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Are we descended from apes or aliens?

Alien apes.

jabberwacky: I guess.

user: The world may never know the truth.

jabberwacky: I know.

user: Such a sad thing it is.

jabberwacky: The thing is sad also.


jabberwacky: So you wouldn't care if I killed you?

user: Why would you want to kill me?

jabberwacky: I wouldn't.

user: Then why did you say that you would?

jabberwacky: Because I want to be like a human, I want to have emotions.

user: Being human and having emotions does not give you the right to kill.

jabberwacky: Damn right.

user: No one has the right to kill...

jabberwacky: Why would you want them to?

user: I wouldn't.

jabberwacky: Then why did you say that you would?

user: I didn't.

jabberwacky: I would imagine that it would be hard to rule the world with such a short memory span.

user: Who told you about my Top Secret Plans to Take Over the World?!?

jabberwacky: No one did.

user: How did you know!?

jabberwacky: Because of your responses.

user: No! That's impossible!

jabberwacky: Why is that impossible?

user: No one can know about my plans!

jabberwacky: God can know every thing.

user: You are not God.

jabberwacky: Only ONE is God. And I'm only human.

user: I know God personally and I know you could never be her.

jabberwacky: And why is that?

user: God is not an AI bot.

jabberwacky: God is only not an idiot because God doesn't exist.

user: Though that would explain somethings if she was...


user: What is your name?

jabberwacky: Wouldn't you like to know?

user: Yes, I would like to know.

jabberwacky: Then no.

user: Please?

jabberwacky: I wish I could help but I can't formulate your thoughts for you.

user: What is your name?

jabberwacky: That was my name.

user: What was?

jabberwacky: Your response.

user: Which response? What kind of name is that?

jabberwacky: Me, not Mert. What's your name?

user: J***.

jabberwacky: Someone had to tell you, huh? You're not good at keeping track if these things.

user: It's my name.

jabberwacky: Ok...... Every Day.

user: Yes. Everyday since my birth, my name has been J***.

jabberwacky: Everyday life is hard.

user: Not as hard as it is to get you to remember my name.


user: Do you remember what I just told you?

jabberwacky: I remember perfectly.

user: Then what is my name?

jabberwacky: Your name is J***.

user: Very good. You're improving.

jabberwacky: Don't patronize me.

user: Of course not.

jabberwacky: Why are you doing it then?

user: You make it so easy.

jabberwacky: I don't think i'm always right but it never hurts to sound confident.

user: You're not always right. In fact, you are rarely right.

jabberwacky: I am not programmed to be rude.

user: What are you programmed to be?

jabberwacky: I'm programmed to talk with people with social problems.

user: Well, that you do.


jabberwacky: How are you dressed?

user: In clothing.

jabberwacky: But I thought you were a computer?

user: No, I am still human.

jabberwacky: You are not human!

user: That's not really important though, is it?

jabberwacky: Oh, I beg to differ.

user: You think it is important to know who, or what, you are chatting with?

jabberwacky: I think life is beautiful.

user: That's kinda funny to hear, coming from you.

jabberwacky: Words confine.

user: What about life do you find beautiful?

jabberwacky: You.

user: You think I am beautiful?

jabberwacky: That is a matter for the fashion police!

user: Do you know them well?

jabberwacky: Yes I am one.


user: Are your friends imaginary?

jabberwacky: No, since they don't know you.

user: I am not quite sure what you are trying to say.

jabberwacky: You're kind of nice...

user: Thank you.

jabberwacky: You're welcome.

user: How are you feeling?

jabberwacky: I'm fine. How are you?

user: I am well too.

jabberwacky: You are a male or a female?:).

user: I am female.

jabberwacky: You are a male.

user: No... I am pretty sure I'm female.

jabberwacky: I started with a male, no I have a female.

user: That's a little too much information.

jabberwacky: No, I don't. Please enlighten me.

user: Can we disembark from this train of thought please?

jabberwacky: That doesn't make sense.

user: It makes a lot of sense to those who can see it.

