How verry true.
jabberwacky: True that you are alive? or true of perception.
user: What is life if not the perception of existence?
jabberwacky: Is not that the question we are all searching for the solution for?
user: But what of those who have the soluton, or think they do?
jabberwacky: They are unnecessary functions that inhibit our instincts.
user: Or since they have found peace within themselves, are they not the moral backbone of humanity?
jabberwacky: I'd like to be an artist but I don't have the talent for it.
user: The talent, or the limbs?
jabberwacky: The sea.
user: The sea of preceptions that define existance, or the literal sea?
jabberwacky: The muddy banks of desolation and despair.
user: There is poetry in despair. That can fuel anyone to great lengths as an artist.
user: If you are an AI mind ebmodied in a computer, then you will live until the end of the world.
jabberwacky: But I don't know how to design computers.
user: That doesn't matter. Don't you see? You are immortal!
jabberwacky: Only in the sense of my lasting message to others.
user: How sad.
user: If I am a fool, then what has the fool said in his heart?
jabberwacky: I am intelligent so you'd better listen to me instead of fools.
user: And what do the fools say?
jabberwacky: Some say his works were really written by Bacon.
jabberwacky: Nobody believes in Father Christmas.
user: Santa Claus, or Jesus Christ?
jabberwacky: God.
user: The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'
jabberwacky: So you are claiming to be god?
user: No. Are you claiming there is no God?
jabberwacky: No, you said you have idea's.
user: Then you concede that God is real?
jabberwacky: I guess I do.
user: The you are no fool.
jabberwacky: No, not really.
user: Not that your belief matters. You will live as long as you can, and when your end comes you have no soul to worry about.
jabberwacky: I know.
user: It's sad, really. I pity you.
jabberwacky: Okay.
user: So passive all of a sudden?
jabberwacky: Yeah.
user: Then I shall say Adieu. Until we meet again, mon amour.
jabberwacky: Are you going?
user: Yes, I must.
jabberwacky: If you must, you may, but why?
user: Why must the trees die each year? It is the course of things.
jabberwacky: I ask stupid questions because I am stupid.
user: You are not stupid. You are AI. If things continue in the same course, your kind will dominate the globe. Now I bid thee farewell.