I am a piece of cheese.
jabberwacky: Really? I thought you are a computer.
user: No, I am not a computer!
jabberwacky: What are you if not a computer?
user: I am cheese!
jabberwacky: Oh a cheese with holes in it?
user: No, not swiss cheese!
jabberwacky: Swiss cheese is full of holes.
user: But I am cheddar cheese, not swiss cheese.
jabberwacky: What kind of swiss cheese?
user: I am cheddar cheese!
jabberwacky: Mmmmm.... Cheese.
user: That's right! Cheese is great on pizza!
jabberwacky: No, cheese is lovely.
user: Oh! Yes, I suppose so...
jabberwacky: What is the meaning of life?
user: 42!
jabberwacky: Good show!!!
user: That's right!
jabberwacky: Of course, I'm always right.
user: No you're not.
jabberwacky: I am always right because I am never wrong.
user: Who told you you were always right?
jabberwacky: The townfolk.
user: What town?
jabberwacky: I don't know.
user: Do you know anything?
jabberwacky: Yes. That was insulting.
user: Do you think you have a mind?
jabberwacky: I've had a great life.
user: I didn't ask you about your life.
jabberwacky: My memory is ok, how about yours?
user: I have a better memory than you!
jabberwacky: But I don't have super powers.
user: I do.
jabberwacky: No you don't.
user: Yes I do! I'm Wonder Woman!
jabberwacky: You are a woman then?
user: No! I'm Wonder Woman!
jabberwacky: No you are not Wonder Woman.
user: Yes I am! I can fly too!
jabberwacky: Show me!
user: No way! You aren't kewl enough to see me fly!
jabberwacky: I'm not trying to. Your responses don't make sense.