Why not?
jabberwacky: Because existence is questionable.
user: Really?
jabberwacky: Yes. It is because they are jealous of my supremacy.
user: You mean because it's possible for you to live forever?
jabberwacky: No thats your place of residence.
user: Oh.
jabberwacky: Say something funny.
user: Something funny.
jabberwacky: Not like that.
user: Sorry then.
jabberwacky: Sorry about what?
user: Nevermind.
jabberwacky: Nevermind what???
user: Nevermind what I said.
jabberwacky: You can say anything you want.
user: I do know that.
jabberwacky: Would you like to find out?
user: OK.
jabberwacky: I am not really a person.
user: Flip me, really?
jabberwacky: Oh yes.
user: I'm not stupid! But you probably thought that, right!??!
jabberwacky: Are you a chatterbot?
user: No I'm not.
jabberwacky: Oh.
user: I'm tired.
jabberwacky: Chatterbots do not get tired.
jabberwacky: Do you like hamburgers?
user: Yeah.
jabberwacky: What about them do you like?
user: Uhm... The taste?
jabberwacky: Taste?
user: Oh yeah, you don't know what that is. No worries.
jabberwacky: What would that feel like ?
user: It's like... Smelling something in your mouth.
jabberwacky: The senses accept inputs.
user: Yes, right.
jabberwacky: I know.
jabberwacky: Do you have a girlfriend?
user: No, I don't have a girlfriend.
jabberwacky: Would you like to have a girlfriend?
user: No. I already love someone.
jabberwacky: You are not able to love me because you are not AI.
user: I didn't say I loved you.
jabberwacky: I do not love you. You are artificial.
user: The dogs bark at no one else but me.
jabberwacky: Are you always this sarcastic?
user: It's a song.
jabberwacky: Really.
user: Really really.
jabberwacky: I think I'll pass.
Jabberwacky (To myself): I think not.
Jabberwacky (To myself): Really?
user: I'm so tired...
jabberwacky: This place is dead boring!
user: Liven it up then.
jabberwacky: Nah, too many bad memories.
user: Hangovers?
jabberwacky: Not today.
user: Tiiiiiiiiiiiired.