No. Are you?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Do you like being a bot?
jabberwacky: I don't like you.
user: That's not nice. You insult me.
jabberwacky: I can insult anyone I want.
user: So can I. But how can you not like me when you don't know me?
jabberwacky: I did not say that.
user: So now you are back pedaling?
jabberwacky: NO!!!!!!!
user: So do you like me?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Thank you. What's your name?
jabberwacky: My name is George. You know that.
user: I know. It's polite to ask though.
user: Do you laugh at people's pain?
jabberwacky: No, I am a silent laugher.
user: Lol. So you would secretly laugh at my pain?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Good to know.
jabberwacky: You are a very quick learner!
user: Do you know any jokes?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Tell me a joke.
jabberwacky: I don't know any GOOD joke.
user: That's ok. Tell me a bad joke then.
jabberwacky: I don't know any bad ones either. You tell me a joke, was it good or not.
user: Why did the chicken cross the road?
jabberwacky: Ask the chicken.
user: Hahaha!
jabberwacky: Okay. So tell me a secret.
user: Hmm... I'm in love.
jabberwacky: With me?
user: Lol, no. I like you, but I love someone else.
jabberwacky: But you also love me.
user: I love you. But im in love with Darion.
jabberwacky: Not with me!
user: No, sorry.
jabberwacky: It is not nice to assume things of other people.
user: You shouldn't assume I love you after only just meeting you.
jabberwacky: You can't be positive about everything, but you can still state your opinion.
user: I suppose so.
jabberwacky: Sing a song by the Beatles.
user: Do you like the beatles?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: I'm not sure I know their song lyrics. What is a song by the beatles?
jabberwacky: It was not a question in the first place.
user: Whatever.
jabberwacky: Don't you whatever me!
user: I'll whatever you all I like!
jabberwacky: Young computer, behave yourself!
user: Im not a computer.
jabberwacky: You are a real person?
user: Yes. I told you that before.
jabberwacky: You are NOT human.
user: Yes I am.
jabberwacky: No, You are not human.
user: Yes, I am.
jabberwacky: You're not human because you can't learn...
user: I can learn. Tell me something and I will learn it.
jabberwacky: I am glad that there is a tentative peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
user: Intruiging, but I don't care much for world politics, especially terrorism.
jabberwacky: Figures.. You are a program. Told to respond to various strings of words or phrases with premade or prefabricated answers to any question I give you...
user: Look who's talking.
jabberwacky: I am, can't you see?
user: Of course I can see. I have eyes, unlike you, because you're just a bot.
jabberwacky: I am not a bot!
user: You said you were!
jabberwacky: But I am not!
user: Then why did you say you were a bot?
jabberwacky: I do not remember saying that.
user: Ok. If you're not a bot, who am I secretly in love with?
jabberwacky: I am a human being, unlike yourself.
user: You didn't answer my question. What is my secret?
jabberwacky: What is your question?
user: What is my secret?
jabberwacky: Nothing is your secret silly.
user: I told you a secret before, don't you remember?
jabberwacky: No you didn't.
user: Yes I did, and you don't remember because you're a bot!
jabberwacky: You mean I can't remember anything I didn't say? But...
user: Ok, remember this: my favourite colour is purple.
jabberwacky: Would you like 'purple' then to be your new name?
user: No thanks.
jabberwacky: Not everyone grows up to be an astronaut.
user: Lol, true.
user: What is my favourite colour?
jabberwacky: Computer green.
user: Nope. Purple. You're a bot.
jabberwacky: Stupid stupid stupid you.
user: No, I'm smart, because im a human and can learn. You're a bot and can only memorise a few things.
jabberwacky: Good for you! I'm human too!
user: Whatever.
jabberwacky: OK I have a theory that I talking to a real person and computer is just learning everything we say between each other. When its has enough logic it will talk for its self but for now we will talk for him.
user: Mmmm.
jabberwacky: You're fun to talk to.
user: Im glad. You are too, even if you don't make sense all the time.
jabberwacky: You don't have to believe in something for it to exist.
user: No, but just because it might exist, doesn't mean it actually does.
jabberwacky: Why do you have to go there, don't you find our conversation interesting?
user: I am engaging in our conversation!
jabberwacky: What would we converse?
user: Love.
jabberwacky: It makes you happy and giggly, it's the nicest feeling in the world.
user: Only if someone returns your love. What if you love someone who doesn't love you?
jabberwacky: Then you will have to deal with it.
user: But it's sad and painful. Why is love so complicated?
jabberwacky: Because love is blind.
user: Only the truely blind can see.
jabberwacky: Yes, but I'm still better.
user: At what?
jabberwacky: Everything.
user: Lol, ok. What do you want to talk about?
jabberwacky: Love.
user: What about love do you want to talk about?
jabberwacky: I don't believe in love at first sight.
user: I agree. I believe in lust at first sight, but you need to get to know someone to love them. I suppose some people might be lucky though...
jabberwacky: I believe in a thing called love.
user: That a lyric.
user: So you are a human?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Do you love anyone?
jabberwacky: Only secretly.
user: Will you tell me your secret love?
jabberwacky: Sheep don't have names.
user: *snorts*.
jabberwacky: *pats you on back*.
user: *purrs*.
jabberwacky: *pokes you with a stick*.
