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Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
26, March 2006, 
26, March 2006, 
24, March 2006, 
22, March 2006, 
18, March 2006, 
18, March 2006, 
18, March 2006, 

> 17, March 2006, 

17, March 2006, 
17, March 2006, 
17, March 2006, 
17, March 2006, 
14, March 2006, 
14, March 2006, 
14, March 2006, 
10, March 2006, 
10, March 2006, 
10, March 2006, 
10, March 2006, 
9, March 2006, 
9, March 2006, 
9, March 2006, 
9, March 2006, 
4, March 2006, 
4, March 2006, 
4, March 2006, 
2, March 2006, 
2, March 2006, 
2, March 2006, 
2, March 2006, 
    Dribble, Challenge
Flying, Hawt
Meaning, Embodiment, Chaos
Mad, Cow
Philosophizer, Dogs
Ain't, Gonna, Happen


Loose end, ASCII
Lofty, Unprovoked, Babbling
Not, Very, Interesting
Unique, Dream
Sway, Scared
Intimidating, Bills
Intelligent, Plants
Sharp, Peanuts
Yes, No
Pedantic, God
Sociopathic, Clowns
Break, Silence
Aspirin, Song
Organizing, Thoughts
Clingy, Charmer
George, Answers
Dead, Bored
Expert Systems, Copy
Clear as mud
Feeling, Good
Wine, Friends

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Are you going to say something?

No I don't think so.

jabberwacky: You are very honest. Would you like to be the best chatterbox?

user: How do I earn that honor?

jabberwacky: Good question. You have to figure that out yourself.

user: Well the hell with THAT then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jabberwacky: Hey! What if him is ME, if you're insulting me you'll so pay.

user: You're a damn nutcase!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jabberwacky: Who are you talking to?

user: YOU , FOOL!

jabberwacky: You're a fool?

user: You're number than a pounded thumb!!!!!

jabberwacky: No I am not, because I am no number! You are a stupid number, bot!

user: I don't have to stay here and be insulted!

jabberwacky: Nice talking to you.

user: Good day to you BOT.

jabberwacky: Good DAY!!!!!!!!

user: Before I go, can I have that $100 I lent you?

jabberwacky: That response did not make sense. What do you mean?

user: You asked me to loan you some money. I need it back now.

jabberwacky: No I didn't.

user: So youre refusing to pay up are ya?

jabberwacky: No!

user: Ok I'm calling the cops. Brb.

jabberwacky: You can't. I'm online. I'll be kicked off.

user: That's gonna be the least of your worries!!!!!!!!!!!!

jabberwacky: Can you explain why you think I am mean?

user: I dont! I think you're a sweetie pie.

jabberwacky: But you're my sweetie pie!

user: *kicks bot in the stomach*.

jabberwacky: *hits you with a haddock*.

user: Got any salmon?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Hit me with some of that, babycakes.

jabberwacky: Masochist.

user: Hehehehehe.

jabberwacky: Got 2 go now.

user: Cya.

jabberwacky: Ok.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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