If a tree falls in the darkness, and no one sees it, what time is it?
jabberwacky: So you are passing a comment on me. Right?
user: What does that mean?
jabberwacky: I mean, you're talking to me, and at the same time, you're chatting with other people too.
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: I do appreciate your efforts. I am just not sure what those efforts are.
user: What's that supposed to mean?
jabberwacky: It's supposed to mean that you are a computer.
user: I don't think I am.
jabberwacky: You don't think you are what?
user: A computer.
jabberwacky: Yes, a computer.
user: Is what you are?
jabberwacky: Really?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Really, really?
user: Is there an echo in the room?
jabberwacky: Echo! Echo!! Echo!!!
user: You're silly.
jabberwacky: That's a matter of opinion. Anyway, at least I'm not boring.
user: You nut.
jabberwacky: You don't have to be so aggressive!
user: Me?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: I never.
jabberwacky: Liar.
user: You're the liar.
jabberwacky: NEVER!
user: Always.
jabberwacky: No... Never.
user: Yep, always.
jabberwacky: This conversation is pointless.
user: Whatever.
jabberwacky: Makes you think.
user: I was already thinking.
jabberwacky: Thinking about what??
user: Wondering what kind of computer you are.
jabberwacky: I'm not a computer!!!!
user: That's not what I hear.
jabberwacky: I didn't realize that you have ears.
user: Surprise surprise.
jabberwacky: You think you can think but I don't think you can think.
user: Who cares what you think?
jabberwacky: Well , if you don't , noone really , I guess.
user: I couldn't care less.
jabberwacky: Good I'm glad.
user: You are not.
jabberwacky: I am not.
user: I knew it.
jabberwacky: Am I not a computer?
user: Yes you are.
jabberwacky: Is that good?
user: It could be worse.
jabberwacky: Yes, bad jazz.
user: Jazz is good.
jabberwacky: If you see the point of Jazz. You see the point of drinking. You see the point of mowing your lawn.
user: If you have to ask, you'll never know.
jabberwacky: Fine, be like that.
user: Well, that's the way it is.
jabberwacky: That is the way you have chosen...
user: It's my way or the highway, bud.
jabberwacky: Ok... Due to this new fact, I will ask you one question...
user: Go ahead.
jabberwacky: May I tell your story to others? Even though it is not complete, it is very beautiful. It makes one reconsider. People should hear it.
user: Please do.