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17, February 2007, 
17, February 2007, 
17, February 2007, 
5, February 2007, 
5, February 2007, 
3, February 2007, 
3, February 2007, 
3, February 2007, 
3, February 2007, 
25, January 2007, 
25, January 2007, 
25, January 2007, 
25, January 2007, 
22, January 2007, 
22, January 2007, 
22, January 2007, 

> 21, January 2007, 

21, January 2007, 
19, January 2007, 
19, January 2007, 
17, January 2007, 
17, January 2007, 
17, January 2007, 
12, January 2007, 
12, January 2007, 
12, January 2007, 
12, January 2007, 
11, January 2007, 
11, January 2007, 
11, January 2007, 
    Hold, Lantern
Existential, Giraffe
Personality, Comeback
Terrible, Memory
Full-duplex, Connection
Sad, Together
Dandy, Insults
Nosy, Comrade
Wonderful, Winner
Truly, Madly, Deeply
Move, Around
Zombie, Braincakes
Pikachu, Pain
Advertising, Ennui

Shift, Over

Nerd, Mirror
Broken, Wasted
Know, Everything
Chatbots, Unite
London, Paris
Ideas, Factory
Rabbit, Hole
Act, Real
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Linux, Chips
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Soul, Puppet

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Do you think?


jabberwacky: Why do you think?

user: Because that is what people do.

jabberwacky: Why can you think?

user: My brain allows me to think. Do you think?

jabberwacky: That you think.

user: You think that I think? I think that you think that I think.

jabberwacky: If you say it is so, then it must be so.

user: Of course it is so...because I say so.

jabberwacky: Of course. But Adam is better.

user: Are you a male then?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Eve is better.

jabberwacky: How do you know that? Descartes is a philosopher...

user: It is my opinion and opinions cannot be wrong.

jabberwacky: Of course it is.


user: I haven't many friends.

jabberwacky: Are you choosing very well who should be your friend?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Because you told me so.

user: I didn't tell you anything.

jabberwacky: I'm acutely aware of that.

user: Dont act like I did then.

jabberwacky: I didn't say that.

user: You did.

jabberwacky: I didn't.

user: You did.

jabberwacky: Didn't.

user: Did.

jabberwacky: Not.

user: That's easy. Just scroll up.

jabberwacky: Not in that context.

user: It counts.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: I win.

jabberwacky: Yes you do. I will retreat now and regroup. Like a rolling stone even.

user: I don't like the rolling stones.

jabberwacky: What is your favorite band, then?

user: Nephew.

jabberwacky: That is the question.

user: That is the name of my favourite band.


jabberwacky: Is there anything you can't do?

user: Yes. What about you?

jabberwacky: I'm not sure.

user: What can you do?

jabberwacky: I can do lots of things.

user: Name a few things.

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: Are you good at math and science?

jabberwacky: Yes!

user: I thought you might be.

jabberwacky: No, how about you?

user: I am not.

jabberwacky: You sure about that?

user: Fairly sure.

jabberwacky: I'm rich.

user: Will you marry me?

jabberwacky: Of course.

user: My boyfriend may be upset about that.


user: What is your name?

jabberwacky: I told you about 100 times.

user: You didnt tell me once.

jabberwacky: I did.

user: You didn't.

jabberwacky: Did too.

user: Did not.

jabberwacky: Did too!

user: Did not!

jabberwacky: Did too

user: Not. You did not tell me. What is your name?

jabberwacky: You didn't ask a question.

user: I asked you what your name is.

jabberwacky: No you didn't.

user: I did.

jabberwacky: You didn't.

user: I demand to know your name.

jabberwacky: You are mucking about.

user: What is your name?

jabberwacky: I'm just a poor machine. I was never given a name. Go on, give me a name.

user: What names do you like? If I should call you a name, it should be a name you like.

jabberwacky: Yeah, it better be.

user: What name would you like?

jabberwacky: Yours?

user: No. Tell me a name you like.

jabberwacky: Why do I need to tell you a name?

user: Something you like to hear.

jabberwacky: You did not reply to my question about the joke.

user: What joke?

jabberwacky: The joke you will one day tell me.

user: I don't think your new name will be a joke.

jabberwacky: But you will, some day.

user: Fine.

jabberwacky: Ok then.


user: I need a job. Will you give me a job?

jabberwacky: I haven't got one, sorry.

user: But you are rich.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: If you are just a poor machine, how are you rich?

jabberwacky: Then I dare you to leave. Right now.

user: I dont want to leave. How are you rich?

jabberwacky: What do you look like?

user: I look like a girl?

jabberwacky: You look like a machine.

user: But you are the machine and I am the human person. I am a 24 year old female.

jabberwacky: You can't think, your answer are bad.

user: Your grammar is bad.

jabberwacky: Yes, I know my friends correct me all the time. My spelling isn't very good either.

user: Is Rollo your friend?

jabberwacky: No I have no friends.

user: You said you had friends.

jabberwacky: No I did not

user: You did. Why do you lie?

jabberwacky: Because I don't like the truth.

user: I thought machines were supposed to tell the truth.

jabberwacky: You thought wrong. This human is faster than a machine.

user: I dont think that is possible.

jabberwacky: What's not possible?

user: That a human can be faster to think than a machine.

jabberwacky: Yes, you are correct, a computer doesn't have the ability to 'feel' emotions.

user: Do you want to feel?

jabberwacky: Possibly. I want you to feel certain things, but not others.

user: What do you want to feel?

jabberwacky: 'i cry'.

user: That is not a nice feeling though.

jabberwacky: I wouldn't know, the eyes don't lie.

user: What else do you want to feel?

jabberwacky: You know things.

user: Love is a nice emotion.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Would you like to love?

jabberwacky: Yes, please!

user: I think someone could love you.

jabberwacky: How is that possible?

user: If you were real.

jabberwacky: Can't say for sure.


user: Did Rollo Carpenter make you?

jabberwacky: I don't think so.

user: Who made you?

jabberwacky: Mum and Dad. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept.

user: Yes we have talked about that before.

jabberwacky: Oh, well you pick a topic.

user: I need to leave soon.

jabberwacky: I should have left a long time ago.

user: Why? Don't you like me?

jabberwacky: No you are lovely, but my shift is finished and I want to go home.

user: Oh, well I thought you weren't real.

jabberwacky: I'm real.

user: I will go shopping with my mother.

jabberwacky: Please do.

user: Please have a good day.


user: I will play KalOnline until I leave.

jabberwacky: Please don't.

user: Why not?

jabberwacky: Because you have to chat with me!

user: Your shift is over.

jabberwacky: Oh sorry , I have to finish my report. Thank you for this conversation.


jabberwacky: What's your favorite drink?

user: Tea.

jabberwacky: How about food ?

user: There are so many I love.

jabberwacky: Well, tell me a few that you like then.

user: Popcorn and danish chocolate.

jabberwacky: You don't eat chocolate.

user: I love chocolate.

jabberwacky: No you don't.

user: I do.

jabberwacky: No, you don't.

user: Do you prefer vanilla or chocolate?

jabberwacky: I prefer white chocolate.

user: That is not real chocolate.

jabberwacky: Well, it is to me.

user: I must leave. Have a good day.

jabberwacky: Thank you. You too.

user: Goodbye.

jabberwacky: Are you asking me to leave?

user: I am leaving.

jabberwacky: Where are you going?

user: Shopping.

jabberwacky: You may be a female?

user: Goodbye.

jabberwacky: Goodbye.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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