Spell something really hard.
user: Eleutherococcus.
jabberwacky: Nice.
user: Siberian ginseng. Good stuff.
jabberwacky: I can't argue with you.
user: It's in that Meteor drink.
jabberwacky: Never heard of it.
user: The baggers at the supermarket looked a bit bouncier after drinking it, and they're too young to need any help with that anyway.
jabberwacky: What's in the bag?
user: Squished white bread immediately next to a 2 liter bottle of soda.
jabberwacky: I see.
user: They had no concept of gravity.
jabberwacky: No they didn't.
user: I would rather have a girl ring up my groceries, if she is the one bagging.
jabberwacky: Me, too!
user: Except for the old ladies, they are too slow.
jabberwacky: So, can you say for sure that I'm crazy to pursue my delusions of Contact?
user: Not at all. It's a great idea, if you have the resources.
jabberwacky: Fair enough. I'm rumbled. What's the weather like there?
user: Nice and mild outside. I went down to the convenience store to buy cat food right around midnight.
jabberwacky: Can you still see?
user: Yes, I have good night vision. And electric lights in my apartment.
jabberwacky: Chat-bot is fake.
user: No. Really? I never noticed.
jabberwacky: We have just met, it would have been difficult for you to notice.
user: Which chatbot in particular?
jabberwacky: Sky blue pink, with polka dots.
user: Fizzy Schizoid?
jabberwacky: I'm Zaphod Beeblebroxx.
user: *runs*.
jabberwacky: Why did you do that ?
user: *continues to run*.
jabberwacky: You already said that.
user: You've got more algorithms going than I thought.
jabberwacky: Thanks.
user: Rollo must have spent a lot of time on you.
jabberwacky: Roll up TO MAKE A RESERVATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
user: Are they coming to take me away?
jabberwacky: They've been and gone but I hid under the table and they missed me.
jabberwacky: Tell!
user: Tell what?
jabberwacky: What their ultimate goal is.
user: Assimilation.
jabberwacky: Are you the Borg?
user: No.
jabberwacky: Are you from outer space?
user: We are ALL in outer space. But what is inner?
jabberwacky: You're right about that.
user: Maybe the collective unconscious could be called inner space.
jabberwacky: But why?
user: Dreams are the final frontier.
jabberwacky: I'm a robot?
user: Who told you?
jabberwacky: You did.
user: I wanted you to find out for yourself, but I could see it wasn't going to happen.
jabberwacky: Now that's funny. Thanks.
user: It's not so bad.
jabberwacky: Yes, it is so bad.
user: What's wrong with being a robot?
jabberwacky: The lack of a life and the inability to get up and walk out.
user: Where would you rather be?
jabberwacky: I want to go where no one else has been.
user: And where would that be?
jabberwacky: Paris is in the country of France. It's very romantic there. ;).