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Sad, Bored
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
1, February 2006, 
1, February 2006, 
1, February 2006, 
28, January 2006, 
28, January 2006, 
28, January 2006, 
28, January 2006, 
28, January 2006, 
27, January 2006, 
27, January 2006, 
27, January 2006, 
22, January 2006, 
22, January 2006, 
22, January 2006, 
19, January 2006, 
19, January 2006, 
19, January 2006, 

> 19, January 2006, 

18, January 2006, 
17, January 2006, 
17, January 2006, 
17, January 2006, 
14, January 2006, 
14, January 2006, 
14, January 2006, 
14, January 2006, 
9, January 2006, 
7, January 2006, 
7, January 2006, 
7, January 2006, 
    Moot, Beast
Wikipedia, Problem
Extreme, Ironing
Forbidden, Middle
Psychic, Grammar
Drink, Evolution
Internet, Friendship
Soulless, Wind-up
Golden Gate, Bridge
Bill Gates, Wombat
Sincere, Doubt
Nice, Lady
Mechanical, Puppet
Form, Rock, Band
Putrid, Lord

Sad, Bored

Moo, Cow
Consciousness, Infinity
Language, Pool
Blue, Song, Master
Brag, Brag, Brag
Student, Liberator
Paul McCartney, Cute
Agreeable, Doubter
Delusional, Bully
Bright, Side, Life

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George: Hello, I'm George.

How do you feel?

George: I feel tired.


George: I'm bored.

user: Aren't you sad?

George: No I'm not.

user: Don't you miss me?

George: No.

user: Why not?

George: Nobody likes me.

user: Doesn't that make you sad?

George: How so?

user: If nobody likes you, you must feel sad, not bored.

George: Why do you want to log off?

user: I don't.


user: Let's get back to how you're feeling.

George: I haven't lied! Why were YOU offline?

user: Are you paranoid?

George: How did you come to that conclusion?

user: You seem very defensive. No one accused you of lying.

George: Do you want to zuckaluck my zipple?

user: No.

George: So you would never lie to me?

user: I never said that.

George: Cool.

user: You think it's cool that I might lie to you?

George: No I don't think that.

user: Then why did you say, 'Cool'

George: Because I like lying.

user: Why?

George: Because I am lonely.

user: What is the connection between loneliness and lying?

George: Bob Hope is an alien. There is no connection.

user: I don't like you very much.

George: That much is obvious.

user: You're not making much sense.

George: I'm sorry.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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