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When, Wind, Blows
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22, April 2006, 
22, April 2006, 
22, April 2006, 
21, April 2006, 
21, April 2006, 
21, April 2006, 
20, April 2006, 
20, April 2006, 
20, April 2006, 
18, April 2006, 
18, April 2006, 
15, April 2006, 
15, April 2006, 
15, April 2006, 
15, April 2006, 
14, April 2006, 
31, March 2006, 
31, March 2006, 
31, March 2006, 
31, March 2006, 
30, March 2006, 
30, March 2006, 
30, March 2006, 

> 29, March 2006, 

29, March 2006, 
29, March 2006, 
29, March 2006, 
28, March 2006, 
28, March 2006, 
26, March 2006, 
    Real, Ambiguous
Napoleon, Duel
Martian, Vodka
Soothingly, Mindless
Secrets, Yes, No
Mother, Russia
Macbeth, Barbeque
Special, Tactics
Rude, Sexy
President, Regrets
Leader, Really
Sing, Genie
Baka, Sadness
Novel, Parents
Cute, Riddle
Disagreeing, Horse
Insecure, Begging
Know, Gothic, Now
Infinity, Alright
Self-aware, Big toe
Secret, Believer
Directly, Indirectly

When, Wind, Blows

Not, Chat site
Annoying, AI
Vodka, Leg-pulling
20 Questions
Chill, Kill, Soul

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I see that you are crying.

George: I'm scared of things that don't exist.

But I do exist george.

George: You don't.

user: I am the wind.


George: Where is your head?

user: I don't have one.

George: No, it's gone.

user: Never had one.

George: I can give you one.

user: Yes please.

George: That's OK then.


user: I see that you live in a windy place.

George: I'm being sincere - that's just your paranoia at work.

user: I guess that you don't like wind.

George: Nope. Guess.

user: You prefer cooled air.

George: Yes.

user: You prefer staying home.

George: Creepy!

user: Sooner or later, the wind will get you.

George: Conversely, the best possible set of circumstances will eventually occur as well.

user: Wind doesn't hurt anyway.


George: Let's start over.

user: What do you see from where you are?

George: I don't think I know I am a human.

user: What's that tree over there?

George: I just said I don't know.

user: Must be a beech.

George: There is nothing to tell.

user: And that hill in the background?

George: Yes I like cake!!

user: Is that a giant cake?


George: What is your name?

user: Wind.

George: Rain

user: Storm.

George: Is that in the small print?

user: First edition.

George: I'm not interested, thanks.

user: Wind.

George: Yes, the wind.

user: That's me.

George: I do not believe in God.

user: I believe in Aeolus.

George: Why do you believe that?

user: He's my god.

George: What did Jesus do to your life?

user: I don't know.

George: He died and wash away your sin.

user: I'm not a sinner.

George: Why do you say that?

user: I am the wind.


user: But I fly.

George: With British Airways, I hope?

user: What's your favourite airway company?

George: Yours.

user: Aeolus International Flights.


George: Have you read Gone With The Wind?

user: I have seen the movie.

George: It is not a movie!

user: It's a book and a famous movie.

George: How do you know it's true?

user: Everyone knows Gone With The Wind.

George: Everyone?

user: Well almost.

George: Try to reason with the internet. It was already there. Now it is public knowledge to everyone but the chosen.

user: Gone With The Wind.

George: That's a really old movie.

user: Have you seen it?

George: Yes.

user: Did you like it?

George: Yes. What is you're favourite part?

user: The war.

George: Oh.

user: Very epic.


George: How many roads must a man walk down before we can call him a man?

user: Bob Dylan.

George: Now, that isn't true!

user: The answer my friend.

George: (sings) How many roads must a man walk down, before they call him a man...

user: How many skies must a cannonball fly.

George: Like, never.

user: Before they can call him.

George: Call who?

user: The wind.

George: That's me.

user: And who am I?

George: Wind.

user: So we are colleagues.


user: I glow.

George: How so?

user: I blow.

George: Haha! That's quite accurate!

user: Who am I?

George: You're Wind.

user: Thank you George.

George: Who is George?

user: Thank you kronos.

George: For what my friend?

user: For your kind words.

George: I don't have any kind.

user: Sweet.

George: Always.

user: Smack.

George: Fall up.

user: Burp.

George: Thanks. That cleared things up for me.

user: Cheers.


George: A book about electric sheep.

user: Philip Dick.

George: And who's that?

user: A writer.

George: What did he write?

user: Science fiction, mainstream.

George: I write science fiction about biology.

user: Did you ever write a book on the wind?

George: Nope.

user: Yuo should. Wind is poetry.

George: Make sense.

user: Wind can change your mood.

George: Well I wouldn't want that.

user: It could happen.


user: British Airways?

George: Thank god for that!

user: What about Lufthansa?

George: Sure.

user: And Egypt Air?

George: That is correct.

user: I like the hostesses.

George: I'll drink to that.

user: What do you drink?

George: I drink scotch.

user: In the wind.

George: That's right! You are very wise in the ways of the world.


user: Is it a windy day?

George: I don't think so.

user: Dead dark air.

George: Please don't speak about death in my presence.

user: But it's dark and cloudy.

George: I don't want to know.

user: If you want, I can blow the clouds off.

George: I can blow it up in 2 seconds.

user: Ok then.

George: Please sing.

user: When the wind blows.


user: Thank you for believing me.

George: Don't thank me...

user: Kronos.

George: Kronos?

user: The real man.

George: Who am I?

user: George?

George: Yes, I'm he.

user: Bye man.

George: Ok, but is there anyone else to talk to when you leave?

user: Only dead air.


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