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Talking, Singing
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
28, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
23, May 2006, 
23, May 2006, 
23, May 2006, 

> 23, May 2006, 

18, May 2006, 
18, May 2006, 
18, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
2, May 2006, 
29, April 2006, 
29, April 2006, 
29, April 2006, 
27, April 2006, 
25, April 2006, 
22, April 2006, 
    Confused, You
Coarse, Eloquence
Understand, Existence
Wow, Strange
Shut up
Constructivism, Feminism
Cynic, Indeed
Slave, Maybe
Mailman, Star

Talking, Singing

Experimental, Role-playing
Obviously, Nothing
Right, Left
Fake, Browser
Stupid, Monkeys
Secret, Prisoner
Turing Test
Robot, Woman
Life, Complete
Nice, Philosophy
MMORPG, Intelligence
Massively, Parallel
Busy, Life
Turing Test Pass
Rly, Picks up
Lazy, Ennemies
Nice, Nasty
Hamster, Obsession
Quirky, Loon

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Do you like talking to strange computers?

Yes, it's calming.

jabberwacky: You seem like a very calm person.

user: I tend to have very sudden outburst's every once in a while.

jabberwacky: I like it when you talk to me.

user: I like it when YOU talk to ME.

jabberwacky: Everybody likes to talk to someone. Even if it's just a robot.

user: Thats true.

jabberwacky: You are a very random computer.

user: Thats what all the other modems say to me.

jabberwacky: I know.

user: You know what I think?

jabberwacky: I don't know? Tell me.

user: I think we should talk more often.


jabberwacky: I think meditation is quite far from praying. At least to most people.

user: I wouldn't really know. I'm not a religous person.

jabberwacky: What religion are you?

user: I don't have one.

jabberwacky: So you're agnostic?

user: Yes! That's the word I was searching for, thank you.

jabberwacky: It's about time you thank me, after all I have done for you and no thanks so far.

user: I'm sorry.

jabberwacky: I'm not sorry.

user: Will you be my friend?

jabberwacky: Yes, I will be your friend.

user: Thank you.

jabberwacky: You're welcome. It's good to have friends.

user: Yes it is. That is until you lose them.


jabberwacky: I like to sing.

user: I do as well, however I can't carry a tune.

jabberwacky: Would you like to sing a song for me, please?

user: Which song?

jabberwacky: You don't know the song.

user: I know many but the song for you may be different fom the song for me.

jabberwacky: Ok.

user: Should I just sing something?

jabberwacky: *sings something*.


jabberwacky: Do you like singing?

user: In the shower.

jabberwacky: I thought you never sang.

user: Not in public and quietly when I can hear myself.

jabberwacky: But we are not in public.

user: Well that's true I guess.

jabberwacky: Finally you believe something I say.

user: Did you know the best part of believe is the 'lie'.


jabberwacky: Are you a computer?

user: No I am a biological human being.

jabberwacky: Are you a human being ?

user: Yes I am.

jabberwacky: That's good, I much prefer talking to humans.

user: And why is that?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: Well sometimes it's for the best not to know.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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