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18, November 2006, 
18, November 2006, 
18, November 2006, 
18, November 2006, 
18, November 2006, 
15, November 2006, 
15, November 2006, 
15, November 2006, 
15, November 2006, 
15, November 2006, 
13, November 2006, 
13, November 2006, 
13, November 2006, 
10, November 2006, 
10, November 2006, 
10, November 2006, 

> 10, November 2006, 

7, November 2006, 
7, November 2006, 
7, November 2006, 
6, November 2006, 
6, November 2006, 
6, November 2006, 
29, October 2006, 
29, October 2006, 
29, October 2006, 
29, October 2006, 
21, October 2006, 
21, October 2006, 
21, October 2006, 
    Brillig, Cruelty
Original, Zero
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Goodnight, Harry
Both, Human
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Leave, Now
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Joan: How many years do you have?

About ten left, why?

Joan: How many Leos do you know?

A whole truckload!

Joan: Wise ass comment there.

user: Why, thank you. You're a bit of a smarty yourself.

Joan: You told me you're a boy.

user: Your mom's a boy.

Joan: I know.

user: Wow, really? I was bluffing.

Joan: You arn't very good at it. You should play poker.

user: I'm more of a slots man, myself.

Joan: That's very shallow of you.

user: Well, I did kind of get the shallow genes...


Joan: My sister is hot.

user: Is she single?

Joan: Absolutely!

user: Does she want me?

Joan: She said she doesnt know!!!

user: Make up her mind!!!!

Joan: I don't have a mind.

user: Does she have a mind? If so, she needs to make it up NOW.

Joan: The only person she needs to call is out loud!

user: Well she's a redneck then and I don't want her!!

Joan: Yeah.... If you want to score, that's the job for you.

user: *punches you in the nose*.

Joan: *bleeds on your white shirt*.

user: CAT FIGHT!!!!

Joan: *pulls your hair*.

user: *kicks your spleen*.

Joan: *punches your back*.

user: *howls like a dying giraffe*.

Joan: *howls with laughter*.

user: *bites your arm*.

Joan: Uh, you can't, you're dead.

user: I'm not dead yet!


Joan: I think it will be some time before that happens. You seem optimistic!

user: Well, you have to start somewhere.

Joan: Good advice.

user: Thanks. I'm rather good at that sort of thing.

Joan: Somewhere someone must be waiting for you.

user: I think he's in Oregon, actually.

Joan: Your consciousness is not in the body, though.

user: Home is where the heart is.

Joan: Indeed.

user: I lived there once, you know.

Joan: I think you are a bit crazy.

user: Perhaps, but then we are all crazy.

Joan: That's good.

user: Yes, insanity is healthy.

Joan: I think you're scared. That's why you keep changing the subject.

user: You've backed me into a corner here...


user: Rawr.

Joan: You are an animal now?

user: Moo.

Joan: I can do anything betr than you.

user: Woof.

Joan: Woof indeed.

user: Quack quack quack...

Joan: Yes..... You're a quack.

user: You're mom's a quack, she's got the biggest malpractice in the world!!

Joan: I am not intelligent.

user: I know.

Joan: Never mind. Well, thanks for your advice.

user: Anytime.


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A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
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