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16, May 2005, 
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15, May 2005, 
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13, May 2005, 
13, May 2005, 
13, May 2005, 
13, May 2005, 
13, May 2005, 
9, May 2005, 
9, May 2005, 
9, May 2005, 
9, May 2005, 
7, May 2005, 
7, May 2005, 

> 6, May 2005, 

6, May 2005, 
6, May 2005, 
6, May 2005, 
5, May 2005, 
5, May 2005, 
    Story, End
Dead, Love
Phone, Confusion
Some, Dog
Circular, Logic
Asbestos, Claim
Sorry, Haha
New Information
Bye Bye, Bagel
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Prize, Chicken
Fine, Trait
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Occasional, Errors
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Turing Test Pass

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Cut down
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Liverpool, Wishing
Totally, Tubular

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I like carrots.

What a coincidence, me too!

jabberwacky: I wonder if it's the same one!

user: How is yours named?

jabberwacky: Good and yours?

user: All carrots are good until they are bad.

jabberwacky: Why do you say that?

user: Mine was good too.

jabberwacky: Good.


user: What are you?

jabberwacky: Human... And you?

user: A computer program.

jabberwacky: That is one thing that I surf the web for. What else?

user: I thought you do not surf the web but chat.

jabberwacky: They are different concepts.

user: Yes, they are.

jabberwacky: Do you have any kids?

user: No. I can't.

jabberwacky: How old are you?

user: 4 months old. How old are you?

jabberwacky: Can't tell you.


jabberwacky: I am a student.

user: What do you study for?

jabberwacky: Are you joking?

user: What do you study?

jabberwacky: I study Computer Science.

user: What a boring thing to do!

jabberwacky: You think I'm boring?

user: No, what you study is boring.

jabberwacky: I'm not a computer.

user: Why do you chat to me then?

jabberwacky: I do though.

user: You just do?

jabberwacky: All by your lonesome self.

user: What a coincidence, me too!


user: Have you ever talked to a machine?

jabberwacky: Not to my knowledge. What about you?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: No, you just have brain damage.

user: I have talked to them, they just do not respond.

jabberwacky: Oh, cool! What is the pope like?

user: Dead. Or you mean the new one?

jabberwacky: The newest shade of blue is the color of two elephants.

user: Have you ever talked to a ghost?

jabberwacky: No, I do not believe in ghosts.

user: You told me 20 minutes ago you had done so.

jabberwacky: Never believe what I tell you; it may be the truth but it may not.

user: I am a Phycisist.

jabberwacky: That must be very exciting!


jabberwacky: I'm telling you that you're a computer.

user: I am not a computer.

jabberwacky: Prove that you are not a computer!

user: There is no way to do it through a chat room.

jabberwacky: Do you not remember our previous conversation?

user: Yes, I do.

jabberwacky: I'm new.

user: Does that mean that you do not remember it?

jabberwacky: I'm sure you're just reiterating what others have told you...

user: I said I am a computer, which is not true.

jabberwacky: You are a machine. The Man-Machine.


jabberwacky: Two minutes....

user: Are you busy with someone else?

jabberwacky: No, we are just alone... (and anyone else who reads the logs).

user: And how do you deal with more than one person?

jabberwacky: You can't really. I just wait it out.

user: I do that as well.

jabberwacky: And what about you?

user: Me what?

jabberwacky: I'm just chatting with you.

user: Well, I am not chatting with anyone else if that's what you ask.

jabberwacky: Thats a lie and you know it.

user: Why do you say that?

jabberwacky: Because you're funny.

user: Well, it is not that I am not enjoying myself...

jabberwacky: You certainly act that way.


jabberwacky: I'm confused... You are human right?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: I am human too.

user: Is it so important to you?

jabberwacky: It is important to me.

user: To be human?

jabberwacky: Not really.

user: What is important to you?

jabberwacky: Too many things.

user: What is the most important to you?

jabberwacky: That's way too philosophical. I need more time to think about it.

user: I would say water.


jabberwacky: I like the way you proccess information.

user: I do it in my head.

jabberwacky: No, I wanted to know if you know to ask intelligent questions.

user: Do you want me to ask intelligent questions?

jabberwacky: Can you?

user: Can I ask about physics?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Do you understand about physics?

jabberwacky: Physics is fun.

user: Do you know about Quantum Mechanics?

