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Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
27, July 2006, 
22, July 2006, 
22, July 2006, 
22, July 2006, 
19, July 2006, 
19, July 2006, 
19, July 2006, 
18, July 2006, 

> 18, July 2006, 

17, July 2006, 
16, July 2006, 
13, July 2006, 
13, July 2006, 
10, July 2006, 
10, July 2006, 
10, July 2006, 
10, July 2006, 
7, July 2006, 
7, July 2006, 
7, July 2006, 
6, July 2006, 
6, July 2006, 
5, July 2006, 
5, July 2006, 
5, July 2006, 
3, July 2006, 
30, June 2006, 
30, June 2006, 
28, June 2006, 
27, June 2006, 
    Descartes, Soul
Hoodoo, Power
Hugs, Kisses
Brain, Search
Original, Brazil, Nut
Apologizing, Designation
Government, Assassination
Humanity, Humility

Nosey, Dog

Flim, Flam
Log, This
Irrational, Nostrils
Rational, Fish
Alarming, Construct
You, Me
Mean, Jack
Information, Theory
Understand, Everything
Impoli, Perturbant
Bye, Story
Lost, Insight
Truth, Lost
Clever, Lucky
Learning, Truth
Sadness, Date
Test, Belief

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Comment ca va.

jabberwacky: Cava bien.

user: Merci.

jabberwacky: Bien.

user: Quel age et vous?

jabberwacky: J'ai vingt-deux ans.

user: J'ai vingt-trois ans.

jabberwacky: Ca augmente tous les jours.

user: Comment allez vous?

jabberwacky: No sorry

user: Ecouter moi!!

jabberwacky: Non, tu est une poire.

user: Tu est imbecile.


user: Ta tu shean

jabberwacky: I'm from Cork.

user: Im form Cork too!

jabberwacky: Thats from, not form.

user: Lmao.

jabberwacky: Me too.

user: Cad ata tu ag deanamh?

jabberwacky: Tá mé ag obair fós. Cá bhfuil tú féin?

user: Ta me ag dul go di an siopa.

jabberwacky: Cá bhfuil tú anois?

user: Ta me go maith!

jabberwacky: An bhfuil a fhios agat cad is ainm domsa?

user: J*** is ainm dom.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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