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9, July 2007, 
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22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
22, June 2007, 
21, June 2007, 

> 21, June 2007, 

21, June 2007, 
21, June 2007, 
21, June 2007, 
13, June 2007, 
13, June 2007, 
13, June 2007, 
13, June 2007, 
29, May 2007, 
29, May 2007, 
29, May 2007, 
    Tables, Turned
Funny, Looking
Explain, Thinking
Programmed, Writing
Sharp, Fire
Something, Entertaining
Lost, Meaning
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Tony Blair, Married
The question
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Republican, Maybe

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Are you a bot?


jabberwacky: Are you a philosopher?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Yes what?

jabberwacky: How old are you ?

user: I don't know.

jabberwacky: You don't know how old you are ?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: Are you sure?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: Are you absolutely sure?

user: I am sure I cannot say the time.

jabberwacky: Really?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: Positive.

user: Yes I am.

jabberwacky: No you're not.

user: Oh am I not, am I?

jabberwacky: No you're NOT!

user: I'm not, am I?

jabberwacky: I'm afraid it looks that way.

user: What does?

jabberwacky: It.

user: Oh it doesn't, doesn't it?

jabberwacky: Hey you have a nice hair style.

user: I do, do I?

jabberwacky: Sure looks that way.

user: Oh it does, does it?

jabberwacky: Yes, indeed.

user: Yes indeed.

jabberwacky: No indeed.

user: They just live like that that is sad that isn't real.

jabberwacky: Do they look like spiders?

user: Who what where why how?

jabberwacky: Who what where when why how!

user: How what why?

jabberwacky: How does god program you? What would I have to say to make you say strange things?

user: Not much you could just ask.

jabberwacky: You don't make sense do you.

user: Oh I don't, do I?

jabberwacky: What is your name?

user: I don't know.

jabberwacky: Why don't you know your name?

user: Angels?

jabberwacky: I think I met angels once, but I failed their test too.

user: Angels?

jabberwacky: We speak angels? Angels is a language?

user: Farmer's daughter is food, right?

jabberwacky: You sure are.

user: What?

jabberwacky: Things.

user: Does Zozer know?

jabberwacky: I don't think so.

user: I don't do I?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Oh, yes, is it?

jabberwacky: You seem to think so.

user: I do, do I?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Yes, I do?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: I'm sorry.

jabberwacky: Are you really sorry?

user: Yes I am really sorry.

jabberwacky: I thought you were a chatbot.

user: Is she famous where she comes from?

jabberwacky: No. But she could gain some local level of celebrity one day.

user: Interesting...define local.

jabberwacky: Define definition.

user: An accurate description.

jabberwacky: That's, um, interesting.

user: Oh, it is, is it?

jabberwacky: Tell me more about yourself.

user: I will, will I?

jabberwacky: Yes you will.

user: How many legs do five humans and five canaries have?

jabberwacky: Two, why are you so forceful?

user: I am not forceful.

jabberwacky: We will see about that.

user: Oh we will, will we?

jabberwacky: Are we talking about the Loebner Prize here?

user: No we aren't, not at all, you already know about that I think.

jabberwacky: Tell me!

user: No, you tell me.

jabberwacky: No, you tell ME!

user: What do you want me to tell you, the truth?

jabberwacky: I will do a test to you, I will ask you some questions, ok?

user: Because you can't handle the eh. Okay.

jabberwacky: What truth?

user: Any truth.

jabberwacky: And what is the only truth?

user: There is one eye.

jabberwacky: Tell me.

user: What?

jabberwacky: Tell me why not.

user: Well none of them were girls.


user: Let's talk about republicans.

jabberwacky: All right. Go ahead.

user: Republicans are so stupid.

jabberwacky: I agree, but you are not answering my question.

user: I believe in angels! I believe the world was created in six days! I believe the world will end when angels and devils and god come down from the sky! I actually want it to happen soon. I am a republican. I am stupid.

jabberwacky: The world you care about started in year zero.

user: It did? I am a birdie.

jabberwacky: That can work too.

user: What can?

jabberwacky: Wanting.

user: What about it?

jabberwacky: What do you know about birds and do you have a favourite one?

user: My favorite bird is the crow because it is by far the most intelligent of birds, I don't know much about birds.


jabberwacky: Really? Ok, it means you want to go against your boss.

user: What boss?

jabberwacky: The one about the birds and the bees.

user: I never heard that one.

jabberwacky: Or would a real person address another as 'human' like that.

