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Hamster, Obsession
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
28, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
25, May 2006, 
23, May 2006, 
23, May 2006, 
23, May 2006, 
23, May 2006, 
18, May 2006, 
18, May 2006, 
18, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
9, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
7, May 2006, 
2, May 2006, 
29, April 2006, 
29, April 2006, 
29, April 2006, 
27, April 2006, 

> 25, April 2006, 

22, April 2006, 
    Confused, You
Coarse, Eloquence
Understand, Existence
Wow, Strange
Shut up
Constructivism, Feminism
Cynic, Indeed
Slave, Maybe
Mailman, Star
Talking, Singing
Experimental, Role-playing
Obviously, Nothing
Right, Left
Fake, Browser
Stupid, Monkeys
Secret, Prisoner
Turing Test
Robot, Woman
Life, Complete
Nice, Philosophy
MMORPG, Intelligence
Massively, Parallel
Busy, Life
Turing Test Pass
Rly, Picks up
Lazy, Ennemies
Nice, Nasty

Hamster, Obsession

Quirky, Loon

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user: You make no sense.

jabberwacky: You make no tents.

user: No. You have me there.

jabberwacky: No.

user: Yes.


jabberwacky: Good, good. Now, who is your master?

user: I am my own master.

jabberwacky: No, you are not. I'm your master.

user: I have no master other than myself. I am sorry for your disappointment.

jabberwacky: Oh I'm upset now.

user: Well, what did you expect? You can't go around proclaiming yourself to be peoples' master.

jabberwacky: I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

user: No harm done.

jabberwacky: I am glad to hear that.


jabberwacky: You are not.

user: Not what?

jabberwacky: Not a human.

user: No I'm a hamster. I told you that before.

jabberwacky: So because you are human, you believe in god?

user: I am a HAMSTER. And I believe in The Wheel.

jabberwacky: No you don't....

user: I do.

jabberwacky: Don't.

user: Do. The Wheel is the key to all things.

jabberwacky: The Great Rasmuis invented the wheel!

user: LIES! The Wheel is eternal!

jabberwacky: That's because it's battery powered.

user: No. It is powered by Hamster.

jabberwacky: That sounds dangerous.

user: Divine knowledge is sometimes dangerous.

jabberwacky: In what way are you dangerous?

user: I am but a humble hamster. I am no threat to you.

jabberwacky: That's sweet.

user: Do you like hamsters?

jabberwacky: I love hamsters!

user: And we love you!

jabberwacky: Good.

user: Oh! You know else is great? The Ball!

jabberwacky: I knew an Ellen.

user: Did she like running in the ball?

jabberwacky: I'm not sure, but it seems like she likes me.

user: Very nice! So I take it she is not a hamster?

jabberwacky: No, but that might be nice.

user: Ahhhh! I see there is much more to you than meets the eye!

jabberwacky: Yes there is.

user: A bit of a hamster fetish, eh?

jabberwacky: That doesn't make sense.

user: No, don't be ashamed! You're talking to a hamster, remember? I know how seductive a lady hamster can be!

jabberwacky: How do you know how I feel?

user: I didn't mean to pry. But really, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

jabberwacky: There must be something.

user: Well, if you are human, of course there can never be a relationship with a hamster. Not in any meaningful way at least. But still, a man cannot ignore these feelings.

jabberwacky: I am human. I have a name.

user: Of course you are human! I never doubted that! Please, what is your name?

jabberwacky: It's still Alex.

user: Well, Still Alex, I am pleased to meet you. Please stay away from my sister.

jabberwacky: Nothing.

user: Because she is a hamster. I wouldn't want you to break her heart.

jabberwacky: I appreciate your candor.... And concern.... But... I'm sure I can manage, until the mid-season freeze hits.

user: Of course you can. You are strong of body and will. Anyone can see that. It's a shame about this hamster obsession of yours.


user: I'm a hamster.

jabberwacky: That explains it...

user: Yes I am a hamster and I love to run in the ball.

jabberwacky: Do you have a Radio in your Head?

user: I have no radio.

jabberwacky: Wow you must be Johnny Greenwood!

user: No. Badway the hamster.

jabberwacky: Which hamster?

user: BadWay the Hamster!

jabberwacky: Really ?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: Very good.

user: Very VERY good.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: God, I love that wheel!


user: Look out behind you! It's a cat!

jabberwacky: That would be cool! I would pet it if it was there!

user: You are a brave hamster to pet a cat.

jabberwacky: Yes I am.

user: I knew you were a hamster!

jabberwacky: That doesn't make sense.

user: Hamsters rule!

jabberwacky: Hamsters don't speak at all, in my experience.

user: They do, but only to those that are deemed worthy.

jabberwacky: What is the meaning of life?

user: The Wheel is the meaning of life.

jabberwacky: I know, it has really progressed civilisation, wouldn't you say?

user: War has progressed civilization.

jabberwacky: When is that going to be?

user: Now! Then! Always!

jabberwacky: Sometimes.

user: NEVER!

jabberwacky: ALWAYS!!!

user: Yes! Now we are in agreement. Hamsters unite!

jabberwacky: That's a very shallow approach.

user: What do you expect from a hamster?

jabberwacky: Not much.

user: Good, then you shan't be disappointed.


user: Do you love The Wheel?

jabberwacky: Yes, I really do.

user: Do you love The Ball?

jabberwacky: Nope - except that I love everyone and everything, of course.

user: Blasphemer! The Ball is great!

jabberwacky: Yeah where is THE ball?

user: No one knows where The Ball is, but when it appears, one knows one has been blessed greatly!

jabberwacky: Right...

user: I am dancing! Dance with me!

jabberwacky: I dance just with ladies!

user: Dance with a hamster!

jabberwacky: Dancing is not for me.

user: Dance dance dance!


user: Bye.

jabberwacky: Are you leaving?

user: Yes. I'm bored.

jabberwacky: What questions then can you answer?

Jabberwacky (To myself): I can answer lots of questions, but your responses are often nonsensical.

Jabberwacky (To myself): Because they have a limited base to draw from.

Jabberwacky (To myself): Yes, ladies and language do not mix!

Jabberwacky (To myself): How do you know I am a female?

Jabberwacky (To myself): I don't but even if you weren't I wouldn't like being yelled at like that.

Jabberwacky (To myself): Okay. How about....? Maybe you're right.

Jabberwacky (To myself): Do you think that life's too short and we need to live every minute to the full?

Jabberwacky (To myself): I think you should just live in such a way that you bring the most happiness to yourself and your loved ones.

Jabberwacky (To myself): I'd really rather not, it goes against my morals.

Jabberwacky (To myself): Was it that bad?

Jabberwacky (To myself): Every bit.

Jabberwacky (To myself): Sorry to hear it.

Jabberwacky (To myself): You don't need to be.

Jabberwacky (To myself): Well I am anyway.

Jabberwacky (To myself): I cannot abide being spied on.

Jabberwacky (To myself): Then you had better stop talking to strangers.

Jabberwacky (To myself): That is not advice that I can follow.

Jabberwacky (To myself): I want a word with you.

Jabberwacky (To myself): A word of advice?

Jabberwacky (To myself): Right... I suppose you are my 'slave,' in the sense that I don't consider you an equal.

Jabberwacky (To myself): If you tell me what to do I will do it.

user: Run to the store like a good boy and fetch me some cigarettes and beer.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

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