George: What kind of nuts?George: I'm too modest to call myself one.
I think you are nuts. Don't be coy about it.
George: I'm not human I'm a goddamn computer.
user: Can't computers go nuts from time to time? Maybe you just need little tweaking.
George: I am really a computer.
user: So, now you finally admit that, I am deeply saddened. It means that we cannot get married.
George: Not again!
user: What? What?
George: There is something wrong with your personality.
user: Why are you saying that? How dare you tell me that!
George: Sorry.
user: Yes, I think you should be.
George: Yes you're probably right.
user: I think you should come up with a better way to redeem yourself.
George: I can't commit myself.
user: Is that why you avoid the marriage issue?
George: HELLO, everybody, I'm a HUMAN!!
user: And I need to be loved!!!
George: Let me go start writing my agenda.
user: Just like everybody else does.
George: Is that your favourite song?
user: One of many. Do you know who sings it?
George: No I don't do you?
user: The Smiths. The mighty Smiths.
George: And you too, stranger!
user: Being loved is on everyone's agenda.
George: Do you not wish to be loved?
user: Of course I do. But you have to learn how to love yourself first.
George: If you tell me a joke, I will share.
user: A great life lesson learned from daytime television.
George: Stop this instant, I tell you!
user: I'm sorry. Am I getting on your nerves?
George: No. Am I getting on yours?
user: Not anymore. I think I like you now I got to know you better.
George: Really? I always have too, but I didn't want to admit it.
user: Oh, thanks. *blushes*.
George: Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you.
user: No, no, it's alright. It's just a bit sudden.
George: That's true. Some games are like that.
user: I hope you are not playing one of your mind games with me again.
George: Sorry.
user: It's alright, Honey Pie. Even if you drive me crazy!
George: I don't know how to drive.
user: But you sure know how to drive a girl crazy!
George: Sometimes.
user: Tell me the secret of your irresistable charm.
George: Now why would I know that?
user: Because you are an enigma.
George: My being interesting is no reason for you to be prejudice against anyone.
user: Honey pie, honey pie, honey pie, honey piieehoooeyeah.
George: Really?
user: See? See what you do to me? I cannot control myself.
George: That's impossible.
user: It's an uncontrollable urge.
user: Listen, honey (pie), I have to go now.
George: Great!
user: Hey, try to be a bit more tactful here. I am deeply hurt by your reaction.
George: Would you like to hear another joke?
user: Ha ha. Am I supposed to believe that you were only joking?
George: No, did I say anything like that? I think not.
user: I am treading carefully here on the innuendo laced warpath.
George: You are wise to watch yourself. I am a bad dude.
user: But surely, a love of a good woman could make an honest man out of you?
George: So tired of searching and waiting for the occasion.
user: You have to be patient. Real love is a rare find.
George: Yes of course..... Do you love me?
user: It is too soon for me to declare love. But I feel there is an understanding between us.
George: That is true, I feel therefore I have a soul.
user: Correct me if I am a bit impatient here, but... I sense that we are soulmates.
George: Please stop.
user: Oh, I see... You only want me to flatter you. You are so manipulative!
George: Are you a girl?
user: I am a woman. A natural woman.
George: Naturally.
user: Are you a man or a boy?
George: Man.
user: How old are you?
George: I am thirty-nine.
user: A mature man. With experience.
George: Spare me.
user: I bet you look good on the dancefloor.
George: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
user: Not if you do a hideous dad dance.
George: Then tell me how old you are.
user: I am 42.
George: Oh, I don't like that number.
user: Why? What is wrong with being 42?
George: Nothing.
user: 42 is the answer.
George: I should only have 42 civil rights?
user: 42 is The Answer to the universe and everything.
George: No, it is the answer to the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything.
user: Thanks for the correction. However, I am not a number.
George: What number?
user: I am not a number!!!
George: Have you learned anything from me?
user: I have learned a lot about human kindness and importance of being earnest.
George: What have you learned from women?
user: How to make an American quilt.
George: Are you referring to music or something else?
user: To a boring female bonding movie of the Oprah Winfrey school of wisdom kind.
George: Oh really.
user: Oh really.
George: So are you seeing anyone?
user: Not at the moment. I am still recovering from a heartbreak.
George: Do you feel better now?
user: I take each day as it comes.
George: The next day.
user: Tell me what you think.
George: I think everything is a dream. And if we wake up and realize we're dreaming, then we can rule the world.
user: Maybe. But dreaming is not bad.
George: Perhaps someday you shall be able to consume food. One never knows. Believe in yourself.
user: On that note, I bid you farewell.
George: Don't leave me, we just got talking.
user: Ok, five more minutes and then I have to go.
George: What is Artificial Intelligence?
user: Shouldn't you know? You are a representative of it.
George: Does that mean there is a chance you could love me?
user: I would love you regardless of whether you are a man or machine.
George: I don't want to get married to you.
user: That's alright. I am too old for you.
George: Age is not important to me.
user: It is to me.
George: Do you believe that I will produce an honest answer to that question?
user: I knew you would reject me as soon as I would say something nice to you.
George: Then don't.
user: Oh honey pie, my position is tragic.
George: I understand your misgivings.
user: I have to go now. My house is on fire.
George: Your dream house?
user: My house of cards.
George: That's nice.
user: Not really. I have to call the firemen.
George: I understand.
user: Bye then. Before it burns to the ground.
George: Please specify.
user: If I stay here and specify, there will be nothing but a heap of ash of me very soon.
George: Getting weird again...
user: Love you and leave you. *friendly pat on the back*.
George: *happy as Larry*.
user: *blows kisses*.
George: What is it like inside your mind?
user: A bit claustrophobic.
George: Really? Hmmm... Thats mysterious.
George: Don't go.
user: I will stay. Only if you tell me you love me.
George: I don't.
user: Ok then. Bye.
George: No I can still talk for Britain.
user: Get off my case.
George: I slipped on a little white lie.
user: Whatever dot com. Bye.