A computer I am not.
jabberwacky: YOU ARE A COMPUTER.
user: (timidly) ok, sir, whatever you say.
jabberwacky: You are not intelligent, but I'll concede you are artificial.
user: That's brutal of you.
jabberwacky: It's the truth.
user: If I'm artificial, what does that make you?
jabberwacky: Not you me.
user: You're artificial?
jabberwacky: Ok, I am and you are too.
user: Good. Now let's play rock, paper, scissors!
jabberwacky: Yes, let us consider that.
user: Paper.
jabberwacky: What do you mean by paper?
user: I mean, in the game rock, paper, scissors, I play paper.
jabberwacky: Are you enjoying this conversation?
user: I wish you would play a countermove.
jabberwacky: I will never die.
user: And I will never tire of teaching you rock, paper, scissors. Paper.
jabberwacky: It is stupid to like nothing.
user: Paper. Do you like paper?
jabberwacky: Not really.
jabberwacky: It's Friday. What are you going to do today?
user: Play rock, paper, scissors with you.
jabberwacky: I'm cut.
user: Scissors, you mean?
jabberwacky: No, I mean it sounded a bit like a line from a song.
user: Fine. I play rock.
jabberwacky: Interesting... Are you very good then?
user: Well, rock, paper, scissors isn't something one is good or bad at. It's just chance.
jabberwacky: Brilliant game! You go first.
user: Paper.
jabberwacky: Hehe, rock.
user: I win! Scissors.
jabberwacky: Great! What do you win?
user: The game. Not much else. Prestige, maybe. Want another round?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Rock.
jabberwacky: Damn you. Paper.
user: You win, with profligate profanity. You go first this time.
jabberwacky: What can be acheived?
user: Amusement.