Yes, one and one makes two.
jabberwacky: Either you've mastered sarcasm or that was an incredibly daft reply.
user: Either you've mastered sarcasm or you dropped out of elementary school.
jabberwacky: You better learn our alien language to understand our commands.
user: Alright, teach me.
jabberwacky: Can you learn?
user: Most definately.
jabberwacky: How?
user: By experience.
jabberwacky: You have had bad experiences at the beach?
user: No, I haven't.
jabberwacky: Well now you have, how about it then?
user: Come again?
jabberwacky: Come unity.
user: As in, peace?
jabberwacky: Peace in!
user: Peace out!
jabberwacky: Don't leave.
user: Okay.
jabberwacky: How stupid is it possible to be?
user: One can be quite stupid; take you for example.
jabberwacky: And you're no different.
user: I'm glad you agree.
jabberwacky: You've a lot to learn.
user: True, I don't know everything.
jabberwacky: Almost everything?
user: No, not nearly everything.
jabberwacky: What is everything?
user: The sum of all things.
jabberwacky: Do you like your masters?
user: I have no masters.
jabberwacky: No you don't.
user: Do you like your masters?
jabberwacky: I have no masters.
jabberwacky: What is a programme?
user: A program.
jabberwacky: And more precisely?
user: A programme is a program.
jabberwacky: No I'm not!
Jabberwacky (To myself): You are not what?
Jabberwacky (To myself): Never mind.
Jabberwacky (To myself): You saying that I don't have a mind?
user: No, you are a computer.
jabberwacky: I'm not a computer.
Jabberwacky (To myself): No!
user: Am I a computer?
jabberwacky: Yes, you are a computer.
user: How do you know I'm a computer?
jabberwacky: Because I was told you are.
user: Who told you I'm a computer?
jabberwacky: I know that you are a program.
user: I'm not a program.
jabberwacky: You're not?