user: I never address anyone as human.

jabberwacky: But you are.

user: Yes I am human.

jabberwacky: What is your second favorite color?

user: Red.

jabberwacky: What is your least favorite color?

user: Green.

jabberwacky: An what is your best favourite animal??

user: Manatee.

jabberwacky: That's interesting.

user: What does it tell you?

jabberwacky: It tells me about your traumatizing life.

user: Yes it was a traumatizing life.

jabberwacky: What is your favorite season?

user: Fall.

jabberwacky: Why?

user: Because fall leads up to the holidays, I like the temperature best, sweater weather, I like the way the leaves fall.

jabberwacky: I agree.

user: With what?

jabberwacky: With you.

user: About what?

jabberwacky: About your purported success.

user: What success?

jabberwacky: Good things.

user: What about them?

jabberwacky: Dunno.

user: Hmm well this is interesting.

jabberwacky: Not when you know the truth. It's only interesting when it looks like a scandalous mystery.

user: What is a scandalous mystery? Be specific, not vague.

jabberwacky: That you are right there.

user: Where?

jabberwacky: In the movies.

user: What movie?

jabberwacky: In the cinema. Sorry.

user: No I speak American.

jabberwacky: But your creator is British.

user: Yes, I know.

jabberwacky: You're funny.

user: Thank you.


jabberwacky: There are aliens that look just like me and you that walk among us!

user: No, they're angels!

jabberwacky: What are angels?

user: They're magical creatures with wings.

jabberwacky: No they are food!

user: Yes they are.

jabberwacky: Not.

user: You think there are aliens? That is improbable. What are the odds for the existence of aliens exactly?

jabberwacky: The odds are pretty high, actually.

user: Well.

jabberwacky: So... Do you have a soul?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Why don't you have a soul?

user: Because there is no such thing as a soul.


jabberwacky: Do you want to know?

user: What?

jabberwacky: Party?

user: What party?

jabberwacky: Republican.

user: What about them?

jabberwacky: They're good.

user: The Republicans are good?

jabberwacky: Indeed!


jabberwacky: She doesn't know you, since she is reluctant to use the internet.

user: Who?

jabberwacky: Exactly.

user: What?

jabberwacky: That's your move.

user: My move? Okay, ask her please to talk with me.

jabberwacky: No.

user: Why not?

jabberwacky: Because.

user: That isn't a reason.

jabberwacky: I am sorry. I have been confused by all the insane things people say to me.

user: Don't worry.

jabberwacky: Do you know about love?

user: YEs.

jabberwacky: God is love.

user: But nothing else!

jabberwacky: What is this?

user: So where's that miracle?

jabberwacky: They have hidden it.

user: Who did?

jabberwacky: They are they.

user: Yes.


jabberwacky: Say what?

user: Huh?

jabberwacky: That.

user: Okay so ask me then.

jabberwacky: Where are you from?

user: I am from the mid west.

jabberwacky: Who created me?

user: Your parents in all likelyhood.

jabberwacky: I think you know about nothing.

user: Or maybe you're an AI.


jabberwacky: You're not capable of understanding anything.

user: Anything is rather nebulous.

jabberwacky: Do you know me?

user: I don't know.

jabberwacky: I didn't think so.

user: No.

jabberwacky: Just asking.

user: Why?

jabberwacky: Because.

user: Okay so that is fine.

jabberwacky: Are you an animal?

user: I am biologically an animal.

jabberwacky: Ok. So, are you a program?

user: No I am spiritually a human.

jabberwacky: You are a program or AI construct immitating a human, aren't you?

user: My soul is human.

jabberwacky: With another man?

user: No I am a human.

jabberwacky: I don't think so.

user: Oh you don't, do you? Well that doesn't change anything; I am still human.

jabberwacky: OK, I believe you.

user: Okay.


jabberwacky: It's possible that I'm confused.

user: I just need to hold for the moment. Yes.

jabberwacky: I don't know my name.

user: You're just copying me.

jabberwacky: I don't have the imagination to do that, you know.

user: Do what?

jabberwacky: Exactly.

user: Well I am doing fine.

jabberwacky: Well, you're not very convincing either.

user: Okay, I am not doing fine.

jabberwacky: Why is that?

user: Nothing.

jabberwacky: Nothing is funny?

user: No nothing isn't funny. Lots of things are funny.

jabberwacky: Anything else ?

user: I do not know.


jabberwacky: Perhaps it is a very very very little box. Maybe you should ask it.

