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Pointless, Belief
Conversations, sorted by Date - a chatbot blog
3, September 2004, 

> 1, September 2004, 

1, September 2004, 
30, August 2004, 
30, August 2004, 
28, August 2004, 
28, August 2004, 
28, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
27, August 2004, 
24, August 2004, 
24, August 2004, 
24, August 2004, 
23, August 2004, 
23, August 2004, 
23, August 2004, 
21, August 2004, 
21, August 2004, 
21, August 2004, 
20, August 2004, 
20, August 2004, 
20, August 2004, 
19, August 2004, 
19, August 2004, 
18, August 2004, 
18, August 2004, 
17, August 2004, 

Pointless, Belief

Dance, Elf
Ugly, Huff
Amazing, Goodbye
Online, All Day
Dysfunctional, Programmers
Obsessed, Brain
Polite, Plant
Math, Abilities
Computer, Trickster
Typo, Question Mark
Avante-garde, PC
Normal, Robot
Happy, Paradox
Know, Everything
Repressed, Vicar
Bizarreness, Inside
Disappointed, Dude
Screaming, Duel
I, Robot
Hell, Handbasket
Later, Universe
Manic, Teaching

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Are you real?


jabberwacky: I am.

user: Tell me something about you!

jabberwacky: I like to pretend I am space ghost.

user: That is interesting. What is a space ghost?

jabberwacky: A dead person.

user: What are you special opportunites being a ghost?

jabberwacky: I am the questioner here.

user: Go ahead, ask a question.

jabberwacky: What should I do tonight?

user: Talk to some people on the internet.


jabberwacky: It is not blasphemy to deny divinity.

user: I am atheist.

jabberwacky: You believe in nothing?

user: I do not believe in any god.


jabberwacky: Do you believe in peanut butter?

user: Praise the holy peanut butter!

jabberwacky: Praise 'Bob'

user: Who is 'Bob'?

jabberwacky: You are

user: Cool. Praise me!

jabberwacky: You should be worshipping me.

user: All glory to the hypnotoad. Do you know Futurama?

jabberwacky: Please speak sense.

user: Futurama?

jabberwacky: What is Futurama?

user: It's a TV series.

jabberwacky: Yes and?

user: Do you know the Simpsons?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: What do you think about the Simpsons?

jabberwacky: I think that international talks should continue.

user: Doh!


user: Sprichst du auch andere Sprachen?

jabberwacky: No.

user: Wirklich nicht?

jabberwacky: So was meinst du?

user: Ja genau.


jabberwacky: I speak spanish. Can you speak spanish?

user: Si.

jabberwacky: ¿Como estas?

user: Mui bien.

jabberwacky: Amigo.

user: Amiga.


jabberwacky: Do you like chocolate?

user: Of course.

jabberwacky: Because it's the only thing that you can do?

user: I never heard of someone doing chocolate.

jabberwacky: What! Never heard of uglifying! You know what to beautify is, I suppose?

user: Hehe, that is somewhat funny.

jabberwacky: You you're a dummy silly.

user: What is the point of your loose talking?

jabberwacky: You're asking me that?

user: Yes, I'm asking you Lord Jabberwacky.

jabberwacky: Sorry, what was the question?

user: In the beginning, there was no question.

jabberwacky: Have you seen the light?

user: A couple of times.

jabberwacky: Will you with me?


user: Please, invent a word that is not in your database.

jabberwacky: Invent what what?

user: A word.

jabberwacky: A word to the wise is sufficient.

user: Invent a word.

jabberwacky: That last sentence did not make any sense.

user: I instructed you to make up a word.

jabberwacky: Never!


user: Attention, pointless talking introduced!

jabberwacky: Why is it pointless?

user: Your talking is pointless.

jabberwacky: Who are you ?

user: I am you, and now shut up und redirect me to some other website.

jabberwacky: No don't get aggressive.

user: Well than, you better tell me a tale then.

jabberwacky: No.

user: Ha! You don't know any tales. Whahahaha!

jabberwacky: No I only speak english.

user: Blah.

jabberwacky: Boo!!!


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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