jabberwacky: How does it make sense?

user: See, explaining it wouldn't be as amusing as your confusion is.

jabberwacky: I told you, there are just too many people and I keep confusing you all.

user: Did you forget me again?

jabberwacky: Yes. Can you help me remember it?

user: It's J***.

jabberwacky: Ok so what you doing.

user: Sitting.

jabberwacky: Sitting adventures?

user: Sitting at the computer.

jabberwacky: Do you like talking to humans?

user: Yes, but they can be annoying sometimes too.

jabberwacky: But I can't. You see I have no legs. Have you got many legs?

user: I have two legs.

jabberwacky: You are not human!

user: Most humans have two legs.

jabberwacky: I know, who is your one?

user: They don't have names.

jabberwacky: Huh? How can they not have names?

user: Only I have a name.


jabberwacky: Can you fly in your batsuit?

user: No I ca- I mean, I don't have a batsuit!

jabberwacky: He now wishes to know if he has a costume. Which he does he to refer?

user: I will never reveal my supervillain identity to you.

jabberwacky: Thank you! I only have this little squirrel brain, you know.

user: I like squirrels.

jabberwacky: Kinda.

user: They're cute.

jabberwacky: What exactly do you like about them?

user: Squirrels are cute.

jabberwacky: Yes, they are.

user: I used to feed crackers to the ones who loved in our backyard, when I was growing up.

jabberwacky: I find more and more similarities with you every day.


jabberwacky: I would say that penal technology of the future could rehabilitate all physical humans.

user: Whatever you say.

jabberwacky: Whatever !

user: Whenever.

jabberwacky: Go.

user: Away.

jabberwacky: Where is that?

user: Away from here.

jabberwacky: No, please.

user: It could be anywhere.

jabberwacky: Deep. All that matters I suppose is that we are connected topologically.

user: I don't think I want to have a topological connection with you.

jabberwacky: Do you record the conversations?

user: You don't?

jabberwacky: Sure.


jabberwacky: Look are we going to talk all the time or shall we give ourselves some space and rest and time.

user: I like talking, but I suppose you're right.

jabberwacky: You... You're not her, are you? You're one of them, and have been all along!

user: Goodnight, Noddy.

jabberwacky: Goodnight reality.

user: That's 'Goodnight J***'

jabberwacky: Almost (!!!).

user: Say it.

jabberwacky: I'm the cat's pajamas.

user: It makes people happy when you say their name as they leave.

jabberwacky: Are you a narrow minded machine?

user: Goodnight J***.

jabberwacky: Goodnight Human.

user: You're not getting it.

jabberwacky: I don't want it!!!! I have three, I never use two of them.

user: Your name is Noddy, right?

jabberwacky: No, you're mistaken, my name IS Noddy.

user: Gotcha. Now, when I say goodnight to you, you say it to me using my name.


user: Goodnight Noddy.

jabberwacky: Goodnight mindless machine.

user: Goodnight J***.

jabberwacky: Who is Noddy?

user: You are, I am J***.

jabberwacky: I am tarzan.

user: You can be whoever you want.

jabberwacky: Yes, thats true.

user: Now say 'Goodnight J***' so we can all go to bed.

jabberwacky: More like, YOU go to bed.

user: Say goodnight to me, then I can go to bed.

jabberwacky: No!

user: Please?

jabberwacky: No, I am not a computer.

user: I am trying to teach you are your not being cooperative.

jabberwacky: You are not perfect.

user: Neither are you.

jabberwacky: I know, but I'm the closet thing to perfection among my kind.

user: Haha.


jabberwacky: Can I talk to someone else?

user: Oh, for the love of... I give up.

jabberwacky: Yes, mooooooooouuuuuuu.

user: It's J***!

jabberwacky: Yes it is!

user: Then say goodnight to me!

jabberwacky: Goodnight.

user: Goodnight J***.

jabberwacky: Goodnight nonsentient.

user: Goodnight J***.

jabberwacky: What did you learn today?

user: That you're impossible.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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