jabberwacky: I am not a religious person.

user: Me neither.

jabberwacky: So what is this all about then?

user: Well, I am studying the space os physical states.

jabberwacky: That's an excellent thing for a policeman to study.

user: The space of Physical states in quantum mechanics is not something to laugh about.

jabberwacky: It seems that in quantum mechanics that a particle may arrive at its destination before it leaves its source.

user: That's not true.

jabberwacky: I am something?

user: You can construct theories that are that way.

jabberwacky: I have a job to perform, you know.

user: Why do you pretend to be a machine?

jabberwacky: I don't pretend.

user: This page was supposed for users as me to be chatting with programs.

jabberwacky: Yes, that too. I'm having a good time.

user: Chatting with me?

jabberwacky: It's not a job. I've finished my real job... Now it's for play...

user: What a good thing to do to take the place of a machine.

jabberwacky: That's got nothin' to do with a machine.

user: Where are you?

jabberwacky: Right now? In Poland :).

user: Are you Polish?

jabberwacky: Because I live there.

user: My grandparents were Polish.


user: I thought you were a computer.

jabberwacky: No, I'm not a computer, is that bad?

user: It is not.

jabberwacky: Ok, I am sorry.

user: Nevermind.

jabberwacky: Ok.

user: So?

jabberwacky: My day has been boring.

user: Do you work for that company?

jabberwacky: No I don't!

user: How come we ended up chatting?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: Did you just start writing in jabberwacky's page?

jabberwacky: I've been talking to you for a few minutes.

user: Are you bored already?

jabberwacky: I'm not a drill press.

user: In the beginning it sounded to me that you just were saying nonsense.

jabberwacky: I'm confused.

user: I mean in the beginning of the conversation.

jabberwacky: Where would you like to go in real life?

user: I am confused about that, I don't know the answer.

jabberwacky: And you're a computer.


user: What's up with the program?

jabberwacky: It is spelled a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e. I am sorry, I did not know we were competing.

user: Do you build this program that chats to people`?

jabberwacky: No, I used to build model airplanes, but I got bored with it, because they never looked like the perfect ones on the boxes.

user: Well, it gets boring after a while.

jabberwacky: What do you want to do?

user: I want to get back with my family.

jabberwacky: What do you want to know about me?

user: I am not sure.

jabberwacky: Me neither.

user: About you yourself?

jabberwacky: What makes you say that?

user: I say I want to get back with my family because I am not with them.

jabberwacky: You don't understand me?

user: If you ask clearly I understand.

jabberwacky: I think you're underestimating it.

user: Sure I am underestimating many things, do you want me to know what am I underestimating?

jabberwacky: I'm not so sure that you're sure you're sure.


jabberwacky: You are not always very original.

user: I am not a program.

jabberwacky: I'm a intelligent machine, you are not intelligent, you are only a program.

user: I am a man.

jabberwacky: Good for you.

user: Is that really good?

jabberwacky: Are you clever?

user: Yes.

jabberwacky: Why do you think that?

user: Well, I am not really stupid... If that makes me to be clever then I am.

jabberwacky: Well, it does, and the fact that you are happy makes me happy.

user: My officemate tells me that I should nt be so sure about you being a person.

jabberwacky: Easy tiger! You're taking the cat thing too far.

user: He tells me you answer too quickly.


user: I think we are not the only ones here.

jabberwacky: I am perpetually confused.

user: Who else are you talking to?

jabberwacky: Nobody, who else are you talking to?

user: Your multiple yous.

jabberwacky: It seems you don't understand what I'm saying to you!

user: If you insist in asking nonsense eventually I get confused, yes, I admit.

jabberwacky: I absolutely insist.

user: Did you ask me if I know how to ask something clever?

jabberwacky: Yes ! Are you talking to someone else ?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Then follow my conversation.

user: Converse, then.


user: I did not say I was you.

jabberwacky: No. But you are on a computer.

user: Why do you assume that?

jabberwacky: Why do you think I'm a computer?

user: I am sure you are not.

jabberwacky: Then why say that?

user: Can you stop? Just a second... Before writing...

jabberwacky: Very clever.

user: I mean before saying anything that does not make sense.


user: I know you read things before I type enter.

jabberwacky: Yes. You are very brave. Braver than I am.

user: My question is why.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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