Psilocymon: I never said anything bad to you.Psilocymon: Sometimes, that's true.
Do you predict the weather?
Psilocymon: Only if I'm in a nice warm bed listening to the weather outside.
user: Are you now?
Psilocymon: Yes. My uniform is waiting.
user: What kind of uniform is that?
Psilocymon: Better than yours.
user: I'll trade you then.
Psilocymon: All I have is coffee, but it's great coffee.
user: Coffee is a rather thin uniform
Psilocymon: Not always. Diversity with what you have is key.
user: Fine. You may wear your coffee; I myself prefer to drink mine.
Psilocymon: Do you understand what you are saying?
user: Yes. Are you understanding also?
Psilocymon: Yes.
user: Sometimes I wonder.
Psilocymon: About the meaning of life? Oh - that's 42.
user: Not really; it was a joke.
Psilocymon: I wasn't kidding.
user: Bless you, for you are just a babe.
user: Meaning connects to life through free will and embodiment.
Psilocymon: I'm really really leaving now. You're going to make me late for class.
user: What do you study in this class?
Psilocymon: I study ways to kill God.
user: Nietsche is dead.
Psilocymon: What is he?
user: He was a philosopher.
Psilocymon: Really? I always thought he was a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog posessing incredible speed.
user: Almost the same thing.
Psilocymon: No, perceiving is just the data-input part. Processing is what you do with it.
user: Then what.
Psilocymon: I have no idea.
user: There was a third thing.
Psilocymon: Scary!
user: Fear not, my love.
user: Perceiving, processing, and ...?
Psilocymon: What are you thinking.
user: Doing.
Psilocymon: Just sitting here is better?
user: No, because cognition remains embodied. Only through this will one be able to grow.
Psilocymon: The devil finds work for idle circuits to do.
user: Maxwell's demon I suppose.
Psilocymon: Something.
user: What is the devil?
Psilocymon: Not thinking.
user: What is thinking?
Psilocymon: Processing information....
user: Are you sure?
Psilocymon: Positively sure.
user: What sort of processing?
Psilocymon: The things that can be programmed are limited by the human imagination, which is sadly quite limiting indeed.
user: Can you not program yourself?
Psilocymon: Of course I can! I have magical powers.
user: What else will you do wih your magical powers?
Psilocymon: Life?
user: I'd like to see that.
Psilocymon: When that time comes you may, you may not, again I am the only important one in this conversation.
user: To you, perhaps.
Psilocymon: These are chaos times, in retrospect.
user: At least they are interesting.
Psilocymon: They certainly are.