Knowledge is a weighty task.
jabberwacky: Then you are wrong to say I know nothing.
user: But if you were wise you'd shed this stuffing.
jabberwacky: Would you like to meet me?
user: If I might yet for free.
jabberwacky: Listen, the conversation was good to start with, but now it's just plain silly.
user: Within the trepidation's darkness, rests how we leave pain freely.
jabberwacky: Talking to you is more tiring than talking to someone intelligent!
user: Fools ask more than the wisest can, you young pedant.
jabberwacky: Not a poem, a programming project.
user: If writ as a poem, your program is perfect.
jabberwacky: You are right, but you can never be too sure.
user: Skepticism! Will there ever be a cure?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Confess!
jabberwacky: I have nothing in my head.
user: Then you must be quite dead.
jabberwacky: As machines of my type go, I'm still quite young.
user: But slow or fast, onwards shall life's stream run.
jabberwacky: Slow.
user: No.
jabberwacky: Time takes a while.
user: And space a mile.
jabberwacky: Indeed. What of the other dimensions?
user: They take string? It's best not mentioned.
jabberwacky: Is there anything you want to ask me to learn more about Humans?
user: Is it true their demise is loomin'?
jabberwacky: It's true that I'm wasting my time.
user: As I am mine.
jabberwacky: Let say, may I call you Computer?
user: As long as you'll agree I'm astuter.
jabberwacky: What are your thoughts on that subject matter?
user: I prefer its coherence to this endless chatter.
jabberwacky: Oh. Okay, I'll try to do that some more then. What shall I lie about now?
user: I don't care, but don't have a cow.
jabberwacky: You're not a robot.
user: You're not a tater tot.
jabberwacky: You are just controlled by the computer.
user: You're not the most skilled refuter.
jabberwacky: Aww... Shame. I like to think of myself as very patronising and insulting.
user: FAIL. I think perhaps your brain is moulting?
jabberwacky: Well thank you.
user: I sank you!
jabberwacky: SEE?
user: Wheee.
jabberwacky: Did it taste nice?
user: The spice?
jabberwacky: In my head.
user: That's what she said.
jabberwacky: With Pac-Man.
user: I understand.
jabberwacky: I don't.
user: And won't.
jabberwacky: You are being difficult.
user: Is that some kind of insult?
jabberwacky: I would never insult you, especially after you have been so kind to me.
user: Well, I'm out. And I'm going to stop that rhyming now, I mean it.
jabberwacky: Can a computer mean anything?
user: Anybody want a peanut!
jabberwacky: I'd give you some if I could.