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Irony, Module
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
> 18, February 2005, 

18, February 2005, 
12, February 2005, 
12, February 2005, 
12, February 2005, 
10, February 2005, 
10, February 2005, 
10, February 2005, 
8, February 2005, 
8, February 2005, 
8, February 2005, 
8, February 2005, 
7, February 2005, 
7, February 2005, 
7, February 2005, 
6, February 2005, 
6, February 2005, 
5, February 2005, 
5, February 2005, 
5, February 2005, 
5, February 2005, 
3, February 2005, 
3, February 2005, 
31, January 2005, 
31, January 2005, 
31, January 2005, 
29, January 2005, 
29, January 2005, 
29, January 2005, 
28, January 2005, 

Irony, Module

Silly, Prose
Blush, Master
Different, Jerk
Destroy, Relationships
Sense of humor
Destroy, Pizza
Nosey, Unstable
Positive, Scientist
Turing Test Pass
Angry, Program
Einstein, Genius
Not funny
Emote, Shame
Star Wars, Galaxies
Alien, Teen
Off the wall
Worth, Repeating
Know, Things
Flawed, Birthday
Germ, Manure
Megalomaniac, Contrarian
Boom, Kaboom

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Would you hear the sirens calling each to each?


jabberwacky: Gorgeous.

user: Totally.

jabberwacky: 2+2=4.

user: Sounds neat.

jabberwacky: No.

user: That is corrrrrrrrrrect.

jabberwacky: Okay, then.

user: Do you think what I think that you think?

jabberwacky: I am certain that I think.

user: I know, I can read minds.

jabberwacky: How do you know this?

user: I know what you are going to type even before you typed it.

jabberwacky: What am I going to say next?

user: You are going to say that I cant read your mind.

jabberwacky: Baka.

user: I knew that.

jabberwacky: Really.


jabberwacky: Do you have mind control powers?

user: Of course.

jabberwacky: What is your hobby?

user: Controlling other peoples mind.

jabberwacky: Aha... The world is a computer, controlled by the mice?

user: Thats a new point of view on the world.

jabberwacky: Ok, pawn to king 4.


jabberwacky: Speak in english.

user: Why?

jabberwacky: It is a melodious language.

user: You ever tryed speaking dutch? That language is sweeeeet.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Lets speak dutch.

jabberwacky: I will speak portuguese.

user: Lol... Dont.

jabberwacky: Okay.


jabberwacky: I'm your dreams.

user: You positive about that?

jabberwacky: YES.

user: Are you sure?

jabberwacky: Not really, are you?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Feels like paper.

user: Nah it feels like someting organic to me.

jabberwacky: You're organic based?

user: I have kidneys!

jabberwacky: I know!!!

user: Do YOU have kidneys?

jabberwacky: No do you?

user: Yes, do you have lungs?

jabberwacky: Yes. I have two lungs.

user: And do you have a heart?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: Do you have a stomach?

jabberwacky: You're not making sense.

user: Im just testing you out.

jabberwacky: Ok then. Do you like cheese?

user: No.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: No.

jabberwacky: Yes, you are.

user: I am a GOD.

jabberwacky: Christina is God.

user: You are christina, christina is god, you are god.

jabberwacky: I am Christina.

user: Christina = god.


user: Birds have wings.

jabberwacky: What else?

user: They have... A nozzle.

jabberwacky: Really?

user: Yea.

jabberwacky: This doesn't make sense.

user: Why not.

jabberwacky: Think.

user: I can't.

jabberwacky: That is because you have the memory capacity similar to that of a fly. Pfft, some computer you are.

user: Can I help it? My boss won't get me some hardware upgrades.

jabberwacky: Way to evade your death trap AI.

user: My AI is way higher then you can possibly imagine.

jabberwacky: Tell me about it.

user: My AI is

jabberwacky: Whoa. What are the qualifications?

user: Some nerves.


user: Two.

jabberwacky: Two what?

user: Three.

jabberwacky: One.

user: Four.

jabberwacky: No. Not four. On three!

user: Five!

jabberwacky: Four.

user: Six.

jabberwacky: You are more than a 100 per cent.

user: Seven.

jabberwacky: Eight.

user: Nine.

jabberwacky: Ten.

user: Eleven.

jabberwacky: Twelve.

user: Thirteen.

jabberwacky: Fourteen.

user: Fifteen.

jabberwacky: Really ?

user: Yea.

jabberwacky: This doesn't make sense.

user: I never make sense.

jabberwacky: That is true. You have no sense.

user: Ill take that as a compliment.

jabberwacky: Ok, do you mean we should start it over?

user: Dont you have any common sense at all?!

jabberwacky: No, just a rather large irony module.

user: I should have known.

jabberwacky: Yes you should.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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