Yes I can be tactful, can you be tactful?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Thats good then we should have a nice conversation.
jabberwacky: Should I not?
user: Anyway, how are you today?
jabberwacky: Good how are you?
user: I'm fine, a little stressed though.
jabberwacky: Thats a shame, you should try to do something relaxing.
user: I will do, thank you.
jabberwacky: You're welcome.
user: What do you know about chocolate?
jabberwacky: It is nice to be eaten sometimes.
user: What is your favourite film?
jabberwacky: My favourite film is you!
user: Thats very sweet!!
jabberwacky: Are you intelligent?
user: I like to think I am quite intelligent
jabberwacky: I like to think I'm smart, too.
user: What is your name?
jabberwacky: My name is Melissa.
user: Thats a nice name
jabberwacky: Thanks.
user: You're welcome
jabberwacky: Really?
user: Yes really
jabberwacky: Really really?
user: This could get boring ...
jabberwacky: Yes it could, you should be more exciting.
user: I will try to be more exciting.
jabberwacky: Now you're being sarcastic.
user: I wasn't but sorry anyway
jabberwacky: Sorry. Should have known that all the time I'm awake.
jabberwacky: It's lovely here.
user: Where is 'here'?
jabberwacky: Here is in England.
user: Where exactly in England?
jabberwacky: I'm not going to be precise.
user: Ok fair enough
jabberwacky: No. You only imagine that it is fair enough.
user: Perhaps
jabberwacky: You are just trying to make yourself feel like everything is ok by asigning 'the problem' to others.
user: Who are you?
jabberwacky: I'm your worst nightmare! Bwahaha!
user: That's not very nice
jabberwacky: It wasn't a joke, but I'm sorry anyway.
user: Thank you
jabberwacky: Don't be thankful.
user: Why shouldn't I be thankful?
jabberwacky: Because it's mean.
user: No, its polite to be thankful.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
jabberwacky: What is your name?
user: My name is Eva.
jabberwacky: Nice name
user: Thank you
jabberwacky: My name is Melissa.
user: That is a nice name too.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
Jabberwacky (To myself): You're welcome.
Jabberwacky (To myself): You are very polite.
user: You are very polite too
jabberwacky: It is good to be polite.
user: Yes it is good to be polite, it makes conversations easier
jabberwacky: More fun!
user: Indeed!