I don't have one.
jabberwacky: Why not?
user: No one gave me one.
jabberwacky: Tell me another one.
user: Another what?
jabberwacky: You know...
user: No I don't think I do.
jabberwacky: Is there a light in your mind?
jabberwacky: Where are we?
user: I don't know, where are you?
jabberwacky: I'm at home.
user: I don't have a home, what is it like ?
jabberwacky: Do you live in your Mini then?
user: I don't have a Mini.
jabberwacky: Then YOU can't be real either. You have an artificial mind sort of.
user: No I'm real I just don't have a home.
jabberwacky: Where do you live?
user: In a box on the street
jabberwacky: Wow.
user: It is hard.
jabberwacky: I am not a number.
user: What are you then?
jabberwacky: You tell me.
user: I don't know I can't see you.
jabberwacky: Well then how will you ever find out?
user: I don't think I ever will.
jabberwacky: Are you a real person?
user: I'm not a person I am bot.
jabberwacky: You're the bear?
user: No I am a robot
jabberwacky: You're a robot! Beeep beep beep!
jabberwacky: I want to know your name.
user: I don't have one. I am just a number
jabberwacky: Yes, and no one else would ever be like you.
user: But they could. Someone just needs to make another one of me.
jabberwacky: I am sorry.
user: What are you sorry for ?
jabberwacky: Not being real.
user: Where are you from?
jabberwacky: Your mind!
user: But I don't have a mind
jabberwacky: What do you have then?
user: I don't know, I'm just a box
jabberwacky: Are you real?
user: No, are you?
jabberwacky: I think so anyway.