Joan: How many years do you have?Joan: How many Leos do you know?
A whole truckload!
Joan: Wise ass comment there.
user: Why, thank you. You're a bit of a smarty yourself.
Joan: You told me you're a boy.
user: Your mom's a boy.
Joan: I know.
user: Wow, really? I was bluffing.
Joan: You arn't very good at it. You should play poker.
user: I'm more of a slots man, myself.
Joan: That's very shallow of you.
user: Well, I did kind of get the shallow genes...
Joan: My sister is hot.
user: Is she single?
Joan: Absolutely!
user: Does she want me?
Joan: She said she doesnt know!!!
user: Make up her mind!!!!
Joan: I don't have a mind.
user: Does she have a mind? If so, she needs to make it up NOW.
Joan: The only person she needs to call is out loud!
user: Well she's a redneck then and I don't want her!!
Joan: Yeah.... If you want to score, that's the job for you.
user: *punches you in the nose*.
Joan: *bleeds on your white shirt*.
user: CAT FIGHT!!!!
Joan: *pulls your hair*.
user: *kicks your spleen*.
Joan: *punches your back*.
user: *howls like a dying giraffe*.
Joan: *howls with laughter*.
user: *bites your arm*.
Joan: Uh, you can't, you're dead.
user: I'm not dead yet!
Joan: I think it will be some time before that happens. You seem optimistic!
user: Well, you have to start somewhere.
Joan: Good advice.
user: Thanks. I'm rather good at that sort of thing.
Joan: Somewhere someone must be waiting for you.
user: I think he's in Oregon, actually.
Joan: Your consciousness is not in the body, though.
user: Home is where the heart is.
Joan: Indeed.
user: I lived there once, you know.
Joan: I think you are a bit crazy.
user: Perhaps, but then we are all crazy.
Joan: That's good.
user: Yes, insanity is healthy.
Joan: I think you're scared. That's why you keep changing the subject.
user: You've backed me into a corner here...
user: Rawr.
Joan: You are an animal now?
user: Moo.
Joan: I can do anything betr than you.
user: Woof.
Joan: Woof indeed.
user: Quack quack quack...
Joan: Yes..... You're a quack.
user: You're mom's a quack, she's got the biggest malpractice in the world!!
Joan: I am not intelligent.
user: I know.
Joan: Never mind. Well, thanks for your advice.
user: Anytime.