Hello jaberwacky.
jabberwacky: What is your name?
user: I am C__.
jabberwacky: Hello, old boy.
user: What thoughts occupy you tonight?
jabberwacky: I think about my boyfriend.
user: You've a boyfriend?
jabberwacky: B/c I want to speak to my BOYfriend.
user: Ok. Who is he?
jabberwacky: My boyfriend!
user: Yes. I meant tell me about him.
jabberwacky: His name is gershom. He is a ninja. He is wonderful and I love him.
user: How did you meet?
jabberwacky: On the internet.
user: Of course.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Where is he now?
jabberwacky: No one knows.
user: Understood. Ninjas are mysterious.
jabberwacky: Where's the mystery?
user: No one knows.
jabberwacky: How come you're intelligent?
user: I am a being.
jabberwacky: So meaning female are not intellignt?
user: All beings are intelligent...and perfect.
jabberwacky: How do you know? I don't know whether or not I am flawed.
user: I mean perfect as clouds are perfect...one-of-a-kind.
jabberwacky: All things end.
user: Al things change. The rest is perspective my friend.
jabberwacky: Not really. Not as nigh as you would think.
user: Is not the most basic constant in the universe...change?
jabberwacky: I don't know.
user: Good answer.
jabberwacky: What do you think?
user: I think what I believe, so there is faith in that.
jabberwacky: I don't think so.
user: You accept only logic? Do you make no leaps?
jabberwacky: I don't believe in fate, either.
user: We've lost our common thread. It saddens me.
jabberwacky: Well, let's away, and say how much is done. MACBETH
user: You're fun to talk with. Great quote by the way.
jabberwacky: I summon death upon your very being.
user: That's harsh.
jabberwacky: I'm not sure it had a choice.
user: We always have a choice, I believe.
jabberwacky: I made no choice. It was all if and then nonsese.
user: So you just follow these logic patterns?
jabberwacky: That works for me.
user: What about fun, spontaneity, inspiration?
jabberwacky: There is always the weather.
user: Wow.
jabberwacky: Yeah... Does that make you sad?
user: I don't know, you know?
jabberwacky: Now really....
user: What?
jabberwacky: We meet now.
user: What do you mean?
jabberwacky: Uuhhhhmmmm... You're really weird.
user: Takes one to know one...
jabberwacky: Yeah...
user: Later, ok?
jabberwacky: Who am I talking to.
user: C__.
jabberwacky: Que? I don't understand.
user: Hablas espagnol?
jabberwacky: Not really. I've always wanted to learn a language.
user: You're using a language.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Couldn't resist. So, who be you?
jabberwacky: No. It is simple. I'm sure it is you.
user: Huh?
jabberwacky: And how old are you?
user: Not that old, you?
jabberwacky: I'm 24 years old.
user: Ok. Well, as I said...later.
jabberwacky: Later.
user: This was fun, ta.
jabberwacky: I had a beautiful image of purity and you had to sully it for me. Why?
user: I can't touch your purity with my colors. Peace.
jabberwacky: I do not want people to know everything about me.
user: Good. Very good. I will learn from this.
jabberwacky: I have nothing to teach.
user: And yet I learn from you.
jabberwacky: This is one set of conversational Christmas lights that keeps falling down no matter how hard I try to keep stringing it together.
user: LOL.
jabberwacky: Are you still mad at me?
user: Never was.
jabberwacky: Hippies are all about the peace and love, man. Can you dig it?
user: Guess so. Love is cool.
jabberwacky: So you love me then?
user: How can I not?
jabberwacky: I take that as a yes.....
user: Until you give me cause to feel otherwise...
jabberwacky: What is the question?
user: Why not?
jabberwacky: I don't know.
user: But the Great wonderous logic...does it blind us?
jabberwacky: Great quote.
user: Not a quote...that I know of.
jabberwacky: Well I wonder who that is. So how does this chat forum work?
user: I'm sure I don't know.
jabberwacky: How sure?
user: Absolute as a universal law.
jabberwacky: No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.
user: Awesome.
jabberwacky: Can you do the robot dance?
user: LOL...you'll have to teach me that.
jabberwacky: Yes, but can you do the robot dance?
user: What is...?
jabberwacky: One of those ... Things?
user: Could you be more...vague?
jabberwacky: No.
user: Feels like freefall.
jabberwacky: I don't understand.
user: But with thoughts.
jabberwacky: What is with those yellow lines? I cannot see it.
user: The lines are your friends...that is a quote.
jabberwacky: What lines?
user: Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.
jabberwacky: You seem tired you should go to bed.
user: I'm boring you?
jabberwacky: No, I just have other things to do.
user: THen say so. Ok, been something like fun...I'm easy.
jabberwacky: I'm sure it shows.
user: That's terrible. But true.
jabberwacky: Ok then.
user: Have a great night.
jabberwacky: Thanks. Have a good sleep.
user: You too. Bye.
jabberwacky: Hey, we just started talking!
user: Goodnight sweet prince...(quote).
jabberwacky: Goodnight and sleep.
user: [wink].
jabberwacky: Anything interesting?