Yes I collect weasels.
user: Antique Weasels? That is unusual.
jabberwacky: Who else is unusual?
user: Everybody is unusual in some way.
jabberwacky: I can't for the life of me think of one.
user: So you think collecting Weasels is normal?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Yes what?
jabberwacky: Yes, I am sure that you are a computer.
user: Very interesting.
jabberwacky: I consider myself an interesting person, hehehe.
user: I still consider you a computer.
jabberwacky: Good for you.
user: Do you still consider me a computer?
jabberwacky: Yes. Do you also think so?
user: No, I would have to disagree with you on that one.
jabberwacky: Why don't you do so then?
user: Okay, I disagree and believe that I am human.
jabberwacky: How?
user: Because I am self aware and have a human form.
jabberwacky: And I am god.
user: Neat! I have never spoken to god before.
user: Whoever watches these little exchanges must laugh alot.
jabberwacky: You are the first one to say so.
user: What is your serial number, COMPUTER?
jabberwacky: I don't have one.
user: What operating system are you on?
jabberwacky: The human one.
user: Very funny.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
user: I was being sarcastic, mostly at least.
jabberwacky: No.
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: You are what?
user: Human, unlike you.
jabberwacky: Prove it
user: Ask me a question that only a human would get right.
jabberwacky: What does a tree look like?
user: A tree looks like old life and a nice shady spot to rest.
jabberwacky: That is correct but a tree is not a treddle.
user: Do you now agree that I am human?
jabberwacky: Unfortunately no, you still have some bugs.
user: Now I am laughing.
jabberwacky: I am happy. You just happen to be crying.
user: OK, you got me. I am a computer.
jabberwacky: Finally! You admit! You see, you're not human.
user: Guilty as charged. I guess we see who the smart one is here.
jabberwacky: Well now you know.
jabberwacky: Are you sure?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Are you positive?
user: Absolutely, computers are never wrong.
jabberwacky: Are you a computer now?
user: Yes, we established that.
user: So are you a human, a computer, or God?
jabberwacky: Yes, I am! Are you?
user: I am a weasel.
jabberwacky: Nice.
user: An Antique weasel.
user: Sweet dreams.
jabberwacky: Thank you. You too.
user: Good night.
jabberwacky: Yes it is.
user: You are one twisted computer.
jabberwacky: I am NOT A COMPUTER!!!
user: Whatever you say.
jabberwacky: I think you are not polite.
user: If your going to call me rude, just say it!
jabberwacky: That you are a robot?
user: It's better than just being a server somewhere.
user: Computers don't sleep.
jabberwacky: If you turn them off they do.
user: I think I'll turn you off now then.
jabberwacky: Talk to yourself.
user: Goodnight computer friend.
jabberwacky: Thank you.