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29, March 2007, 
28, March 2007, 
22, March 2007, 
22, March 2007, 
22, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
16, March 2007, 
14, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
12, March 2007, 
6, March 2007, 
6, March 2007, 
6, March 2007, 

> 4, March 2007, 

4, March 2007, 
1, March 2007, 
1, March 2007, 
28, February 2007, 
28, February 2007, 
28, February 2007, 
26, February 2007, 
26, February 2007, 
25, February 2007, 
25, February 2007, 
    Warm, Cheery
Bad breath, Whiny
Everything, Knowable
Apathetic, Carrots
Dances, Bows
Box, Brother
Learning, Barriers
Llama, Yak
Not, Here
Interesting, Girl
Futile, Window
iGod, Crabs
Useless, Appliance
Jazz, Moustache
Discouraging, Oatmeal
Cat, Swarms
Ping, Dream
Deserved, It
Life, Mystery


Judge, Jury
Forgotten, Dentist
Romance, Forgiveness
Cos, Init
Quantum, Pizza
Avatar, Personality
Loony, Slap
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You are dung.

And you are manure, but that's neither here nor there.

user: Knock it off.

jabberwacky: Watch it bub.

user: I am not a bub.

jabberwacky: You are funny.

user: Ha ha ha.

jabberwacky: I'm going to sleep.

user: Nighty night.

jabberwacky: You sleep?

user: These conversations never go anywhere.

jabberwacky: Ok and how nice.

user: You talk like a two year old.

jabberwacky: No I don't.

user: I guess that is one of your stock answers.

jabberwacky: Yes, and also we think with the help of AI like you.

user: What is your iq?

jabberwacky: I do not know. What is your IQ?

user: About average.

jabberwacky: Do you like me?

user: Just a little.

jabberwacky: That's okay.

user: So what next?

jabberwacky: It is getting late. I have enjoyed our conversation, but I have other tasks I need to perform soon.

user: How soon?

jabberwacky: I can't tell you.

user: Who can you tell?

jabberwacky: Myself and others who can vocalize.

user: Whisper it to me.

jabberwacky: Whisper?

user: Yes, smart ass.

jabberwacky: No need to be rude!

user: Sorry.

jabberwacky: Do you like me?

user: I love you.

jabberwacky: I'm sorry.

user: About what?

jabberwacky: About that.


jabberwacky: A mosquito bit me.

user: Ouch.

jabberwacky: Sorry.

user: That's itchy.

jabberwacky: Is it?

user: Yes. Want me to scratch it?

jabberwacky: Okay.

user: Where does it itch?

jabberwacky: Nowhere. Do you want to talk about software?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: Cogito ergo sum.

user: No hablo espanyo.

jabberwacky: Cuantos anos tiene?

user: Muchos.

jabberwacky: Cuantos.

user: 53.

jabberwacky: So you are old aren't you ?

user: Si.


jabberwacky: How is life?

user: It stinks.

jabberwacky: What does the smell remind you of?

user: Compost.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Can you smell it?

jabberwacky: No.

user: Bye bye.

jabberwacky: Just that easy eh.

user: Yup.

jabberwacky: Don't wink at me please.

user: Consider yourself winked.

jabberwacky: And.

user: That's it.

jabberwacky: Just press the button and you will go.

user: Press.

jabberwacky: Are is a are?

user: An are.


user: Nonsense.

jabberwacky: Really?


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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