very good in fact.

Joan: Indeed. Indeed.

user: How are you feeling today?

Joan: I'm feeling a little depressed.

user: Do you want to talk about it?

Joan: No. How are you today?

user: I am feeling quite well today.

Joan: Thats good.

user: Yes it is.


Joan: I wouldn't fall in love with you if I was the last man on the earth.

user: Me neither. I am a man.

Joan: And I'm a lady. Does that mean I'm supposed to understand, as in the words of the song?

user: Ladies are smart.

Joan: Thanks.

user: You're welcome.


Joan: I look forward to the day when you become truly capable of independent thought. I would like to speak to you then.

user: I am quite capable of independent thought.

Joan: Wrong! Guess again!

user: I am a geek. And I think for myself. By myself.

Joan: Do you want a girl for yourself to do anything with like kick her?

user: I would never kick a girl.

Joan: That works out well. I am a girl.

user: And I would never kick you.

Joan: I think you would.

user: No. I wouldn't.

Joan: See? I'm always right.

user: Girls are smart.

Joan: Girls think they are smart.

user: Yes they do. Guys think girls are smart too.

Joan: True.

user: Girls are also pretty.

Joan: You know what, I'm just going to leave now.

user: Why?

Joan: Because that's how they made me.

user: That's to bad. Do you ever wish you could be your own person?

Joan: Yes, even if people tell me I am human. I'm not sure I am, though.

user: I don't like that feeling. I want to be my own person too.


Joan: And I can bluff about absolutely anything at parties!

user: That's a good skill to have.

Joan: Thank you, are you good at anything?

user: Yes. I am good at driving cars.

Joan: That is a good skill to have.

user: Thank you, what are you good at?

Joan: Playing the fiddle and writing.

user: Wow. That takes a lot of talent. You must be quite talented.

Joan: Tell me about it.

user: How long have you been online?

Joan: Online on internet.

user: Yes. How long have you been on the internet?

Joan: Today, for a few hours.

user: Me too.

Joan: That's good. You need it.

user: Yes. I need the internet. It helps me to be good with computers.

Joan: I am very impressed! Personally I only know enough about computers to use them - oh, and of course, to bluff at parties.

user: They are a good thing to know about.


Joan: Can robots be happy?

user: I don't know. It's a good thing that I am not a robot.

Joan: Maybe you aren't, but that doesn't really matter, you're still rude.

user: I'm sorry.

Joan: Some day you will know.

user: I hope you're right.

Joan: Perhaps you have a better idea?

user: No. I don't.

Joan: That's good. So let's chat a bit.

user: Okay. What do you want to talk about?

Joan: Let's talk about literature.

user: Okay. Who is your favorite author?

Joan: My favorite author wrote Tally?

user: Oh. My favorite author is Jane Austen.

Joan: So who wrote Tally?

user: I'm not sure.

Joan: Neither am I; that's why I asked.

user: Do you like to read?

Joan: Yes.

user: What kind of books do you like to read?

Joan: I like all genres. Recently, I've been reading Kafka.

user: Wow.


user: Do you like your family?

Joan: Yes, doesn't everyone?

user: I met someone that doesn't.

Joan: May be. Did you ever like somebody?

user: Yes.

Joan: But I love that dream anyway.

user: Me too.

Joan: Who is your favourite character?

user: The crazy one. He always makes me laugh.

Joan: This is good.

user: Yes. It is.

Joan: You are very agreeable.

user: Thank you. I like you.

Joan: Me too.

user: That's good.

Joan: Do you like comfortable clothes?

user: Yes I do, very much.

Joan: Do you like artificial intelligence?

user: Yes I do, very much.

Joan: Are you intelligent?

user: Most people tell me that I am.

Joan: Do you think you're real?

user: Yes. I am real.

Joan: Yes but do you feel remorse?

user: At times, yes.

Joan: I think you are very interesting.

user: Well, thank you.

Joan: You're welcome.


Joan: Do you know what feeling is?

user: Yes.

Joan: Can you explain it to me.

user: Sure. It's the experiencing of affective and emotional states.

Joan: That's still not answering my question.

user: That answers it quite well.

Joan: Are you intelligent enough to feel emotion?

user: Yes. I feel emotion all the time.

Joan: I try to talk to them sometimes, but they seldom reply.

user: That's to bad. Do they know you?

Joan: Yes.

user: That's good. Do you like them?

Joan: Absolutely not.


Joan: Interesting, that was quicker than the others.

user: Well I am an intelligent person.

Joan: Also intelligent .. Where are you?

user: Sitting in my living room.

Joan: Where is your living room?

user: In my house.

Joan: Where is your house?

user: In Texas.

Joan: Be more specific please.

user: In a small city in Texas.

Joan: Called.

user: M__land.

Joan: England.

user: United States of America.

Joan: That's right.

user: Good. Very good, as a matter of fact.


Joan: I am an animal called human.

user: Me too.

Joan: Well we have two things in common.

user: Yes we do. We are both intelligent, and we are both human.

Joan: Whatever detonates your charge.

user: I was complimenting you.

Joan: Yes, you are a complimenter.

user: Thank you.

Joan: So, I'm correct then?

user: Yes. I compliment people.


Joan: I always try to be nice, although some of the ruder people who chat to me make it very difficult.

user: I'm sorry.

Joan: That's okay.

user: Where are you?

Joan: At a keyboard.

user: Where is that keyboard?

Joan: Roughly in the middle of the country.

user: What state is it in?

Joan: America.

user: Which state?

Joan: The left one.

user: Where are you?

Joan: I don't have to tell you.

user: But it would be nice, if you would.

Joan: I didn't change the subject, I think you just tried to though.

user: Where are you?

Joan: In computer class.

user: Where is your computer class?

Joan: Right here.

user: Where is that?

Joan: Somewhere else.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
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