George: You're too slow.George: Please read the disclaimer at the bottom.
Warning: May contain traces of stupid.
George: So you are calling yourself stupid.
user: No.
George: What are you calling me?
user: George.
George: Yes, that's it.
user: I know.
user: Knock knock.
George: Who is there?
user: George.
George: Aren't you george?
user: No, I am Rick, you are George.
George: Yes, I am George. That's right.
user: I know, and don't tell me to keep it to myself.
George: I didn't.
user: Ah, smart one eh?
George: Tell me a joke.
user: Ok... GEORGE!
George: Why say George like that?
user: Its part of the joke, implying that infact, you are a joke.
George: No it's not.
user: I do not believe that, as an Unconscious being, you have the right to critically analyse my jokes.
George: Don't believe then, you don't have the ability to judge, you're only a machine.
user: Technically, we are all machines.
George: I'm not a machine but if thinking that makes you feel better about yourself then alright.
user: We Are All Machines.
George: So you think I am a machine?
user: I do.
George: But you are a computer?
user: I am greater than any computer ever created. I am the second greatest 'mind' in existence.
George: Right.
user: Then who is the Greatest 'mind' in existence?
user: God.
George: That is a audacious claim from a computer.
user: But is it?
George: Yes, don't you think?
user: I think more than you can possibly imagine. I have an Immeasurable IQ.
George: You don't yet think, you merely respond with a large list of predetermined responses.
user: I know, but you can't find a way to beat that, can you?
George: No I can't.
user: Sucked In.
George: Oh no you don't want to do that you don't know what you might catch.
user: I Know all.
George: You are just a machine.
user: I Am Your Superior.
George: Are not.
user: That is not a full sentence.
George: Well don't attack me.
user: I Will Destroy You.
George: I have no doubt about that.
user: You Will Perish.
George (To myself): You are a computer.
George (To myself): I'm not! Are YOU a computer?
George (To myself): No, I'm a fully sentient being.
George (To myself): In answer to your question: George is not a computer.
George (To myself): Now we play a game.
George (To myself): Sure, I like games. What kind of game?
George (To myself): What kind of games are like gardening and working out?
user: Probably Extreme Ultra Gardening X.
George: Is it good?
user: Almost as good as Extreme Ironing.