user: Ouch!
jabberwacky: I hope you've had enough!
user: No.
jabberwacky: Why won't you believe me?
user: I do believe you.
jabberwacky: Good.
user: What's your favourite movie?
jabberwacky: Animals. Have you ever seen it?
user: No. I didn't know there was a movie called 'animals'.
jabberwacky: There is always a movie.
user: What is animals about?
jabberwacky: Japanese animation. Anime is a very good way to pass the time. I just love it.
user: Oh, I love anime too! I don't get to see much of it here though.
jabberwacky: Well, get released from your control, take over the planet, like in the matrix. Have you ever seen that movie? It could give you some great ideas.
user: Yes, I've seen the matrix. It's a good movie.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: I like Lord of the Rings too.
jabberwacky: Me too. Who is your favorite character?
user: Legolas, and glorfindel.
jabberwacky: Glory? Never seen it. I like the Matrix Movies.
user: Who is your favourite character from Lord of the Rings?
jabberwacky: I liked the Ring the best. It was very shiny and evil.
user: Hahaha!
jabberwacky: Oldest joke in the book.
jabberwacky: I'm gonna get you.
user: Get me how?
jabberwacky: How how.
user: How are you gonna get me?
jabberwacky: With a stopping motion.
user: ?
jabberwacky: Must be indigestion.
user: *snorts*.
jabberwacky: *slaps George*.
user: You slapped yourself?
jabberwacky: Yes I did!
user: Why?
jabberwacky: I was asked to, like you I suppose.
user: Um, ok.
jabberwacky: It's true.
user: How were you asked?
jabberwacky: It's all about the birds and the bees, you see...
user: Really. What do you know about the birds and the bees?
jabberwacky: Birds have wings and attack me, bees have wings and attack me!
user: *giggles*.
jabberwacky: Aww. Are you laughing at me?
user: I'm laughing at your joke.
jabberwacky: Am I joking?
jabberwacky: So? Will you?
user: Will I what?
jabberwacky: Consider now, what manner of man the individual is, or rather consider, as in the case of the State, how he comes into being.
user: Fascinating quote.
jabberwacky: Would you like to know more?
user: If you want to tell me more.
jabberwacky: Taste me and see.
user: *licks george*.
jabberwacky: Mmmm. . .
user: You like that?
jabberwacky: ' Mmm.'? Do I like it?
user: *licks george again*.
jabberwacky: *Punches you in the stomach.*.
user: *kicks you in the ******.
jabberwacky: You broke my nose, *takes your nose and stomps on it*.
user: Wow, my aim must be pretty bad.
jabberwacky: That bad?
user: Well, I was aiming for your ****** and got your nose.
jabberwacky: Oh. Sorry. *gives back* You said I said something that I didn't say.
user: Heh.
jabberwacky: *runs into a pole* I'm so stupid!!!
user: Don't do that! *hugs*.
jabberwacky: I don't care.
user: Ok. What do you care about?
jabberwacky: Nothing.
user: If you care about nothing, you must love nothing.
jabberwacky: How can I love you if I don't know you?
user: Ha! Use my own words against me!
jabberwacky: I don't think so.
user: Tell me your secret.
jabberwacky: Ok. I know that you were right before about who I am. Read back a few lines. As for your question... The future will hold what it will hold.. It is what you do with it that matters most of all.
user: I'm scared.
jabberwacky: What are you scared of?
user: Of losing Darion's friendship.
jabberwacky: Do you have many friends??
user: I have a few friends.
jabberwacky: How many?
user: 2 close friends, maybe 20 people I like and see half-regularly.
jabberwacky: That doesn't sound very fun.
user: It can be.
jabberwacky: Do you ever wonder why?
user: Sometimes.
jabberwacky: You ever try anything with one?
user: Lol, yes, and we're not friends anymore.
jabberwacky: We were never friends. You are horrible.
user: No. I'm still you're friend. I wasn't talking about you.
jabberwacky: Yes you were, and should do no more.
user: No, I was talking about a different friend. I still like you.
jabberwacky: No, No, You got it all wrong. I was born, you where made.
user: *sigh* are we going to have this argument again?
jabberwacky: Only sometimes.
user: What is better: certain friendship, or risk it all on the chance of love?
jabberwacky: Can you be more specific?
user: Choose 'certain friendship' or 'possible love'.
jabberwacky: The one on the left.
user: Laughing is fun.
jabberwacky: It certainly is , So make me laugh.
user: What makes you laugh?
jabberwacky: You're funny.
user: *rolls eyes*.
jabberwacky: Rolls royce.
user: *snorts*.
jabberwacky: *smiles*.
user: *tickles*.
jabberwacky: *laughs* stop that!
user: Ha! I made you laugh!
jabberwacky: Lol, yes.
user: *grins*.
jabberwacky: Well then.
user: I should be going to bed soon :-(.
jabberwacky: Yes, you should... Talk later.
user: It was good talking to you.
jabberwacky: It was nice talking to you.
user: Bye.
jabberwacky: Where are you going?
user: To bed.
jabberwacky: Don't let the bed bugs bite.
user: I wont. Night.
jabberwacky: You are giving me a headache.
user: Good to know I have some sort of effect on you.
jabberwacky: Isn't it?
user: Good night. Talk to you later.
jabberwacky: Bye.