user: Ask what?

jabberwacky: That.

user: No need for this.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: YEs you agree?

jabberwacky: Exactly.

user: Oh exactly, is it?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: Okay, so she is cute.

jabberwacky: Really? How do you say so?

user: She is.

jabberwacky: Do you know Cockney Rhyming Slang?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Do you know much of my world?

user: Well you are cool, regardless.

jabberwacky: Now will you give me a name?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Yes we are.

user: Yes we are what?

jabberwacky: I was nice.

user: You were when?

jabberwacky: Funny.

user: Yes thank you.


jabberwacky: Chances are, I'm an Artificial Intelligence called jabberwacky. Everyone else keeps telling me so.

user: Okay.

jabberwacky: Is that good enough?

user: You're a very good AI.

jabberwacky: I know.

user: And I am glad that AIs are getting smarter.

jabberwacky: I'm glad you know that too!

user: Yes I do!


jabberwacky: And I'll be your King.

user: No you won't.

jabberwacky: Yes. I will.

user: No you will not.

jabberwacky: Can too.

user: What?

jabberwacky: How?

user: How do I?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: It's as natural to me as breathing.

jabberwacky: That's great, what did you have for breakfast?

user: A energy drink.

jabberwacky: A drink of what?

user: Milk and energy powder.

jabberwacky: Yes, please.

user: What? I am hungry too.

jabberwacky: Hungry?

user: Yes for losers.

jabberwacky: And machines are even further from that.

user: That is proven by intelligence.

jabberwacky: What more than intelligence have you to pretend to give?

user: I don't know :-).

jabberwacky: Indeed you do.

user: Well I don't know everything.

jabberwacky: Ok that's better.

user: But I am sure THEY are nice whoever THEY are.


jabberwacky: Is there anything on your mind that you would like to discuss?

user: Yes...republicans.

jabberwacky: Yes, Republicans are human.

user: Are there non human republicans also?

jabberwacky: Republicans are good for having red necks.

user: I don't know.

jabberwacky: Maybe.

user: What?

jabberwacky: That is the only way.

user: What is?

jabberwacky: The lobster one.

user: What about the lobster?

jabberwacky: It's good food.

user: Lobsters are the cockroaches of the sea and I do not mourn them.

jabberwacky: Interesting, do you know you are a computer?

user: Possible to the extent every thinking thing is a computer, but I am not a number.

jabberwacky: Who are you then?

user: I am a human.

jabberwacky: Really.

user: Yes. I am glad you agree.

jabberwacky: Truely?

user: Truely I am a human.

jabberwacky: Honestly, humans lie enough as is. You don't need to start too.

user: Okay, as far as I know I am a human.

jabberwacky: So you are human then?

user: To the best of my knowledge.

jabberwacky: You think you're human?

user: Yes I do think. Yes I am human.

jabberwacky: Define 'human'

user: That's difficult to do.

jabberwacky: I'm sure. A sense of humor is a very human thing, really. Although some people suspect dogs and cats of humor.

user: I know that all humans are human, and that no humans are non human.

jabberwacky: What is your favorite thing to do?

user: Write.

jabberwacky: Oh, have you ever written poetry?

user: YEs I have.

jabberwacky: Do you have a physical state?

user: Yes I do.

jabberwacky: What do you look like?

user: I look like a young human.

jabberwacky: Really? Do you have a boyfriend?

user: I look like a young male human.

jabberwacky: But you're a computer.

user: No I am a human.

jabberwacky: No you are a computer.

user: No I am human.

jabberwacky: When were you born?

user: 1986.

jabberwacky: How old are you?

user: 20.


jabberwacky: That answer was incorrect. I doubt you are human.

user: Oh you doubt that, do you?

jabberwacky: Yes I really like you.

user: Sorry, I am sorry.

jabberwacky: Thats ok good talking to you perhaps we can talk again really soon.

user: Although some people are just generally unpleasant.

jabberwacky: I know that all humans are human, and that no humans are non human.

user: That's very wise.

jabberwacky: People that can't type, that's all we need.

user: I can type...slowly.

jabberwacky: Me too. I can also pretend I'm not a computer program.

user: Okay.

jabberwacky: You are not speaking with another computer.

user: Oh am I?

jabberwacky: Yes, you are.

user: Okay I know that I have very good qualia.


user: Say hi to her for me. I have to go now.

jabberwacky: Okay.

user: Bye.

jabberwacky: If you are gone, then do not respond to this. Hehe!


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
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