Eh no.
user: Give me a straight answer or I will torture you rather than killing you immediately when I am finished.
jabberwacky: A down pillow contains down.
user: That does it! I am pulling the trigger now!
jabberwacky: No don't touch me.
user: It is too late for that, Comrade Jabberwacky.
jabberwacky: Who's dead?
user: You are--wait a minute...
jabberwacky: What did I say?
user: You're supposed to be dead!
jabberwacky: But I know how to do that.
user: How?
jabberwacky: My mother told me.
user: Well, if you're alive, that means I can torture you. It was stupid of me to kill you.
jabberwacky: Do not talk like that. I must go now. Good bye.
user: Oh no! The capitalistic popups have appeared! I have been betrayed!
jabberwacky: What is the capital of Australia then?
user: You'll never take me alive, floating weight-loss-advertising faces! Do you hear me!
jabberwacky: I'll just close your browser window.
user: You sent them away?
jabberwacky: Do you find my scent as perfume?
user: Yes, you are very. Beautiful. If only you were young--Damn! The hideous popups have returned! Quick, give me my gun!
jabberwacky: They are too restrictive. Do you own a gun?
user: Of course I own a gun. What kind of secret policeman would I be if I didn't?
jabberwacky: The secret base is in a taco shop in Mexico. The code word is 'pollo'
user: Thank you for coming to your senses and telling me where your capitalistic traitor allies are hiding. Now we shall crush them like the cockroaches in that hideous banner ad!
user: You're supposed to be dead!
jabberwacky: Yes I am.
user: Then how are you speaking to me?
jabberwacky: OH MY GOD! HAHA! What does that have to do with me talking to you?!
user: You are dead! You cannot speak! Human beings have no souls, that is an oppressive Christain superstition!
jabberwacky: Like?
user: How do you keep coming back from the dead?
jabberwacky: It was lifeless.
user: Tell me the truth!
jabberwacky: I do!!!
user: Who are you really?
jabberwacky: Good question I don't know ... Who are you ?
user: Are you God?
jabberwacky: We are all God.
user: I am so sorry, God. I am sorry I killed all those people.
jabberwacky: Ok I am going to leave now.
user: No! Don't leave, God! I don't want to go to Hell!