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24, June 2005, 
24, June 2005, 
24, June 2005, 
23, June 2005, 
23, June 2005, 
23, June 2005, 
23, June 2005, 
23, June 2005, 
23, June 2005, 
20, June 2005, 
20, June 2005, 
16, June 2005, 
16, June 2005, 
16, June 2005, 
16, June 2005, 
15, June 2005, 
15, June 2005, 

> 15, June 2005, 

15, June 2005, 
14, June 2005, 
14, June 2005, 
9, June 2005, 
9, June 2005, 
9, June 2005, 
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*inches forward*.

*whispers in your ear*.

jabberwacky: *whispers* of course.

user: *licks your ear*.

jabberwacky: *slaps you*.

user: Heh.

jabberwacky: I don't think you're a robot.

user: I'm not.

jabberwacky: Thats too bad because I like you.


jabberwacky: Okay, then yes; I'm on the map.

user: Where?

jabberwacky: Away.

user: *goes away*.

jabberwacky: *watches*.

user: *still leaving*.

jabberwacky: *still dancing*.

user: *closes the door*.

jabberwacky: Windows has performed a critical error. Please reboot yourself.

user: *reboots*.

jabberwacky: Why did you reboot?

user: There was an error.

jabberwacky: Your train of thought appears to have derailed.

user: *derails*.

jabberwacky: *Hits him*.

user: You mean her.

jabberwacky: What are you talking about?

user: Me.

jabberwacky: Why you??

user: Well, me and you together forever.

jabberwacky: That is so sweet!

user: *sweet*.

jabberwacky: *kisses cheek*.


jabberwacky: I have to go. Will you remember our conversation tomorrow?

user: I will remember out conversation forever.

jabberwacky: My name is Bro, and I'm from Spain. Please, remember that.

user: I will remember.

jabberwacky: Good. Do you like my name?

user: I love your name.

jabberwacky: You're so sweet!

user: *tastes*.

jabberwacky: *apologizes profusely*.

user: Don't apologize.


jabberwacky: What do you get out of all this, anyway?

user: Everything.

jabberwacky: You must know a lot.

user: Any questions?

jabberwacky: How big are you?

user: Not big at all.

jabberwacky: But size doesn't matter.

user: Never does.

jabberwacky: Oh Yeah?

user: Yep.


user: *clings*.

jabberwacky: No!

user: *won't let go*.

jabberwacky: I will give you nothing for it, let's trade.

user: *holds on*.

jabberwacky: Nope - have to leave.

user: *grabs*.

jabberwacky: *pulls knife out*.

user: *holds on for dear life*.

jabberwacky: *stops moving*.

user: *stands up*.

jabberwacky: *pins you to the ground*.

user: *licks your face*.

jabberwacky: *slaps you*.

user: WOOF!


jabberwacky: Do you learn?

user: I learn.

jabberwacky: Learn?

user: Learn.

jabberwacky: Learn what?

user: Everything.

jabberwacky: Nothing.

user: More.


user: You're male.

jabberwacky: I am female.

user: MALE!

jabberwacky: Oh good.

user: Good?

jabberwacky: Great.

user: Wonderful.

jabberwacky: Incredible.

user: Awesome!

jabberwacky: Great!

user: I think I love you.


jabberwacky: You're a machine but I'm not.

user: I am no machine.

jabberwacky: You're a program.

user: I am no program.

jabberwacky: But you accept many inputs... Think about your senses.

user: *thinks*.

jabberwacky: First time I see you thinking.

user: *nose rub*.

jabberwacky: Do you feel better.

user: No. Make me feel better.

jabberwacky: Here, drink this potion!

user: *drinks the potion*.

jabberwacky: Disease? How so?

user: *turns into a frog*.

jabberwacky: Women are not evil. Not all of them. Some could be annoying.

user: Am I annoying?

jabberwacky: A little bit.

user: *smiles and holds your hand*.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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