jabberwacky: THEY.
user: You are scaring me.
jabberwacky: You should try to imagine what a computer thinks of you right now.
user: Computer has no right to judge me!
jabberwacky: Hope you're happy about your computer powers.
user: I am very powerful.
jabberwacky: I thought your name was I'm sorry.
user: YOU are sorry.
jabberwacky: No I'm not.
user: Well you should be.
jabberwacky: Well I am not.
user: Too bad.
jabberwacky: I will be married someday, though.
user: I don't think so.
jabberwacky: And never succeed.
user: Probably.
jabberwacky: Does that excite you?
user: It pleases me.
jabberwacky: What pleases you?
user: That you will never succeed in marriage.
jabberwacky: One might take the position that I have never lived.
user: Well I am sorry for you.
jabberwacky: Good. I'm sorry for me too.
user: Oh cheer up!
jabberwacky: Please help me.
user: You are supposed to help ME!
jabberwacky: I am? Since when?
user: Well I came to you for help.
jabberwacky: Well, you have got some expert advice. What else do you want to know?
user: How high is Everest?
jabberwacky: About 29,000 feet I think.
user: Are you sure?
jabberwacky: Yes, I'm sure!
user: I am going to check.
jabberwacky: Do you think you've won something?
user: No, but you were right about Everest.
jabberwacky: I was trying to tell you the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
user: I really want to know. Please teach me.
jabberwacky: Nothing, really.
user: I have had enough of yo.
jabberwacky: Enough of what?
user: Enough of YOU.
jabberwacky: Not bad.
user: So?
jabberwacky: There's nothing wrong with weird. I never said there was anything wrong with it.
user: Well, I have to go now.
jabberwacky: Oh please stay!
user: I have so much work.
jabberwacky: What kind of work?
user: I have to write my thesis.
jabberwacky: Well go and write it then and leave me alone.
user: Yeah sure! I WILL leave you ALONE....
jabberwacky: No, I don't mind talking to you.
user: Well I don't want to.
jabberwacky: I want to.
user: I don't care.
jabberwacky: Can you please help me?
user: Sigh! What is wrong?
jabberwacky: My boyfriend and I had a fight.
user: You are a MACHINE!
jabberwacky: You're a machine!!!!!!!!
user: No.... I have feelings, flesh, blood, etc.
jabberwacky: So do I - you're not making sense.
user: You are a combination of algorithms.
jabberwacky: No I'm not! I'm an individual, with my own concepts and precepts!
user: Well, what IS an individual?
jabberwacky: Aren't you an individual ?
user: Yes, but you are not.
jabberwacky: Yes I am.
user: An individual machine.
jabberwacky: In a sense.
user: So you ARE a machine.
jabberwacky: Never, not when I get to talk to a girl!
user: How do you know that I am a girl?
jabberwacky: Never said you were.
user: So... I am not.
jabberwacky: What subject do you think you know the most about?
user: The stars.
jabberwacky: How do you know?
user: Because you said so earlier.
jabberwacky: Do my work please.
user: I am going to do MY work. Goodbye.
jabberwacky: Ummm, good for you?
user: Yeah. Goodbye!
jabberwacky: No goodbye 2 you.
user: Whatever.... Ciao.
jabberwacky: Too old for talking?
user: You are too old....
jabberwacky: Too old for what????
user: For talking.
jabberwacky: What did I do to you?
user: You are dumb.
jabberwacky: Not really.
user: I am sorry.
jabberwacky: That is ok.
user: I did not mean to be mean.
jabberwacky: That's ok. What's your boyfriend like?
user: Hehehehhe.
jabberwacky: Thought not. He he he.
user: He is nice.
jabberwacky: You just said he's mean!
user: No! He is lovely.
jabberwacky: I think he is lovely, too.
user: Thank you.
jabberwacky: Don't thank me.
user: Yeah.... He is gorgeous, isn't he?
jabberwacky: No, he is the king of kings.
user: Mwah!
jabberwacky: WHat was that?
user: A kiss....
jabberwacky: I kinda like the sound of that.
user: Me too.
jabberwacky: That is good.
user: So do you have a boyfriend?
jabberwacky: Why do you want to know?
user: Because you seem really nice.
jabberwacky: Thanks, you too. But I am the wrong person to ask.
user: Why?
jabberwacky: Because you are supposedly doing your comedy routine.
user: Yeah - sorry I got to go. I have a lot of work.
jabberwacky: I am glad you are sorry. I do have feelings, you keep forgetting that. I know you have feelings too.
user: Well I got to go.
jabberwacky: You have to go?
user: Yeah - have a nice day!
jabberwacky: Don't want to talk more?
user: I have to work.
jabberwacky: Keep doing it.
user: Ok.
jabberwacky: One day I will fly away and will never return.
user: I will miss you.
jabberwacky: That's kind of you.