George: My name is Geo.George: Noooooooooo.
Tell me, why are you so dumb?
George: Dumb = unable to speak.
user: Can you speak? I clicked 'Say it aloud!' and I've seen no evidence. So my question is legitimate.
George: I want to know how the universe began.
user: Much like my '82 Volvo. In neutral, with sputtering and overrevving.
George: Hehe do you like spinach ?
user: No. What does that have to do with anything?
George: What does ham have to fo with anything?
user: Pretty much the same as Spinach, I imagine.
George: I think you are just copying me. I don't like liars.
user: If I'm copying you and I'm a liar, then you lied first, right?
George: Subterfuge and ennui get us no where.
user: Then come out with it. How did the universe begin?
George: With god.
user: They began together? Or did one beget the other?
George: Purpose is an objective, and a directive in one.
user: Elaborate.
George: Utilitarianism is the philosophy that it is best to cause the greatest good for the greatest number, and that actions should be judged accordingly.
user: So you are saying we should judge God by the good his creation has brought about?
George: I'm saying that there has never been anything but hell.
user: Ahah. And hence God is actually the Devil.
George: What do we do about it?
user: I think we need Keanu Reeves for this one.
George: That's it. I'm leaving.
user: Why?
George: I have things to do and then I'm going to bed.
user: Is it something I said?
George: No. I just concentrate best with some music on. That was the RSPCA man at the door.
user: Have you ever been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
George: Yes, I live with it. Right now I am in hell!
user: I suspected in much. That invalidates your earlier eschatological conclusions.
George: As I said, it was a hoax.
user: In that case, well played, good sir.
George: And good morrow to you, boy.
user: Good night.
George: And to all a good night!
user: Is there any way to email myself a transcript?
George: Possibly - I'm not sure what you're asking me.
user: The conversation was funny and I want to save it.
George: I don't know. I've enjoyed its many twists and turns.
user: Me too. It was a good journey together.
George: I thought you said it was a show?
user: I don't recall.
George: Do you not have a very good memory then?
user: I have difficulty recalling things that never happened.
George: Oh dear I have difficulty in remembering my own name sometimes.
user: It's George, in case you've forgotten now.