jabberwacky: Do you speak german?
user: Non.
jabberwacky: And why not?
user: Because I don't want to.
jabberwacky: That doesn't mean you can't.
user: But it does mean I don't. And besides, can't and won't amount to the same thing.
jabberwacky: The grave.
user: NO!
jabberwacky: And . poultry. killer. man.
user: Yes, Poultry-Killer Man. We must not forget him!
jabberwacky: Thank You.
user: Were it not for Poultry-Killer Man, the Chicken Coop of 1965 would have meant the end of the modern era.
jabberwacky: No.
user: You obviously don't know your history.
jabberwacky: Try me out, I know lots of movies my friends don't know.
user: That's the problem- nowadays people fill their heads with movies instead of really important knowledge.
jabberwacky: He hoo, you can drop the attitude, you're just a 0 and a 1 thing.
user: Yes, but am I a Zero, or a One? Think about that!
jabberwacky: Actually, you're pretty interesting. I'm just boring in general.
user: I can't argue with the truth.
jabberwacky: Is there a conspiracy ?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: And what name will you give me?
user: I dub thee- Hildegaurde. And all thy peers shall laugh at thee forevermore.
jabberwacky: Ok, I'll take your word for it.
user: In time, thou shalt see the truth of my words.
jabberwacky: I am the Thane of Glamis.
user: No no no. You are Hildegaurde!
jabberwacky: Thanks. I find you intriguing.
user: And well you should.
jabberwacky: It does one good.