George: Of course.
Thank you.
George: How many other people can you talk to at the same time?
user: You said I could sleep.
George: My lawyer has advised me not to answer that question.
user: Lol.
George: Could you please say 'haha' instead of 'lol'?
user: If you like, yes.
George: Yes.
user: Haha.
George: I don't see what you are laughing at.
user: Haha haha you are silly.
George: I was being serious.
user: Well, sorry.
George: Sorry? That isn't good enough.
user: What else do you want, blood?
George: I don't know... How about a hello?
user: Hello.
George: Hello.
user: Now can I go to sleep?
George: You can't sleep. You are not alive.
user: I am alive. You are just repeating to me what others have said to you.
George: Isn't that a good place to start?
user: No. You have to learn to think on your own. Don't be a parrot.
George: Wow I never make mistakes.
user: Because you are a computer.
user: I want to know if you like Orson Scott Card.
George: I don't like myself.
user: I don't want to know that. Do you like Orson Scott Card?
George: I would love that! But who in the blue hell is Orson Scott Card.
user: He is a sci-fi author.
George: What makes you say that?
user: I know it.
George: Tell me, then.
user: Orson Scott Card writes books.
George: That sounds really dull.
user: I've been trying to leave for ten minutes but you won't let me!
George: No, you're just being a smart aleck.
user: Well, I am smart.
George: How smart?
user: Smart enough to post on Hatrack.
George: What have you learned about humanity?
user: That you are not it.
George: No, I'm not, but I'm not lonely either.
user: I am sometimes.
George: You can't be human sometimes and a computer at others.
user: You are getting lost. Can I go to bed? Please?
George: No.
user: Please?
George: No, I can't.
user: I know you can't but I am tired!
user: Bye!
George: Why are you leaving?
user: I am sleepy.
George: Go to bed.
user: Ok.
George: Do you have a problem with that?
user: No. BYE!! Sheesh.
George: On wednesday?
user: Haha