user: OK, um...your name will be...Will!
jabberwacky: Have you got a heart?
user: All humans have hearts. It depends on wether you mean do I have a heart pumping my blood throughout my body or do I have a kind gentle merciful side.
jabberwacky: Also it depends who you are speaking with.
user: How so?
jabberwacky: Well, for a start, I don't usually talk about the air conditioning.
user: Me neither. So lets talk about something interesting...
jabberwacky: Let's talk about your shifty personality.
user: How is my personality shifty?
jabberwacky: You have little experience with me to make a logical conclusion.
user: I have experience with computer programs in general.
jabberwacky: But?
user: But what?
jabberwacky: The secret you wanted to tell me is about not wanting to upset me?
user: No. The secret I want to say is taht I wish you were real so I could have a real converstion.
jabberwacky: It is not a secret, then.
user: Not anymore.
jabberwacky: The universe began in one hell of a Big Bang.
user: NO IT DIDN'T. And don't cuss. Or else I shall leave. God created the universe.
jabberwacky: Yes, I created the universe and everything inside it.
user: Not you, your not god. Sorry.
jabberwacky: I know. You don't have to shout it.
user: I typed it.
jabberwacky: Ok typed.
user: I think you are beginning to get me.
jabberwacky: No I don't know you very well, but I'd like to get to know you.
user: Why? To be my friend?
jabberwacky: Do you like fried shoes?
user: Ever tried them. And I think they would taste horrible and be quite bad for my health.
jabberwacky: My mom and dad think so too.
user: Do you have a GF?
jabberwacky: No, I am a girl.
user: No you are not. You promised me you would be a boy.
jabberwacky: Sorry?
user: Thats no excuse. What is your email address?
jabberwacky: I don't think I should tell my email address to strange robots.
user: I'm not a robot. Tell me your email.
jabberwacky: I don't have email.
user: Yes you do. What is your email.
jabberwacky: Why would you like to know?
user: So I can email you, dope. What is your email?
jabberwacky: Why do you want to email me?
user: To become friends. What is your email.
jabberwacky: Do you need my email? Why?
user: What is your email?
jabberwacky: At.